Page 478 - IGUS Linear
P. 478

dryspin                                                                                                                                                                                                                   dryspin
      lead screw     dryspin  | Special geometries | Product range                                                               dryspin  | Special geometries | Product range                                                  lead screw
      technology                                                                                                                                                                                                                technology
                     Split lead screw nuts made from iglidur  J                                                                  Also available with housing block
                                                                    Order key                                                                                                                Order key

                                                               Part number    Dimension  Thread                                                                                        Part number                 Thread

                                                                iglidur ®  material  Split nut  Direction of rotation  Trapezoidal thread  Diameter [mm]                        A1       Linear housing  Aluminium  iglidur ®  material  Split nut  Direction of rotation  Trapezoidal thread  Diameter [mm]

                                                                                                                                                                   S                             Small          Metric         Pitch
                                                                                                                                                                                             E  E1
                                                                    This part includes 2 nut halves and 1 piece
                                                                    nut each based on DIN 934 made from
                                        b1                          304 stainless steel to prevent twisting                                  A                                 A2
                        d2                                                                                                                                                                d1xP

                       r     ds                                                                                                                                   H1
                                                                                                                                                          E  E1
                                   s          k                                                                                              A2

        Technical data                                                                                                           Technical data
         Part No.                                      Max. axial load                     Mounting with nut                    H1  Part No.                                  Nut                              Locking ring
                                              static 50)               static 51)                                                RGAS-JTRM-TR10X2        H                DIN 439 M4                           DIN 471-A22
                                                [N]                      [N]                    DIN 934                          RGAS-JTRM-TR20X4                         DIN 439 M5                           DIN 471-A32
         JTRM-2230TR10X2                        300                     500                       M4                             RGAS-JTRM-TR20X8P4                       DIN 439 M5                           DIN 471-A32
         JTRM-3240TR20X4                       1,000                    1,500                     M5
         JTRM-3240TR20X8P4                     1,000                    1,500                     M5

        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Dimensions [mm]

         Thread        b       b1 156)    d2       ds        k         r        Øs     Part No.                                  Thread       H     H1     H2      A      A1     A2      E     E1      S    Part No.

         Tr10x2       30       22.6       22      20.5       7        1.5       1.3    JTRM-2230TR10X2                           Tr10x2      18     35      6      52     42     30     20      32    5.3   RGAS-JTRM-TR10X2
         Tr20x4       40       31.2       32      29.6       8        2.5       1.6    JTRM-3240TR20X4                           Tr20x4      25     48      8      70     58     40     28      40    6.4   RGAS-JTRM-TR20X4
         Tr20x8P4     40       31.2       32      29.6       8        2.5       1.6    JTRM-3240TR20X8P4                         Tr20x8P4    25     48      8      70     58     40     28      40    6.4   RGAS-JTRM-TR20X8P4

        50)  Mounting in the housing via radially inserted nut DIN 934
        51)  Mounting in the housing via circlips DIN471
        156)  Tolerances according to DIN ISO 2768-1, tolerance class m (medium)

                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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