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drylin  drive technology | Technical options                                                                             drylin  drive technology | Technical options
        In addition to the standard configurations, drylin  drives offer numerous solutions for the many requirements of different
                                                                                                                                 Linear modules with several carriages
         The following options can be configured online with the SHT configurator:                                               All drylin  linear modules can be configured with multiple
                                                                                                                                        ®                                                                                     carriages. The short carriages from the SHTC series are

        Pre-load (PL)                                                                                                            perfectly suited for this. The second (or additional) carriage
        The axial preload reduces the backlash of the system.                          For SHT, SLW and SAW                      can be installed as a freely moving unit without lead screw,
        Positioning and repeatability can be optimised. The required                   linear modules                            or as a fixed unit with its own trapezoidal lead screw nut.
        drive torque increases only slightly.                                                                                                                                         Online customer drawing
                                                                                                                                 Right/left opposite drive
        Zero-backlash (ZB)
        Self-adjusting zero-backlash lead screw nuts are available                                                               In addition to the standard right-handed lead screws, left-
        for SHT modules in sizes 08 and 12. For movements that                                                                   hand lead screws and opposite drive lead screws can also
        require repeatability and which are implemented through                                                                  be used. This option often used in format adjustments can
        high helix thread, the ZB function provides a minimal lifelong                                                           be specified for all diameters and types. Also available as
        backlash.                                                                                                                a multi-carriage system or with right/left opposite drive.  Online customer drawing
        Linear modules with ball-bearing mounted
        lead screw                                                                                                               Linear axes with motor:

        The SHT and SLW linear modules with ball bearing
        supported lead screws give reduced vibration, and                                                                        Linear modules with motor
        increased dynamic capability. These are also suitable for                                                                Several drylin  drive units are compatible with the drylin
        applications with motor drives.                                                                                          modular kit. As linear axes, they can be easily and quickly
                                                                                                                                 configured directly to the matching igus  stepper motors,
        Shaft materials
        When using linear modules of the SHT series, you can                                                                     power cables and proximity switches - assembled and
        choose a shaft material from steel, stainless steel, or hard-                                                            tested from one source.
        anodised aluminium (standard). The short delivery time and
        excellent coefficient of friction and wear make the aluminium                                                            More options:
        version the most common choice.
                                                                                                                                 Adjustable radial clearance
        Lead screw materials                                                                                                     The "turn to fit" feature allows individual clearance
        All drylin  linear modules can be delivered with self-locking                                                            adjustment by hand. The adjustment is done in 0.01-mm
        trapezoidal steel and stainless steel lead screws; upon request,                                                         increments and cannot be triggered unintentionally during
        these can also be made from hard-anodised aluminium. The                                                                 the operation (SLW series 10-20).                    For SLW and SAW linear  For SHT linear modules
        SHT and SLW series can also be configured with dryspin  high                                                                                                                  modules
        helix lead technology. This allows for much higher pitches and
        drive speeds, but without the self-locking feature.                                                                      Fast Forward (FF)
                                                                                                                                 SHT linear modules and SHTP plastic linear modules with
        Bearing materials
        The bearing surfaces of the drylin  drive units are                                                                      quick-release mechanism offer a combination of accurate
        equipped with lubrication and maintenance-free igus                                                                      positioning and fast manual adjustment.
        high performance polymers. Options include materials                                                                     drylin  SLW "Stop and Go"
        for high temperature application up to +180°C (iglidur  X,                                                               This additional function for linear carriages enables the
        SHT-ES series), and also for FDA-compliant environments                                                                  use of an unlimited number of carriages on one guide -
        (iglidur  A180).                                                                                                         controlled by only one lead screw. The connection to the
                                                                                                                                 lead screw is engaged or released via the button.
        Complete solutions made of stainless steel
        The use of AISI 316Ti and AISI 304 makes of the guides                                                                   XY-tables
        resistant to seawater and chemical contact corrosion. The                                                                The SHT and SLW linear modules can also be configured
        guide shafts are also made from AISI 316Ti.                                                                              as XY tables. XY adjustments can therefore be given with
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023  a single unit.

        514 Online tools and more information u                                                3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u  515
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