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drylin  W profile guides | Liners                                                                                        drylin  W profile guides | Technical data | Floating bearings

                                      Lubrication-free iglidur    drylin  liners made                                                                                                 Floating bearings aid assembly - when using
                                  high-performance polymers                                                                                                                           single rails
                                                              from high-performance                                                                                                   Assembly is easy with the drylin  WQ square profile.
                                  Form-fit anti-rotation feature polymers                                                                                                             Floating bearings for all directions (±1mm) compensate
                                                                                                                                                                                      misalignments and parallelism errors between rails.
                                                                                                                                                                                      This eliminates jamming, otherwise only prevented
                                                              Extremely wear-resistant tribopolymers improved                    Floating bearings for all directions (up to ±1mm)    by time-consuming manual alignment of the system.
                                                              by precisely blended additions of strengthening                    compensate misalignments and parallelism errors.     Although drylin  W is a profile rail system, it is able to
                                        Vibration-dampening   materials and solid lubricants, tested a thousand                                                                       compensate angular errors about the x-axis. An angular
                                                              times and proved a million times - that is iglidur .                                                                    adjustment of ±7° is possible here. This effectively eliminates
                                                              Further to the general properties, every iglidur                                                                        the misalignment known to occur when assembling to sheet
                            Low coefficient of friction, low wear  bearing material has a series of special features,                                                                 metal fabrications.
                                                              which account for its particular suitability for
                                                              certain applications and requirements. The                         Possible combinations in assembled rail
                                                              detailed description of the materials can be found                 systems                                              Available floating bearing blocks
                                                              in the respective sections.                                        Fixed bearing Floating bearing                                    ±0.2

                                                              ● 	Lubrication-free
                                         Corrosion-resistant  ● 	Corrosion-resistant

                                                              ● 	Low coefficient of friction
                                                              ● 	Maintenance-free                                                                                                       ±0.2
                                                              ● 	High resistance to dirt
                                      Form-fit locating spigot
                                                              ● 	Lightweight
                                                              ● 	High wear resistance
                                                              ● 	Excellent price-performance ratio
                                            Resistant to dirt                                                                                                                               LL - round

                                       Integrated flute design
                                      for dirt to pass through                                                                   Fixed bearing Floating bearing

                                      Open geometric design
                                          for rapid assembly

                                                                                                                                                                                            LLY - square

                                                                       The endurance     The       Blue Sky Thinking
                             The All-rounder -  The specialist -  The extreme -  runner -  FDA-compliant - FDA/EU-compliant -
                                iglidur  J  iglidur  J200   iglidur  X                                                           Fixed bearing Floating bearing
                                                                         iglidur  E7  iglidur  A180  iglidur  A160
         Application temperature  -50 up to +90°C  -50 up to +90°C  -100°C up to +250°C -50°C up to +70°C  -50 up to +90°C  -50 up to +90°C
         Best coefficient of friction   Steel shaft  Aluminium,    Hard-chromed    Steel/stainless    Stainless    Hardened                                                                 LLZ - square
         with                               hard-anodised    steel       steel shaft   steel shaft  stainless steel shafts
         Volume resistance     > 10  Ωcm     > 10  Ωcm     < 10  Ωcm     > 10 Ωcm      > 10 Ωcm      > 10 Ωcm                                                                              ±7°
         Moisture absorption   1.3% weight   0.7% weight   0.5% weight   < 0.1wt.-%   0.2% weight    < 0.1wt.-%
         Maximum service life    Hard-anodised    Aluminium,    Hardened    Steel/stainless    Stainless steel shaft  Hardened
         with                   aluminium   hard-anodised  stainless steel  steel shaft           stainless steel shafts
         Potential counter   All shaft materials  Aluminium,    Hardened    Steel/stainless    All shaft materials  Stainless steel
         partner                            hard-anodised  stainless steel  steel shaft
         Permissible stat.       35MPa         23MPa        150MPa        18MPa         28MPa         15MPa
         surface pressure
         Part No.                JUM-...     J200UM-...     XUM-...       E7UM-...     A180UM-...    A160UM-...    ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023                                             rotating - square
        58     Online tools and more information u                                                              3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u                59
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