Page 409 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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Article 11.72: Destruction Order by Competent Authorities   sale of such goods on a commercial scale is an unlawful activity
                              subject to criminal penalties.
 Each Party shall provide that, without prejudice to other rights of action
 open to the right holder and subject to the right of the defendant to seek   3.   With respect to the offences described in paragraphs 1 and 2,
 review by a judicial authority, its competent authorities shall have the   each Party shall provide for the following:
 authority to order the destruction and the authority to order the disposal
 of goods that are determined to be pirated copyright goods or counterfeit   (a)   penalties that include sentences of imprisonment as well
 trademark goods.  In cases where such goods are not destroyed, each   as  monetary  fines  sufficient  to  provide  a  deterrent
 Party shall ensure that, except in exceptional circumstances, such goods   consistent with the level of penalties applied for crimes of
 are disposed of outside the channels of commerce in such a manner as   a corresponding gravity;
 to avoid any harm to the right holder.  In regard to counterfeit trademark
 goods, the simple removal of the trademark unlawfully affixed shall not   (b)   its  judicial  authorities  have  the  authority  to  order  the
 be sufficient, other than in exceptional cases, to permit the release of the   seizure   of  suspected  pirated  copyright  goods  or
 goods into the channels of commerce.   counterfeit  trademark  goods,  related  materials  and
                                     implements predominantly used in the commission of the
                                     offence, and documentary evidence relevant to the alleged
 Article 11.73: Fees                 offence; and

 Where an application fee, merchandise storage fee, or destruction fee is   (c)   its judicial authorities have the authority to order, without
 established or assessed in connection with border measures to enforce   compensation of any kind for the defendant, the forfeiture
 an intellectual property right, each Party shall provide that the fee shall   or destruction of:
 not  be  set  at  an  amount  that  unreasonably  deters  recourse  to  these
 measures.                           (i)    pirated  copyright  goods  or  counterfeit  trademark

 SUBSECTION 4                        (ii)   materials  and  implements  that  have  been
 CRIMINAL REMEDIES                          predominantly  used  in  the  creation  of  pirated
                                            copyright  goods  or  counterfeit  trademark  goods;
 Article 11.74: Criminal Procedures and Penalties
                                     (iii)   any other labels or packaging to which a counterfeit
 1.   Each Party shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to   trademark  has  been  applied  and  that  have  been
 be applied at least in cases of wilful copyright or related rights   used in the commission of the offence.
 piracy or trademark counterfeiting on a commercial scale.
                       4.     Recognising the need to address the unauthorised copying  of a
 2.   Each Party shall treat wilful importation of pirated copyright goods   cinematographic work on a commercial scale from a performance
 or counterfeit trademark goods on a commercial scale as unlawful   in a movie theatre, which causes significant harm to a right holder
 activities subject to the criminal procedures and penalties referred
 to in paragraph 1.  A Party may comply with its obligation relating   62
                         Nothing in this Article shall be construed to oblige a Party to provide for the possibility
 to importation under this Article by providing that distribution or   of imprisonment and monetary fines to be imposed in parallel.

                       63  A Party may comply with its obligations under this subparagraph, with respect to pre-
                       trial seizure, by providing its criminal enforcement authorities with the authority to order
 61  For the purposes of the application of this Article, paragraph 1 shall not prevent a   such seizures.
 Party from determining the scope of application of criminal procedures and penalties in
 case of wilful related rights piracy on a commercial scale, in accordance with its laws   64  For the purposes of this paragraph, a Party may treat “copying” as synonymous with
 and regulations.      “reproduction”.

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