Page 475 - IGUS Linear
P. 475

dryspin                                                                                                                                                                                                                   dryspin
      trapezoidal    dryspin  | Special geometries | Product range                                                               dryspin  | Special geometries | Product range                                                  trapezoidal
        thread                                                                                                                                                                                                                    thread
                     Lead screw nuts for linear modules
        Lead screw nuts                                                                                                          Lead screw nuts
                                                                    Order key                                                                                                                Order key

                                                               Order example                                                                                                           Order example

        DST-SLW-063001         SWZ-063009
                                                                  dryspin ®  geometry  SLW linear module  Installation size  iglidur ®  material  Hand of rotation     A-A                dryspin ®  geometry  SLW linear module  Installation size  iglidur ®  material  Hand of rotation

               18   18                       15   15                                             Thread                                 A             20 ±0,1                                                            Thread
                                                              Options:                                                                                                                Options:
                               12   12                  d1   d1  Hand of rotation                                                                                                Gewinde  Hand of rotation
     3x45°  3x45°         5    5                              RH: Right-Hand                                                     10x45°  A          10x45°                            RH: Right-Hand
                                                                                                                                                                                      LH: Left-hand
                                                              LH: Left-hand

                                                                                                                                           48  ±0,2

        Dimensions                                                                                                               Dimensions                40 - 0,1
         Part No.                           Direction of   Thread    Max. stat.   Weight From SLW linear module                  Part No.                            Direction of   Thread   Max. stat.   Weight From SLW linear module
                                             rotation      d1xP       axial F                                                                                          rotation    d1xP       axial F
                                           Right   Left                 [N]        [g]                                                                               Right  Left                [N]       [g]
         DST-SLW-063001-DS8X8-J-  New               –      Ds8x8       150        3.5   SLW-0630 u Page 538                      DST-SLW-25120-DS18X4-J-       New                 Ds18x4     3,350       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
         DST-SLW-063001-DS8X10-                           Ds8x10       130        3.5   SLW-0630 u Page 538                      DST-SLW-25120-DS18X24-J-                         Ds18x24     2,330       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
         DST-SLW-063001-DS8X15-                           Ds8x15       140        3.5   SLW-0630 u Page 538                      DST-SLW-25120-DS18X40-J-                         Ds18x40     2,184       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
         SLW-063001-M8-J-                                   M8         165        3.5   SLW-0630 u Page 538                      DST-SLW-25120-DS18X80-J-                         Ds18x80     1,506       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
         SLW-063001-TR8X1.5-J-                            Tr8x1.5      200        3.5   SLW-0630 u Page 538                      DST-SLW-25120-DS18X100-J-                       Ds18x100     1,322       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538

        Part number suffix LH for left-hand thread, RH for right-hand thread                                                     DST-SLW-25120-DS20X5-J-       New                 Ds20x5     4,200       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
        Partly reduced axial loads due to the component geometry                                                                 DST-SLW-25120-DS20X10-J-      New                Ds20x10     3,975       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
                                                                                                                                 DST-SLW-25120-DS20X20-J-      New                Ds20x20     2,460       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
        Assembly instructions u Page 368                                                                                         DST-SLW-25120-DS20X50-J-      New                Ds20x50     1,976       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
        and u                                                                   DST-SLW-25120-DS20X60-J-      New                Ds20x60     1,656       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
                                                                                                                                 DST-SLW-25120-DS20X80-J-      New                Ds20x80     1,703       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
                                                                                                                                 DST-SLW-25120-DS20X90-J-      New                Ds20x90     1,656       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
                                                                                                                                 SLW-25120-TR24X5-J-           New                 Tr24x5     5,403       90    SLW-25120 u Page 538
                                                                                                                                 Part number suffix LH for left-hand thread, RH for right-hand thread

                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        472 Online tools and more information u                                                 3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u   473
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