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dryspin  lead screw technology | General information                                                                     dryspin  lead screw technology | General information

        The dryspin  lead screw technology patented in 2016 by   Silent and vibration-dampening due to                           Lead screw length    Standard        Aligned         Lead screw straightness
        the development team. Particular emphasis was placed   rounded tooth geometry                                            [mm]                                                 The dryspin  lead screws are designed in the igus  standard
        on increasing service life and improving efficiency. The   Due to the rounded tooth geometry, the contact surface        <300                    0.3             0.1          for a straightness of 0.3 per 300mm or part thereof. For
        dryspin  product portfolio includes lead screws and high-  between the lead screw nut and the lead screw is reduced.     <600                    0.6             0.2          higher requirements, the dryspin  lead screws can be
        helix lead screws with 0.1mm outer diameter tolerance and   Thereby the dryspin  lead screw nuts move without            <900                    0.9             0.3          aligned to a straightness of 0.1 per 300mm or part thereof.
        are available in pitches from 1mm to 100mm.           vibration, virtually silent. This is due to the fact that the      <1,200                  1.2             0.4
        dryspin  offers better efficiency thanks to the specifications   greater the contact of two surfaces moving against one   <1,500                 1.5             0.5
        and geometries tailored to the plastic nut and lead   another, the more vibrations are transmitted, which can be         <1,800                  1.8             0.6
        screw. Efficiencies of up to 82% and a longer service life   perceived as a rattle or squeak. The round teeth minimise   <2,100                  2.1             0.7
        are achieved compared to metal lead screw drives. In   this effect and the thread moves without lubrication or noise.    Overview table of specified lead screw straightness
        combination with an igus  lead screw nut, clean and dry
        operation is possible, without dust and dirt getting stuck.                                                                   4.0                                             Tested: Lubrication-free iglidur  materials
        The dryspin  high helix threads are not self-locking. The                                                                     3.5                                             from igus  ®
        lead screw nut and lead screw can be moved even without                                                                       3.0                                             Liners, sliding elements and lead screw nuts from dryspin
        applying external force. This means that the lead screw nut                                                                   2.5                                             adapted for your application: lubrication-free, tested and
        and lead screw can be moved even without external drive                                                                    [µ/km stroke of the nut]  2.0                      predictable.
        or lead screw.                                                                                                                1.0                                             ● 	12,000 tribology tests per year
                                                                                                                                  Wear rate  0.5                                      ● 	More than 300 parallel test facilities

        Higher efficiency due to optimised flank              Reduction of the radial contact surfaces through                             10 km   90 km   175 km  300 km  550 km     ● 	140 trillion test movements  ®
        angle                                                 rounded tooth geometry                                                      Propagation of dryspin  high helix threads in km  ● 	Continuous testing of dryspin  products
        Due to a flatter thread angle in dryspin  high helix lead                                                                Wear test dryspin  high helix thread
        screws (similar to a trapezoidal thread), the applied force                                                              DST 10x25, load 175N, 540mm stroke, 125rpm
        is efficiently converted into a linear motion. Compared with   Longer service life thanks to asymmetry
        a steeper thread angle, this means a lower power loss.  Due to larger distances between the individual dryspin                 35                                             dry-tech  tribo-plastics
                                                              thread pitches, the thread ideally adapts to the specifications          30                                             In all dryspin  linear and drive units as well as screw drives,
                                                              of the lubrication-free igus  high-performance polymers.                 25                                             igus  high-performance polymers are used. Due to the
                                                              The proportion of the tribologically optimised polymer                   20                                             homogeneously incorporated solid lubricants, the bearing
                                                              content in the thread pitches can be increased by a factor               15                                             materials are designed for continuous dry operation, i.e.
                                                              of 1.3 for all sizes. More wear-resistant material and higher            10                                             maintenance-free over the complete service life.
                                                              efficiency are decisive for a service life that is up to five       Wear [mg/km]  5
                                                              times longer than standard geometries. The larger the lead                0                                             Material selection
                                                              screw diameter, the stronger is this effect. Backlash can                        J       J350      A180     POM         dryspin  lead screw nuts are made from tribologically
                                                              be minimised for life by using dryspin  zero backlash lead         Wear test on C15 lead screw [mg/km]                  optimised materials. Already during the development phase,
                                                              screw nuts with integrated spring pre-load.                                                                             the focus is on optimising the friction properties of the
                                                                                                                                 Stroke 140mm, 50N, lead screw C15 rolled, 450rpm            ®
        You can find more information on our efficiency rates                                                                                                                         dryspin  lead screw drives, with the objective of attaining
        in the material overview or in our online blog on this                                                                                50,000       150,000      200,000       the lowest possible coefficient of wear and friction.
        topic.                                                                                                                        3.5
                                                                                                                                      3.0                                             Service life
                                                                                                                                      2.5                                             Every year, several hundred tests are set up and performed
                                                                                                                                  Wear rate  [µ/km stroke]  1.5                       on test rigs in the igus  test laboratory. The results are
                                                                                                                                                                                      incorporated into easily accessible online tools, where the
                                                                                                                                                                                      service life and the required torque can be determined.
                                                                                                                                         Standard high   Standard      dryspin        u
                                                                                                                                         helix thread/  High helix     High helix
                                                              Asymmetry - increasing the proportion of wear                              POM plastic   thread/         thread/
                                                              material in the thread pitch                                               nuts          lead screw nut   Lead screw nut
                                                                                                                                                       from igus ®     from igus ®
                                                                                                                                 Wear-resistant high helix thread 10x50, dryspin  high
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023  100rpm for 50,000/150,000/200,000 cycles
                                                                                                                                 helix thread / standard high helix thread, load 36N,

        372 Online tools and more information u                                                                 3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u               373
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