Page 558 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 558

Economy Series
            Technical Calculations Springs  [Technical Calculation] Spring Excerpted from GB/T 23935-2009

           1 Parameter Names and Codes of Springs      K in the formula is the Stress Correction factor(Wahl factor), and the value of K is calculated according to Formula (7):
       Coil  Springs  Parameter Name  Table 1  Unit      Under static load, the value of K can generally be taken as 1. When the spring stress is high, the value of K is also considered.
                                                             4C─1 0.615
            This standard uses the terms and symbols specifi ed in GB/T 1805-2001 and Table 1.
                                                       3.1.5 Spring Wire Diameter:
     P.545   Wire Diameter       d           mm                      d ≥   8KDF  or d ≥    8KCF    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (8)
             Spring I.D.
                                 D 1
                                                         [τ] in the formula is the Allowable Torsional Stress determined according to the above design conditions.
             Spring O.D.
                                                       3.1.6 Spring Mean Diameter:
      Tension   Springs  Spring Mean Diameter  D  Coils                D=Cd    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(9)
                                 D 2
                                                       3.1.7 Eff ective Number of Coils of Spring:
             Total Number of Coils
                                                              Gd 4
             Number of Supporting Coils  n1  Coils                    n= 8D 3 F  f  EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(10)
     P.555   Eff ective Number of Coils  n   Coils     3.2. Natural Vibration Frequency
      Posts For   Tension Springs  Free Height (Free Length)  H0  mm  For the cylindrical helical coil springs with fi xed ends and one end periodically reciprocating within the
                                                       working stroke range, its natural vibration frequency is calculated according to Formula (12):
             Solid Height
                                 H b
                                                              nD 2         EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(12)
     P.561   Pitch              F 1,2,...n  ――        3.3 Spring Characteristics and Defl ection
                                                       3.3.1 Spring Characteristics
      Torsion Springs/   Disc Springs  Material Shear Modulus  τ1,2,...n  MPa  b)  When it is necessary to ensure the height under the load, the defl ection
             Stress Correction factor(Wahl factor)
                                                       a)  When it is necessary to ensure the load at the specifi ed height, the
                                                        defl ection of the spring shall be between 20% and 80% of the defl ection
                                                        under the test load, i.e. 0.2 fs ≤ f1, 2, ...n ≤ 0.8 fs .
             Torsional Stress
                                                        test load, i.e. 0.2 fs ≤ f1, 2, ...n ≤ 0.8 fs , but the load under the maximum
     P.564   Allowable Torsional Stress       [τ]  MPa  of the spring shall be between 20% and 80% of the defl ection under the
                                                        defl ection should be no greater than the test load.
             Initial Tension     F 0         N         c)  When it is necessary to ensure the stiff ness, the defl ection of the spring
      Shock   Absorbers  2 Principle of Allowable Stress Selection  shall be between 30% and 70% of the defl ection under the test load, i.e.
                                                        f1 and f2 meet the conditions of 0.3 fs ≤ f1, 2 ≤ 0.7 fs . The spring stiff ness
            a)  For springs under static load, in addition to considering strength
                                                        is calculated according to Formula (13):
              conditions, if there are requirements for stress relaxation, the
              allowable stress shall be appropriately reduced.
                                                              f 2   f 1 H1 ─ H2
     P.567  b)  For springs under dynamic load, in addition to the number of cycles,                F' = F2 ─ F1 F2 ─ F1   EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (13)
              the stress (change) amplitude should also be considered, which   3.3.2 Spring End Structure Type
     11       is calculated according to the cycle characteristic formula (1), and   See Table 2 for the spring end structure type.
              checked in Figure 2. When the cycle characteristic value is large,   Shape Code  Sketch Table 2  End Structure Type
      Springs / Shock   Absorbers                   min   F min  or  σmin    T min    П min  EEEEEEE(1)  YI  Both end coils tightened
              that is, the stress (change) amplitude is small, the allowable stress
              is taken as the large value; and when the cycle characteristic value
              is small, that is, the stress (change) amplitude is large, the allowable
              stress is taken as the small value.
                                                                                       and grinding
                                                                                         n Z ≥ 2
                       F max
                                      П max
                                  T max
            c)  For springs in important applications, where damage has a
              signifi cant impact on the entire machinery, and springs operating    Both end coils tightened
              at higher or lower temperatures, the allowable stress should be   Cold Coil Compression Spring  YII  but not grinding
              reduced appropriately.                                                     n Z ≥ 2
            d)  The fatigue strength or fatigue life of the spring can be improved by
              eff ective shot peening treatment.
            e)  For the coil springs, the fatigue life can be increased by eff ective   Both end coils not
              strong pressure treatment, which has obvious eff ect on improving   YIII  tightened
              the performance of the spring.                                            n Z < 2
            f)  There are many factors aff ecting the fatigue strength of springs
             under dynamic load, which are diffi  cult to estimate accurately. For
             springs for important purposes, test verifi cation should be carried out   Both end coils tightened
             after the design is completed.                RYI                         and grinding
                                                                                        n Z ≥ 1.5
           3 Design Calculation of Cylindrical Helical Coil Springs
           3.1 Basic Calculation Formula
            3.1.1 Spring Load:                                                     Both end coils tightened
                   Gd 4
                          F=  f   EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(2)  RYII                     but not grinding
                  8D 3  n                                                               n Z ≥ 1.5
            See Appendix A for the material shear modulus G in the formula.
            3.1.2 Spring Defl ection:                    Hot Coil Compression Spring
                  8D 3  nF
                          f =  EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(3)                           Both end coils fl attened,
                   Gd 4                                    RYIII                    tightened and grinding
            3.1.3 Spring Stiff ness:                                                     n Z ≥ 1.5
                   F  Gd 4
                          F' =  f  =  8D 3 n  EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (4)
            3.1.4 Spring Tangential Stress:                                        Both end coils fl attened,
                    8DF                                    RYIV                      tightened but not
                          τ =K   πd 3    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (5)                      grinding
            or                                                                          n Z ≥ 1.5
      555              τ =K πD 2 n  EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (6)
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