Page 80 - IGUS Bearing
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         _TM         iglidur  standards | Product range                                                                          iglidur  standards | Product range                                                                _TM
                     Thrust washer (form T)                                                                                      Absolute flexibility: all iglidur  standard sizes available from stock

                                                                    Order key

                                                               Type         Dimensions [mm]                                               G      The classic all-rounder
                                                                                                                                       W(300)    The classic endurance runner up to 30MPa
                                                                                                                                          X      The chemical and temperature specialist

                                                                 iglidur ®  material  Form T  Metric  Inner Ø d1  Outer Ø d2  Length b1

               Dimensions according to ISO 3547-1
               and special dimensions
                                                                Choose the suitable material and
               Imperial dimensions available                    dimensions for your application

        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Dimensions [mm]

         d1               d2           s           d4          d5           h           d6      Part No.                         d1               d2           s           d4          d5           h           d6      Part No.
         +0.25           -0.25       -0.05        -0.12       +0.375       +0.2        +0.12                                     +0.25           -0.25        -0.05       -0.12       +0.375       +0.2        +0.12
                                                  +0.12       +0.125       -0.2                                                                                           +0.12       +0.125       -0.2
         6.0             20.0         1.5         13.0         1.5         1.0         20.0     TM-0620-015                     24.0            42.0         1.5         33.0         3.0         1.0         42.0     TM-2442-015
         8.0             18.0         1.5         13.0         1.5         1.0         18.0     TM-0818-015                     26.0            44.0         1.5         35.0         3.0         1.0         44.0     TM-2644-015
         10.0            18.0         1.0          4)           4)         0.7         18.0     TM-1018-010                     28.0            48.0         1.5         38.0         4.0         1.0         48.0     TM-2848-015
         12.0            24.0         1.5         18.0         1.5         1.0         24.0     TM-1224-015                     32.0            54.0         1.5         43.0         4.0         1.0         54.0     TM-3254-015
         14.0            26.0         1.5         20.0         2.0         1.0         26.0     TM-1426-015                     38.0            62.0         1.5         50.0         4.0         1.0         62.0     TM-3862-015
         15.0            24.0         1.5         19.5         1.5         1.0         24.0     TM-1524-015                     42.0            66.0         1.5         54.0         4.0         1.0         66.0     TM-4266-015
         16.0            30.0         1.5         22.0         2.0         1.0         30.0     TM-1630-015                     48.0            74.0         2.0         61.0         4.0         1.5         74.0     TM-4874-020
         18.0            32.0         1.5         25.0         2.0         1.0         32.0     TM-1832-015                     52.0            78.0         2.0         65.0         4.0         1.5         78.0     TM-5278-020
         20.0            36.0         1.5         28.0         3.0         1.0         36.0     TM-2036-015                     62.0            90.0         2.0         76.0         4.0         1.5         90.0     TM-6290-020
         22.0            38.0         1.5         30.0         3.0         1.0         38.0     TM-2238-015                     4)  Design without fixing hole

        4)  Design without fixing hole

                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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