Page 970 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 970

[Technical Data]
              Surface Roughness
                                                  JIS B 0601(1994)
                                                  Excerpts from JIS B 0031(1994)

           1.  Varieties of Surface Roughness Indicators
             Defi nitions and presentations of arithmetic average roughness(Ra), maximum height(Ry), 10 spot average roughness(Rz), average concave to
             convex distance(Sm), average distance between local peaks S and load length rate tp are given as parameters indicating the surface roughness of an
             industrial product. Surface roughness is the arithmetical average of values at randomly extracted spots on the surface of an object.
             [Centerline average roughness(Ra75)is defi ned in the supplements to JIS B 0031 v JIS B 0601.]

             Typical calculations of surface roughness

            Arithmetic Average Roughness Ra                               1  R  ◊
                                                      Y              Ra  R 0  f     Ex
            A portion stretching over a reference length in the direction in which the   m
            average line extends is cut out from the roughness curve. This portion
            is presented in a new graph with the X axis extending in the same   Ra
            direction as the average line and the Y axis representing the magnitude.   0        X
            Ra is represented by the equation shown at right, in microns(μm).
            Maximum Height Ry                                             R
            A portion stretching over a reference length in the direction in which       m
            the average line extends is cut out from the roughness curve. The gap
            between the peak line and the trough line is measured in the direction   Rp  Ry
            in which the magnitude axis extends, in microns(μm).                    Rv
             Reference A  portion without an abnormally high peak or abnormally low trough,
                    which may be regarded as a fl aw, is cut out over the reference length.  RyRpRv
            Ten-spot Average Roughness Rz                                                     m
            A portion stretching over a reference length in the direction in   Yp  Yp2  3  Yp4  5
            which the average line extends is cut out from the roughness   Yp           Yp
            curve. The average of the levels(Yp)of the highest peak to   V1  Y  YV2  YV3  YV4  V5  Y
            the fifth highest peak as measured from the average line      R
            and the average of the levels(Yp)of the lowest trough to the   Yp 1 Yp 2Yp 3Yp Yp 5   Yv1Yv Yv Yv 4 Yv 5
            fi fth lowest trough similarly measured in the said portion are   Rz  5
            added together. Rz is this sum, in microns(μm).
                                                          Yp1ծYp2ծYp3ծYp4ծYp5  Levels of the highest peak to the fifth highest peak
                                                                           LQ WKH VDLG SRUWLRQ ZLWK WKH UHIHUHQFH OHQJWK Ɛ
                                                          Yv1ծYv2ծYv3ծYv4ծYv5  Levels of the lowest trough to the fifth lowest trough
                                                                           LQ WKH VDLG SRUWLRQ ZLWK WKH UHIHUHQFH OHQJWK Ɛ
           Reference  Relation between Arithmetic Average Roughness(Ra)and Conventional Parameters
                     Arithmetic Average Roughness    Maximum Height  Ten-spot Average Reference Length of
                               Ra                        Ry      Roughness Rz  RyCRz   Conventional
           Standard Series Cut-off  Value c(mm) Graphical Representation of Surface Texture  Standard Series  R(mm)  Finish Symbol
               0.012a      0.08                          0.05s      0.05z
               0.025a      0.25                          0.1  s     0.1  z     0.08
               0.05  a                 0.012 ։ 0.2       0.2  s     0.2  z     0.25
               0.1    a                                  0.4  s     0.4  z
               0.2    a                                  0.8  s     0.8  z
               0.4    a    0.8                           1.6  s     1.6  z     0.8
               0.8    a                 0.4  ։ 1.6       3.2  s     3.2  z
               1.6    a                                  6.3  s     6.3  z
               3.2    a    2.5          3.2  ։ 6.3      12.5  s    12.5  z
               6.3    a                                 25     s   25     z    2.5
               12.5    a               12.5  ։ 25       50     s   50     z
               25       a  8                           100     s   100     z   8
               50       a               50  ։ 100      200     s   200     z               ։
              100       a                             400     s   400     z    
           GInterrelations among the three types shown here are not precise, and are presented for convenience only.
           GRa:The evaluation values of Ry and Rz are the cut-off  value and the reference length each multiplied by fi ve, respectively.

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