Page 232 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  R                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  R
         shaft       drylin  R pillow blocks | Product range                                                                     drylin  R pillow blocks | Product range                                                           shaft
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Closed, anodised aluminium housing, short design                                                            Adjustable anodised aluminium housing, short design
                                           S                                                                                                                           S S
                                                                                   Order key                                                                                                               Order key
                                                                                                                                                          Sb  Sb
                                      d1                          H1         Type                Size                                                                        N1           H  H1  H1  Type                    Size
                                               N2  N1          H                                                                                                           N2  N2  S2 N1  H
                                   M    S2               L                                                                                                     M M         S2

                                                                               Closed  iglidur ®  J  Liner  Metric  Compact  Inner Ø d1                   L  L    E E      E1  E1                      Closed  iglidur ®  J  Liner  Metric  Adjustable  Compact  Inner Ø d1

                                      E                                                                                                                           A A
                                                                    78)  According to igus  testing method u Page 260            ● 	With adjustable clearance                               78)  According to igus  testing method u Page 260
                                                                    81)   Ø < 10mm use press-fitted sleeve bearings                                                                         82)  Design tips u Page 186
                                                                    82)  Design tips u Page 186                                                                                             Please note: Installation instructions u Page 187
                                                                    Please note: Installation instructions u Page 187

        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Dimensions [mm]

          d1      H       H1     A     M      E      S    S1     S2    N1     N2     L   Part No.                                 d1    H     H1    A     M     E    E1    S    S1    S2    Sb   N1    N2     L   Part No.
              +0.01 -0.014                   ±0.15                                                                                     +0.01                  ±0.15  ±0.15
          8       14      27     32   16.0    23    6.0   M4     3.4    13     9     24  RJZM-05-08  81)                               -0.014
          10      16      33     40   20.0    29    8.0   M5     4.3    16    11     26  RJUM-05-10                               12    17    33    40  20.0   29   18.0  8.0   4.3   M5    2     16   11    28   RJUME-05-12
          12      17      33     40   20.0    29    8.0   M5     4.3    16    11     28  RJUM-05-12                               16    19    38    45  22.5   34   19.0  8.0   4.3   M5    2     18   11    30   RJUME-05-16
          16      19      38     45   22.5    34    8.0   M5     4.3    18    11     30  RJUM-05-16                               20    23    45    53  26.5   40   20.0  9.5   5.3   M6    2     22   13    30   RJUME-05-20
          20      23      45     53   26.5    40    9.5   M6     5.3    22    13     30  RJUM-05-20                               25    27    54    62  31.0   48   25.5 11.0   6.6   M8    2     26   18    40   RJUME-05-25
          25      27      54     62   31.0    48   11.0   M8     6.6    26    18     40  RJUM-05-25                               30    30    60    67  33.5   53   30.5 11.0   6.6   M8    2     29   18    50   RJUME-05-30
          30      30      60     67   33.5    53   11.0   M8     6.6    29    18     50  RJUM-05-30                               40    39    76    87  43.5   69   36.0 15.0   8.4  M10    2     38   22    60   RJUME-05-40
          40      39      76     87   43.5    69   15.0   M10    8.4    38    22     60  RJUM-05-40                               50    47    92   103  51.5   82   44.0 18.0 10.5 M12      2     46   26    70   RJUME-05-50
          50      47      92    103   51.5    82   18.0   M12   10.5    46    26     70  RJUM-05-50

        Technical data                                                                                                           Technical data
         Part No.                    d1 tolerance 78)  Fmax. dynamic 82)    Fmax. static 82)       Weight                        Part No.                    d1 tolerance 78)  Fmax. dynamic 82)    Fmax. static 82)       Weight
                                                           p = 5MPa           p = 35MPa                                                                                             p = 5MPa           p = 35MPa
                                          [mm]                [N]                [N]                 [g]                                                          [mm]                [N]                 [N]                [g]
         RJZM-05-08 81)              +0.032 +0.070           960                6,720                46                          RJUME-05-12                   adjustable             840               5,880                78
         RJUM-05-10                  +0.030 +0.088           650                4,550                71                          RJUME-05-16                   adjustable            1,200              8,400               106
         RJUM-05-12                  +0.030 +0.088           840                5,880                78                          RJUME-05-20                   adjustable            1,500              10,500              132
         RJUM-05-16                  +0.030 +0.088           1,200              8,400               106                          RJUME-05-25                   adjustable            2,500              17,500              253
         RJUM-05-20                  +0.030 +0.091           1,500             10,500               132                          RJUME-05-30                   adjustable            3,750              26,250              374
         RJUM-05-25                  +0.030 +0.091           2,500             17,500               253                          RJUME-05-40                   adjustable            6,000              42,000              713
         RJUM-05-30                  +0.040 +0.110           3,750             26,250               374                          RJUME-05-50                   adjustable            8,750              61,250              1,168
         RJUM-05-40                  +0.040 +0.115           6,000             42,000               713
         RJUM-05-50                  +0.050 +0.150           8,750             61,250              1,168

        Available with drylin  liners (optional: J200/A180):                                                                     Available with drylin  liners (optional: J200/A180):
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        J           E7         X                                                                                                 J          E7         X

        230 Online tools and more information u                                                                  3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u              231
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