Page 589 - IGUS Linear
P. 589

drylin                                                                                                    drylin
 ZLW   drylin  ZLW | Toothed belt axes | Product range  drylin  ZLW | Toothed belt axes | Product range     ZLW
 toothed                                                                                                  toothed
 belt axes                                                                                                belt axes
 Toothed belt axis in econ, basic and standard version
                Order key                                             Order key specialists

          Order example                                         Order example

              Toothed belt axis  Installation size                 Toothed belt axis  Installation size

 ● 	Fast positioning of small loads  Version                                        Version  Version
 ● 	Quiet operation and flat design  Design                                                   Design
 ● 	Drive pin on one or both sides
 ● 	Linear carriages available in different lengths    Options:  Options:
 (except for econ version)  Version  Design                    Version                  Version
 ● 	Configurable with motor as a ready-to-install    02: With deep groove ball   E:  econ series (630/1040)  LT:  For deep-freeze   02:  With deep groove ball
 linear drive  bearings           B:  basic series (0630/1040)      applications down      bearings
 ● 	Specialist in deep-freeze, underwater and spray-water   S:  Standard series (all sizes)  to -30°C  Design
 areas u Page 585                                              UW: For underwater       S:   Standard series
 I + stroke
                                                               SW: For spray-water

          Dimensions [mm]
          Part No.               A     AI   H    E2    E3    l    R     f    lt   sg   ha    hc    lz   l2   d2
                                -0.3            ±0.15 ±0.15     ±0.15       ±0.3                             h9
          ZLW-0630-02            54   60    31   45   51   144   30    3    42   M4    14   22.5 20.5  20    8
          ZLW-0660               85   100   31   76   91   184   61    3    42   M4    14   22.5 20.5 19.5   8
          ZLW-1040-02            74   100   44   60   87   204   40    1    52   M6    22   22.5  27   20    10
          ZLW-1040-LT-02-S       74   100   44   60   87   204   40    1    52   M6    22   22.5  27   20    10
          ZLW-1040-UW-02-S       74   100   44   60   87   204   40    1    52   M6    22   22.5  27   20    10
          ZLW-1040-SW-02-S       74   100   44   60   87   204   40    1    52   M6    22   22.5  27   20    10
          ZLW-1080-02            90   100   44   94   87   204   74    1    52   M6    22   22.5 24.5  12    10
          ZLW-1660-02           104   100   72   86   82   252   60    2    76   M8    43   22.5  38   20    14

 Connecting dimensions  Connecting dimensions [mm]
          Part No.                X      E     AP     Lp    dp      n     nb     nw     nh     T1    T2      d
                                        ±0.2   -1.0                                           ±0.25  ±0.25
 T2 T2  nw nw  ZLW-0630-02 109)  variable  40  52     15    5.5     –      -     4.3    7      20    21     3.2
          ZLW-0660             variable  71    52     15    5.5    5.2    9.5    4.3    7      20    21     3.2
 d d
          ZLW-1040-02          variable  60    78     40    6.4    5.2    9.5    4.3   15.5    36    26.5   5.0
 T1  T1  AP  AP  ZLW-1040-LT-02-S  variable  60  78   40    6.4    5.2    9.5    4.3   15.5    36    26.5   5.0
 n  n  nb  nb  ZLW-1040-UW-02-S  variable  60  78     40    6.4    5.2    9.5    4.3   15.5    36    26.5   5.0
 hchc     ZLW-1040-SW-02-S     variable  60    78     40    6.4    5.2    9.5    4.3   15.5    36    26.5   5.0
          ZLW-1080-02          variable  94   111     40    6.4    5.2    9.5   4.36   15.5    36    27     M6
 ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023   Basic version: 6mm square, plastic adapter for pin diameter 10mm included
 E  E     ZLW-1660-02          variable 100   122     40     9     10    15.4    13    27.6    65    60     M5
 X X      109)

 586 Online tools and more information u       3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u  587
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