Page 188 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 188

Economy Series
            Technical Calculation For Cable Carriers  [Technical Calculation] Cable Carriers
            Step 3. Calculate free span length            <Selection Examples>
                                                              2000mm is required for strokes. Free span length requires
            Calculate the length of free span by required moving stroke   2000/2=1000mm as the fi xed end can be set at a stroke
            and the position of fi xed end.                  intermediate point.
                             S (Travel Stroke)       <Free Span Length>
                          S/2          S/2            Distance between the cable carrier moving end (A) and bending
                                  Free Span Length    radius arc origin point (B).
                              (B)             (A)
                    Moving End                        When positioning the fi xed end in the center of the moving stroke,
                  R                     Moving End      Free Span Length = Travel Stroke/2
                                  Fixed End           *  Possible to minimize the quantity of cable carrier links by setting
                                                       the fi xed end at the intermediate point of travel stroke.

            Step 4. Calculate the required number of links
             Calculate the required number of links by the following formula.
      3            S +K+A
                n: Number of Links (Round up the number after the decimal point.)  S (Travel Stroke)

                                                                           Free Span
      Cable Carriers /   Cables / Tubes  S: Travel Stroke               R  Fixed  S/2  Moving  H(*)  HF(*)
             K: Arc Length + Margin (*)
             A:  Distance from an intermediate point (mm) when
               fi xed end is not set at a travel stroke intermediate point
               (0 when at an intermediate point).
             P: Link Pitch(*)
           * 1 About the number of backup links          &  Symbols in the diagram: HF indicates the passable height
           ·   In the case of new designs, there may be a possibility that
                                                          that takes into account the expansion height generated with
      Cable   Carriers  ·   It is recommended that links are selected longer by one or   cables/hoses, etc. not inserted, when using the cable carrier
            carrier links run short.
                                                          at a free span length.
            two links, and are adjusted (removed) at the time of installing
            device.                                      *   Please refer to the product pages for the symbols K (arc
     P.183  · For installation, see product pages.        length + margin), P (link pitch) and H-HF (space height).
      Machinery   Cables  ·  Tie a cable at both ends of the   ·  For the full stroke range, make sure that any portion of a cable is not put in
               Precautions for installing and fi xing cables
                                                                      ·  Excessive
     P.190  cable carrier.             excessive contact with the internal/external circumference of the cable carrier. ·  Excessive
                                       Cable         ·  No excessive   contact with     contact with
      Cables for   Signals  Fix         Cable        contact           circumference    circumference
                                                                       the internal
                                                                                        the external
           ·  Allow the cable to move freely.                 ·  Fix both ends of the cable with no tension force applied.
      Heat Shrink   Tubes
      Switching   Hubs

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