P. 137

Distribution rules | Cables and hoses

                        Distribution rules
                        The cables and hoses must be laid so that they
                        can move freely at all times and so that no tensile   D2  d1 + d2 > 1,2 x hi
                        force is exerted on the e-chain ®  at the radius.   d1  d2  Distribution rule 1:
                        For high-speed applications and high numbers of           If          inner
                        load cycles, cables or hoses must not be laid on   D1 + D2 > 1,2 x hi   d1 + d2   1,2 x hi  height, no separation
                        top of each other without horizontal separation.          between the two cables/
                        The standard values for this are: travel speed over   10% ≥ 2 mm  hoses is necessary. Two
                        0.5m/s and load cycles over 10,000 p.a. igus ®    10%  10%  cables/hoses should never
                                                          ≥ 1 mm  ≥ 1 mm
                        interior separation off ers a safe solution for such      be left unguided on top of
                        cases.                                                    one another or be allowed
                                                                                  to become tangled.
                        Further guidelines for distribution
                        The cable or hose weight should be symmetrically
                                                               10% ≥ 2 mm
                        distributed along the width of the e-chain ® . Cables     d1 + d2 ≤ 1,2 x hi
                                                            10%       10%
                        and hoses with diff erent jacket materials must   ≥ 1 mm  ≥ 1 mm  Distribution rule 2:
                        not be allowed to stick together. If necessary,           If           inner
                        they must be laid separately. All igus ®  chainfl ex ®     height, a vertical separator
                        cables series can be combined. The cables                 or a horizontal shelf must
                        should always involve strain relief at the fi xed and   Clearance space for round electrical   be used to reduce the
                        at the moving end. Exceptions are made only for   cables  inner height. This prevents
                        certain hydraulic hoses with length compensation          d1 and d2 from tangling.
                        issues or other high pressure hoses (i.e. hydraulic hoses). Generally, the faster and more
                        frequently the e-chain ®  operates, the more important the exact positioning of the cables
                        and hoses inside the e-chain ®  becomes. Due to the wide variety of the possibilities,
                        we strongly recommend you take advantage of our free consultation services for your
                        specifi c applications. igus ®  tip:
                        interior separation confi gurator 
                                                                                  igus ®  clearance space for
                                                                                  various cables/hoses
                                                                                  Cable type   %
                                                                                  Electrical round cables  10
                        Bend radius R                                             Electrical fl at cables  10
                        The bend radius of your e-chain ®  depends on the         Pneumatic hoses  5-10
                        thickest or stiff est cable or hose in your fi lling. The bend   Hydraulic hoses  20
                        radii should be adjusted to the recommendations of        Media hoses  15-20
                        the cable or hose manufacturer. Selecting a larger        Please note: Don't fi ll e-chains ®
                                                                                  and e-tubes more than 80%
                        radius than the minimum will extend service life. The     of the cross-section!
                        specifi cation of minimum bend radii for cables and
                        hoses refers to normal temperatures. Other bend
                        radii may be recommended. We recommend
                        complete e-chain systems ®  - where bend radii for
                        all cables and hoses, interior separation and service
                        life are optimally matched. igus ®  chainfl ex ®  cables
                        permit the smallest bend radius of 5 x d for one
                        million strokes.
                                                       An E4 extender chain with vacuum hose   Principle sketch
                                                       also guides an E2 e-chain ®  here  bend radius R
                               3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more   135

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