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(d)    an opportunity to do at least one of the following in relation
 2.   Each  Party  shall  also  provide  that  signs  that  may  serve  as   to a trademark after it has been registered:
 geographical  indications  are  capable  of  protection  under  its
 trademark system in accordance with its laws and regulations.   (i)   oppose the registration;

                                     (ii)   seek revocation of the registration;
 Article 11.21: Trademarks Classification System
                                     (iii)   seek cancellation of the registration; or
 1.   Each  Party  shall  adopt  or  maintain  a  trademark  classification
 system that is consistent with the Nice Agreement Concerning the   (iv)   seek invalidation of the registration; and
 International  Classification  of  Goods  and  Services  for  the
 Purposes of the Registration of Marks done at Nice on 15 June   (e)   a requirement that administrative decisions  in opposition,
 1957, as amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as   revocation, cancellation, or invalidation proceedings shall
 the “Nice Agreement” in this Chapter).   be  reasoned  and  in  writing.    Such  decisions  may  be
                                     provided electronically.
 2.   A  Party  that  relies  on  translations  of  the  classification  system
 established by the Nice Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the   2.   Each Party shall provide:
 “Nice Classification” in this Chapter) shall follow updated versions
 of  the  Nice  Classification  to  the  extent  that  official  translations   (a)   a  system  for  the  electronic  application  for  processing,
 have been issued and published.     registering, and maintenance of, trademarks; and

                              (b)    a  publicly  accessible  online  electronic  database  of
 Article 11.22: Registration and Applications of Trademarks   trademark applications and registrations.

 1.   Each  Party  shall  provide  a  system  for  the  registration  of
 trademarks, which shall include:   Article 11.23: Rights Conferred

 (a)   a requirement to provide to the applicant a communication   Each Party shall provide that the owner of a registered trademark shall
 in  writing,  which  may  be  provided  electronically,  of  the   have the exclusive right to prevent all third parties not having the owner’s
 reasons for a refusal to register a trademark;   consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs for
                       goods or services that are identical or similar to those goods or services
 (b)   an  opportunity  for  the  applicant  to  respond  to   in respect of which the trademark is registered, where such use would
 communications from the Party’s competent authorities, to   result in a likelihood of confusion.  In the case of the use of an identical
 contest an initial refusal, and to make a judicial appeal of a   sign for identical goods or services, a likelihood of confusion shall be
 final refusal to register a trademark;   presumed.  The rights described in this Article shall not prejudice any
                       existing prior rights, nor shall they affect the possibility of a Party making
 (c)   an opportunity to do at least one of the following in relation   rights available on the basis of use.
 to a trademark before it has been registered:

 (i)   oppose a trademark application; or

 (ii)   provide  the  competent  authority  with  information
 that the trademark application does not satisfy the
 requirements for registration;

                       17   For  the  purposes  of  this  subparagraph,  “administrative  decisions”  include  quasi-
                       judicial decisions.

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