Page 59 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 59


                            Screw        Shaft overall   Number  Basic Rated Load  Screw support unit (Sold separately)
              How to create a   Shaft  Lead  length L  Y   of              Axial  Twisting           Lead Screws / Actuators  Ball Screws /
                 model                                         C (Dynamic)  C (Static)   Play Direction  Shape
                             O.D.      (1mm increments)  Circuits  kN  kN
               MISUMI WEB
             1.Search this keyword                       3 turns,   3.6  7.4          Square Type
              ball screw c5                              1 row            0.015         % P.63
             2.Select  Economy series  15  10  150~900  L-62                or   Right                Ball Screws
             Brand                                                         Less       Round Type
                MISUMI                                                                  % P.67
                 Economy series                         1.8 turns,
                                    20                           3.0  7.1                            P.31
                                                          1 row
           &   The Y dimension must be larger than the full length of the nut         kgf=N×0.101972  Ball Screws  Precision
             How to create                                                          Configure  Clear All
               a model  Step  Search on MISUMI official website  Step   Select  Brand  Brand
                       1      ball screw c5                     2        MISUMI       MISUMI         P.49
                                                                      Economy Series
                             Input the keyword and search on the website
                                                                                       Economy series
           2Categories of use                                                              Unit: mm  for Ball Screw  Support Units
                                  Accuracy Grade Maximum screw shaft runout tolerance (please see the table below for details)
              MISUMI Economy series                                   0.170                          P.61
              MISUMI standard product                                 0.120
           Screw shaft runout tolerance
                                       G                                                             Brackets  Motor
                                                                    Screw shaft overall length
                                                            ~200 201~315 315~400 401~500 501~630 631~800 801~1000
           MAX10                        MAX10        MISUMI
           (Incomplete                 (Incomplete   G  Economy  0.060  0.070  0.080  0.095  0.110  0.140  0.170  Lead Screws
            Hardened Area)              Hardened Area)
                                                     standard  0.040  0.045  0.055  0.060  0.075  0.090  0.120  P.71
                Alteration                           product
           2Support side                               2Fixed side                                   Nuts  Lead Screw
               Alterations           Spec.                 Alterations            Spec.
              No Machining on                             Wrench Flats on
             Support Side Shaft End                      Fixed Side   Adds wrench fl ats on the fi xed side shaft end.  P.83
             Standard     No machining added on the support side shaft   &  Ball bearings will fall out if the ball nut
                                                                        crosses the wrench flats.
               When       end.                                7 5
             machining                                    10 -0.2  32  &  The nut may not be moved within the
            is specified  L                             Incomplete Hardened Area  Incomplete Hardened Area.  Support Units   Lead Screw
              Ball Nut Orientation                        Keyway on Fixed Side  Adds a keyway on the fi xed side shaft end.
                                                         Shaft End %P.33
             Reversed                                                 3≤KC≤14
            (Support side)  (Fixed side)  Changes the nut direction.  When specifi ed simultaneously with 2,   P.86
           Standard                                         KC        3≤KC≤F-1
                                                                      KC = 1mm increments
                                                          Machining fi xed side  The machining position of keyways at fi xed   Stop Plates
              No Retaining Ring                          shaft end keyways  side shaft end can be specifi ed. (Keyway size   Lead Screw
             Groove on Support                                        is the same as KC.)
             Side Shaft End  No Retaining Ring Groove on Support Side   3≤K≤13  K+S≤14
               Standard   Shaft End.                         K  S     When specifi ed simultaneously with 2,  3≤K≤28  P.90
            When machining                                                                  K+S≤F-1
               is specified                                           K, S = 1mm increments
              Change Support Side   Change the length of the support side shaft     Flat Machined on   Adds a fl at on the fi xed side shaft end  Actuators
             Shaft End Length                            Fixed Side Shaft End 5≤SC≤14
                          11≤FC≤30                                    When specifi ed simultaneously with 2,
                  9.15                                                5≤SC≤F-1
                FC        FC = 1mm increments               SC   0.5  SC = 1mm increments            P.99
              Change Support Side                         No machining of small
             Shaft End Machining  Changes the machining on the support side.  steps on the fi xed side
             Standard     5≤G≤36                         Standard     No machining of small steps on the fi xed side
              When  Qh7   Choose Q from 8, 10, and 12    Change
             machining  G  G = 1mm increments
           is specified                                          L
           & Only one of  ,  ,   and   can be selected.  2 Change dimensions of   Change dimensions of small steps on the fi xed
           & Only one of  ,   and   can be selected.     small steps on the fi xed   side
           & Only one of   and 2 can be selected         Recommended  P  15≤F≤30  6≤P≤10
           & When specifying any alteration, the nut motion range (Y dimension)   F, P = 1mm increments
             may become shorter. Please make sure that the nut motion range is   F
             greater than the full length of the nut.
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