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trademark or a sui generis system, that Party shall with respect to   Article 11.31: Grounds for Opposition and Cancellation
 applications for that protection:
                       1.     With  respect  to  the  opposition  procedures  referred  to  in
 (a)   receive  those  applications  for  the  protection  of   subparagraph  1(e)  of  Article  11.30  (Domestic  Administrative
 geographical indications without requiring intercession by   Procedures for the Protection of Geographical Indications), each
 a Party on behalf of its nationals;    Party  shall  provide  procedures  that  allow  at  least  interested
                              persons to oppose the protection of a geographical indication, and
 (b)   process those applications in compliance with reasonable   that allow for any such protection to be refused at least on the
 procedures and formalities ;   ground  that  the  geographical  indication  is  a  term  customary  in
                              common language as the common name  for the relevant good
 (c)   ensure  that  its  laws  and  regulations  governing  the   in the territory of that Party.
 protection of geographical indications are readily available
 to the public and clearly set out the procedures relating to   2.   If a Party provides protection of a geographical indication through
 the  protection  of  geographical  indications  including   the  procedures  referred  to  in  Article  11.30  (Domestic
 procedures relating to the filing of applications;   Administrative  Procedures  for  the  Protection  of  Geographical
                              Indications)  to  the  translation  or  transliteration  of  that
 (d)   make  available  information  to  allow  the  public  to  obtain   geographical indication, that Party shall make available at least
 guidance concerning the procedures for filing applications   the ground which is the same as that referred to in paragraph 1
 for the protection of geographical indications, and allow an   with respect to oppositions to the protection of that translation or
 applicant or their representative to ascertain the status of   transliteration.
 specific applications; and
                       3.     With  respect  to  the  procedures  referred  to  in  paragraph  1,  in
 (e)   ensure that such applications are published for opposition   determining  whether  a  term  is  a  term  customary  in  common
 and  provide  procedures  for  opposing  geographical   language  as  the  common  name  for  the  relevant  good  in  the
 indications  that  are  the  subject  of  applications.    territory  of  a  Party,  each  Party  shall  ensure  that  its  competent
 Oppositions   shall   be   received   without   requiring   authorities have the authority to take into account how consumers
 intercession by a Party on behalf of its nationals.   understand  the  term  within  the  territory  of  that  Party.    Factors
                              relevant to such consumer understanding may include:
 2.   With respect to the protection of a geographical indication referred
 to  in  paragraph  1,  a  Party  shall  provide  procedures  for   (a)   whether the term is used to refer to the type of good in
 cancellation   of  the  protection  afforded  to  a  geographical   question,  as  indicated  by  competent  sources  such  as
 indication.                         dictionaries, newspapers, and relevant websites; and

                              (b)    how the good referenced by the term is marketed and used
                                     in trade in the territory of that Party.

                       26  Where a Party applies this Article to geographical indications for wines and spirits or
 23   For  greater  certainty,  a  Party  may  require  that  an  application  for  protection  of  a   applications for those geographical indications, the Parties understand that nothing in
 geographical indication originating in another Party include evidence indicating to the   this Section shall require a Party to protect a geographical indication of any other Party
 satisfaction of the former Party that the geographical indication is protected in that other   with respect to products of the vine for which the relevant indication is identical with the
 Party.                customary name of a grape variety that exists in the territory of that Party.

 24   The  Parties  understand  that  for  the  purposes  of  this  subparagraph,  reasonable   27  A Party shall not be required to apply this paragraph to applications for geographical
 procedures  and  formalities  may  be  considered  to  be  not  overly  burdensome   indications for wines and spirits.
 procedures and formalities.
                       28  For the purposes of this subparagraph, a Party’s authorities may take into account,
 25   For  greater  certainty,  for  the  purposes  of  this  Section,  cancellation  may  be   as appropriate, whether the term is used in relevant international standards recognised
 implemented through nullification or revocation proceedings.   by the Parties to refer to a type or class of good in the territory of that Party.

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