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in the market for that work, and recognising the need to deter such
 harm, each Party shall adopt or maintain measures, which shall   5.   The Parties shall cooperate on border measures with a view to
 at  a  minimum  include  appropriate  criminal  procedures  and   eliminating international trade in goods that infringe intellectual
 penalties.                   property rights.

                       6.     The  Parties  shall  endeavour  to,  where  appropriate,  cooperate
 SUBSECTION 5                 among their respective patent offices to facilitate the sharing of
 ENFORCEMENT IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT   search and examination work, and exchanges of information on
                              quality  assurance  systems  which  may  facilitate  better
                              understanding in the Parties’ patent systems.
 Article 11.75: Effective Action against Infringement in the Digital
 Environment           7.     The Parties shall endeavour to cooperate by sharing information
                              on  steps  each  Party  is  taking  to  help  prevent  online  copyright
 Each  Party  confirms  that  the  enforcement  procedures  set  out  in   infringement.
 Subsection 2 (Civil Remedies) and Subsection 4 (Criminal Remedies)
 shall be available to the same extent with respect to acts of infringement   8.   The Parties may cooperate on the administration of systems for
 of copyright or related rights and trademarks, in the digital environment.   the protection of new varieties of plants, including exceptions to
                              the  breeder’s  rights,  in  relation  to  paragraph  3  of  Article  11.9
                              (Multilateral  Agreements)  or  Article  11.48  (Protection  of  New
 SECTION K                    Varieties of Plants).
                       9.     The Parties shall endeavour to cooperate on issues relating to
                              patent grace periods in order to support innovation.
 Article 11.76: Cooperation and Dialogue
                       10.    The Parties may cooperate on issues relating to the procedures
 1.   The  Parties  recognise  the  importance  of  the  utilisation  and   and processes of their respective patent offices, with a view to
 protection of intellectual property and enforcement of intellectual   reducing the cost of obtaining the grant of a patent.
 property rights in further promoting trade and investment among
 the Parties.          11.    The Parties may exchange information on the protection of their
                              respective  geographical  indications,  including  information  on
 2.   The Parties acknowledge the significant differences in capacity   systems, procedures, and goods covered.
 between some Parties in the area of intellectual property.
                       12.    The Parties may cooperate on the training of patent examiners in
 3.   To  facilitate  the  effective  implementation  of  this  Chapter,  each   the  examination  of  patent  applications  related  to  traditional
 Party shall cooperate with other Parties in the area of intellectual   knowledge associated with genetic resources.
 property, and engage in dialogue and information exchange on
 intellectual property issues.   13.   All cooperation activities under this Chapter shall be on request
                              of a Party, on mutually agreed terms, and subject to the relevant
 4.   The  Parties  shall  endeavour  to  cooperate  in  order  to  promote   laws and regulations and availability of resources of the Parties
 education and awareness regarding the effective utilisation and   involved.
 protection of intellectual property and enforcement of intellectual
 property rights.

 65   For  the  purposes  of  this  paragraph,  a  Party  may  determine  specific  criminal
 thresholds for unauthorised copying of a cinematographic work in accordance with its   66   This  paragraph  may  apply  to  multilateral  information  sharing  systems  to  support
 laws and regulations.   work-sharing initiatives.

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