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that  restrict  acts,  in  respect  of  their  works,  performances,  or
 (b)   wilful distribution ;or   phonograms, which are not authorised by the authors, the performers,
                       or the producers of phonograms concerned or permitted by the laws and
 (c)   wilful reception and further distribution ,   regulations of that Party.

 of a programme-carrying signal that originated as an encrypted
 programme-carrying  satellite  signal,  knowing  that  it  has  been   Article  11.15:  Protection  for  Electronic  Rights  Management
 decoded without the authorisation of the lawful distributor of the   Information
                       To  protect  electronic  rights  management  information  (hereinafter
                       referred to as “RMI” in this Chapter) , each Party shall provide adequate
 Article 11.13: Collective Management Organisations   and effective legal remedies against any person knowingly performing
                       without authority any of the following acts knowing, or with respect to civil
 1.   Each  Party  shall  endeavour  to  foster  the  establishment  of   remedies with reasonable grounds to know, that it will induce, enable,
 appropriate  organisations  for  the  collective  management  of   facilitate, or conceal an infringement of any copyright or related rights
 copyright and related rights.  Each Party shall encourage such   referred to in this Chapter:
 organisations to operate in a manner that is fair, efficient, publicly
 transparent,  and  accountable  to  their  members,  which  may   (a)   removing or altering any electronic RMI; or
 include open and transparent record keeping of the collection and
 distribution of royalties .   (b)   distributing,  importing  for  distribution,  broadcasting,
                                     communicating, or making available to the public copies of
 2.   The  Parties  recognise  the  importance  of  fostering  cooperation   works, performances fixed in phonograms, or phonograms,
 between their respective collective management organisations for   knowing that electronic RMI has been removed or altered
 the  purposes  of  mutually  ensuring  easier  licensing  of  content   without authority.
 among the Parties, as well as encouraging  mutual transfer of
 royalties  for  use  of  works  or  other  copyright-protected  subject
 matters of the nationals of another Party.

 Article 11.14: Circumvention of Effective Technological Measures

 Each Party shall provide adequate legal protection and effective legal
 remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures   14  For the purposes of this Article, “RMI” means:
 that are used by authors, performers, or producers of phonograms in
 connection with the exercise of their rights referred to in this Section and   (a)   information that identifies the work, the performance, the phonogram,
                                     the author of the work, the performer of the performance, the producer
                                     of the phonogram, or the owner of any right in the work, performance,
                                     or phonogram;

 10  For greater certainty, a Party may interpret “distribution” as “retransmission to the   (b)   information  about  the  terms  and  conditions  of  use  of  the  work,
 public”.                            performance, or phonogram; or

 11  For greater certainty, a Party may interpret “distribution” as “retransmission to the   (c)   any  numbers  or  codes  that  represent  the  information  described  in
 public”.                            subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this footnote,

 12  For greater certainty, “royalties” may include equitable remuneration.   when any of these items of information is attached to a copy of a work, performances
                       fixed  in  phonograms,  or  a  phonogram,  or  appears  in  connection  with  the
 13  For greater certainty, “encouraging” does not require a Party to intercede in any   communication or the making available of a work, performances fixed in phonograms,
 contractual arrangements between collective management organisations.   or a phonogram to the public.

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