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dryspin  lead screw technology | General information                                                                     dryspin  lead screw technology | General information

                                                              by means of axial spring pretension. In contrast to the PL         not required. Thanks to the integrated design tool, all entries
                                                              nut, a torsion spring is used with the ZB lead screw nut. In       are automatically checked for plausibility. 2D dimensioned
                                                              conjunction with a friction disc and a fixing collar, it ensures   drawing and 3D step file, generated directly online. The live
                                                              that ZB lead screw nuts are load-independent and therefore         pricing also gives a good impression of the costs involved
                                                              also work with high axial loads and large thread pitches.          in the individual processing steps. If a desired configuration
                                                              u Page 457                                                         cannot be displayed via the online configurator, we would
                                                                                                                                 be pleased to receive your enquiry. We will check the   Wear [mg/km]
                                                              Installation of lead screw nuts                                    manufacturability and issue you with a quotation.
                                                              dryspin  lead screw nuts must be secured against twisting
                                                              and axial migration. However, the lead screw nuts are not          Custom nuts                                          Diagram 01: Wear test on a rolled trapezoidal lead
        10 pre-load lead screw nuts (PL) -                    designed for a press fit, since the oversize would have a          Take advantage of our machining service even for custom   screw
        orange = pre-load direction                           negative effect on the thread clearance.                           lead screw nuts - we manufacture ready-to-fit lead screw
                                                                                                                                 nuts based on your requirements. Please send us your
        Pre-load lead screw nuts (PL)                         Lead screw nuts with flange                                        drawing. We can then provide a quick quotation and          30
        PL lead screw nuts reduce the axial clearance in a lead   The maximum tightening torque for the flanged lead             recommend the right material.                               25
        screw drive by preloading two lead screw nut parts with a   screw nut fastening screws is 2.5Nm. We recommend                                                                        20
        compression spring. The spring pushes the two halves of the   that assembly screws are secured with a semi-permanent     Service life
        lead screw nuts apart axially in the direction of the spindle   thread locking glue. Metallic ferrules should be used for   dryspin  lead screw nuts are made from tribologically    15
        flanks. As long as the axial load in the lead screw drive is   even higher tightening torques.                           optimised materials. Already during the development phase,   10
        lower than the spring pretension, the entire lead screw drive                                                            the focus is on optimising the friction properties of the   Wear [mg/km]  5
        has a minimised backlash. This also permanently reduces   Cylindrical lead screw nuts                                    dryspin  lead screw drives, with the objective of attaining
        clearance caused by wear.                             The outer diameter of cylindrical lead screw nuts is not           the lowest possible coefficient of wear and friction. In order   0  J    W300    J350   A180    POM
        u Page 458                                            designed for a press fit. We therefore recommend the use           to make the most precise statements about service life and   Diagram 02: Wear test on a C15 lead screw
                                                              of spanner flats. In practice, a screw mount has proven to         wear resistance, several hundred tests are conducted each   Stroke 140mm, 50N, lead screw C15 rolled, 450rpm
                                                              be effective with low forces. Gluing lead screws nuts is not       year on the test equipment at the igus  test laboratory in
                                                              recommended. If however, the securing of the lead screw            Cologne. Our experts will gladly test your application as
                                                              nuts by adhesives is planned, individual tests and iglidur         well. The results of these tests form the basis of our service   7
                                                              material compatibility are necessary in each case.                 life calculation tools, such as our lead screw drive expert.  6

                                                              Lead screw selection                                               Lubrication                                                 4
                                                              The suitability and the operating behaviour of the system          Many people think that greasing some products is essential
                                                              largely depend on the lead screws used with the nut.               to ensure that they do not seize up and can continue a      3
                                                              We recommend purchasing the nut and lead screw as a                smooth movement. However, it is easy to forget that    Wear [mg/km]  2
                                                              system from one source. Lead screws are inspected with             lubrication is not a prerequisite for all products.         1
        Self-adjusting zero-backlash principle,               DIN 103-compliant gauges. In principle, dryspin  lead screw        Our lead screw systems are developed for maintenance-       0
        orange = pre-load direction                           drives can be used with lead screws made from steel,               free dry operation. Basically, you should not compare               J       W300     J350     A180
                                                              stainless steel or hard-anodised aluminium. Split and LH/RH        a lubricated lead screw system one-to-one with a dry-  Diagram 03: Wear test on a VA lead screw
        Zero-backlash lead screw nuts (ZB)                    lead screws (right and left-handed threads on one lead screw)      operating system. Due to the external lubrication, the   Stroke 140mm, 50N, lead screw VA rolled, 450rpm
        One of the most precise solutions is the ZB lead screw   are available in addition to right-hand and left-hand versions.  coefficient of friction is lower compared to a dry-operating
        nut. It consists of several components and is self-adjusting.                                                            lead screw system. However, the lubricant also causes a
        It is particularly suitable for lead screw drives with high   Custom lead screws                                         high maintenance effort and additional costs that are often
        helix threads for quick adjustment of small loads and   Take advantage of our machining service - we manufacture         not accounted for. In an abrasive environment, lubricants
        ensures minimal clearance over the entire service life. Ideal   ready-to-fit lead screws based on your requirements. In   can become an "emery paste" that damages the system. In
        for precise positioning and feed movements in medical,   addition to the standard sold by the metre option , we          justified cases, however, external lubrication of iglidur  lead
        laboratory and printing technology as well as in the wide   also offer the possibility to machine the lead screw directly,   screw nuts can be considered to reduce the coefficient of
        range of life sciences. The lead screw nut consists of a   according to the specifications of the application, simply    friction or to increase the speeds without noise generation.
        support nut, a fixing collar with a torsion spring, a friction   configured online with our free lead screw configurator. A   Please consult one of our experts to find out whether this
        disc and the axial element. As with the PL nut, it works   CAD software or knowledge in handling CAD programmes is       really makes sense for your application.
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        370 Online tools and more information u                                                                 3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u               371
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