P. 136
Distribution rules | Cables and hoses
General rules for igus cables and
hoses in e-chains ®
Rules for: The key advantage of igus ® e-chain systems ®
● Maximum conduit is they can safely accommodate a wide variety
diameters of forms of data cables and energy suppliers in
● Separation one system. You gave options of how to separate
● Bend radius the different medias. For example, maintain
minimum distances between bus and motor
Electrical cables need at cables. You can mix pneumatics, electrical cables
least 10% clearance space and hydraulics in the same compartments. In
all around, hydraulic hoses addition to the quality of the cables used, the
need 20% arrangement of each cable within the e-chain ®
and the space allowed are important for the
system's service life. Various separation options
allow e-chains ® to be adapted to the specifi c
Hydraulics and electric cables are requirements of each application. This section
separated from one another in this provides detailed recommendations. Due to the
example variety of the application parameters, we strongly
recommend you take advantage of our free consultation services. Simply give us a list of your
cable requirements (or merely the required electrical or other services) and you will receive our
recommendation by the end of the next business day.
Bi Maximum cable or hose diameter
The maximum cable and/or hose diameter equals the inner height of the selected e-chains ® and
e-tubes plus minimum clearance. This minimum clearance is 10% for electrical round cables and
≤ ø hi ha
mm 20% for hydraulic hoses, for example. An e-chain ® is ideally fi lled if minimum lateral clearance to
the next cable or hose has been factored in. Depending on the nature of the cables, the dynamics,
The maximum conduit and the expected service life, more clearance may be required. In specifi c cases, fi lling may be
diameter is specified designed with less clearance. Please contact us.
for each series on its
respective chapter
e-chain interior separation
Cables and hoses with very diff erent diameters
should be laid separately. Separators are used
for this. Cables and hoses must under no
circumstances have the opportunity to tangle.
Therefore, the clearance height of a
compartment with several similar cables or
hoses next to one another must not be more than
one and a half times the cable/hose diameter.
Orderly cables with igus ® interior
134 More information
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