Page 117 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 117

Economy Series
                                                                          Miniature Linear Guides
           2Installation of slide rail

             *When there is a reference surface in the base mounting surface
                   Before assembly, please remove the burrs and dirt on the mechanical mounting surface of the linear
                   Place the slide rail slowly on the base mounting surface, and then temporarily fasten the slide rail   2
                 while making it contact with the base reference surface.
                   When subjected to impact, vibration, heavy load or requiring high precision, the fixing methods in
                 Figures 1 to 3 are recommended.
                   Use a torque wrench to tighten the mounting bolts to the specified torque. (Refer to Table 1 for the   Bushings / Oil Free Bushings  Linear Guides / Linear
                 specified torque.)

                  Figure 1: Push Plate Method  Figure 2: Taper Gib Method  Figure 3: Push Screw Method

                                                                                                     Linear Guides

             *When there is no reference surface in the base mounting surface                       P.123
               Straight gauge-based method
                  Place the slide rail slowly on the base mounting surface, and then temporarily fasten the mounting
                 bolts.                                                                              Bushings  Linear
                  It is equipped with a straightedge almost parallel to the temporarily fastened slide rail.
                  Based on the straightedge, use a dial meter as shown in Figure 4 to measure the parallelism with the
                 slide rail while reinforcing it.                                                   P.139
                Use a torque wrench to tighten the mounting bolts to the specified torque.
                  The secondary rail can be installed in the same straightedge method as the primary master rail, or
                 by using the primary rail as a datum reference as shown in Figure 5. In either method, use a dial   Bushings  Oil Free
                 indicator to measure the parallelism while the rail is being.

                Figure 4:  Straightedge Method  Figure 5:  Secondary Rail Mounting                   Supports  Shaft
                                            Method             Table 1: Bolt Tightening Torque (For SCM Material)
                                                                                  Nominal   Recommended
                                                                      Shape                Torque   P.170
                                                                                  Number    (N·m)
                                                                                    M2      0.4
                                                                                   M2.5     0.6      Collars  Shaft
                                                                                    M3      1.0
                                                                                    M4      2.5
           2About maintenance (supply of grease)

             * Grease forms an oil film on the surface of the linear guide ball and rolling surface to effectively reduce
               friction and prevent sintering.
               Decrease and aging of grease will greatly affect the life of the linear guide, so please add grease at the
               right time according to the service conditions.
               MISUMI's linear guides are sealed with the greases listed below at the time of shipment, so they can be
               used directly.
             *Miniature: Lithium Soap based Grease (Multemp Grease PS2)
             * Recommended grease filling interval: Usually every 3 months
               Depending on the operating environment, the grease injection interval must be shortened appropriately
               when the grease is aging and dirty.

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