Page 1157 - IGUS Bearing
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Inch Imperial product range | igubal | Rod end bearings Imperial product range | igubal | Pillow block bearings Inch
igubal ® igubal ®
Rod ends with female thread: Pillow block bearings: KSTI
KBRI and KBLI d2 C1 d1
d1 h2
h1 m
d4 d3 B C1 d2
d5 W
KBRI/KBLI Chapter Page 882 KSTI Chapter Page 928
Part No. d1 d2 d3 d4 C1 B h1 l1 l2 W Max. Part No. d1 B C1 h1 h2 m a h3 d2 X2 Max. pivot
E10 pivot E10 angle
angle KSTI-03 .1900 .312 .234 .290 .566 1.00 1.40 .165 .137 .200 25º
Right-hand thread Left-hand thread KSTI-04 .2500 .375 .250 .390 .705 1.25 1.75 .205 .137 .250 25º
KBRI-03 KBLI-03 .1900 .625 10-32 .406 .246 .312 1.062 .500 1.374 .312 25° KSTI-05 3125 .437 .312 .430 .824 1.35 1.95 .236 .150 .280 25º
KBRI-04 KBLI-04 .2500 .750 1/4-28 .469 .272 .365 1.312 .687 1.687 .375 25° KSTI-06 .3750 .500 .359 .550 1.022 1.80 2.40 .376 .180 .300 22º
KBRI-05 KBLI-05 .3125 .875 5/16-24 .500 .340 .437 1.375 .687 1.813 .437 25° KSTI-07 .4375 .562 .406 .570 1,082 1.85 2.50 .315 .205 .330 22º
KBRI-06 KBLI-06 .3750 1.00 3/8-24 .687 .394 .500 1.625 .812 2.125 .562 22° KSTI-08 .5000 .625 .453 .600 1.191 2.00 2.80 .354 .205 .380 22º
KBRI-07 KBLI-07 .4375 1,125 7/16-20 .750 .456 .562 1.812 .937 2.374 .625 22° KSTI-10 .6250 .750 .484 .700 1.409 2.30 3.35 .413 .205 .470 22º
KBRI-08 KBLI-08 .5000 1.312 1/2-20 .875 .487 .625 2.125 1.062 2.781 .750 22° KSTI-12 .7500 .875 .593 .860 1.687 2.70 3.75 .472 .270 .530 22º
KBRI-10 KBLI-10 .6250 1.50 5/8-18 1.00 .545 .750 2.50 1.375 3.25 .875 22° KSTI-16 1.00 1.375 1,005 1.10 2.163 3.50 5.00 .630 .520 .680 20º
KBRI-12 KBLI-12 .7500 1.75 3/4-16 1,125 .676 .875 2.875 1.562 3.75 1.00 22°
KBRI-16 KBLI-16 1.00 2.75 1-12 1.625 1.00 1.375 4.125 2.125 5.50 1.500 18) 20° Part No. Max. static tensile strain Max. axial Max. tightening Weight
18) Spanner flat design Short-term Long-term static compressive torque for
force longitudinal holes
Part No. Max. Max. Min. Max. Max. Weight [N] [N] [N] [Nm] [g]
static axial force thread tightening tightening KSTI-03 550 275 300 0.6 1.7
tensile strain depth torque torque KSTI-04 600 300 300 0.6 2.8
Short-term Long-term Short-term Long-term Thread Female thread through ball KSTI-05 800 400 400 0.8 4.5
Right-hand thread Left-hand thread [N] [N] [N] [N] [inch] [Nm] [Nm] [g] KSTI-06 1,000 500 500 1.3 7.5
KBRI-03 KBLI-03 900 450 300 150 .350 2 3 3.3 KSTI-07 1,100 550 600 2.5 9.7
KBRI-04 KBLI-04 1,100 550 400 200 .480 5 4 5.1 KSTI-08 1,200 600 600 2.5 13.5
KBRI-05 KBLI-05 1,700 850 500 250 .480 6 10 7.1 KSTI-10 2,100 1,050 800 2.5 21.5
KBRI-06 KBLI-06 2,000 1,000 1,000 500 .568 7 15 12.6 KSTI-12 3,100 1,550 1,200 4.5 33.4
KBRI-07 KBLI-07 2,300 1,150 1,200 600 .655 18 25 16.1 KSTI-16 5,400 2,700 1,600 10.5 85.8
KBRI-08 KBLI-08 2,600 1,300 1,500 750 .743 23 35 26.5 The maximum tightening torques for elongated holes correspond to the permissible tightening torque of the
KBRI-10 KBLI-10 4,900 2,450 1,700 850 .962 30 50 38.7 fixing screws (fixing category 5.8).
KBRI-12 KBLI-12 5,600 2,800 2,300 1,150 1,093 40 70 54.4
KBRI-16 KBLI-16 6,000 3,000 2,600 1,300 1.488 46 85 197.5
ASEAN 09/2023 ASEAN 09/2023
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