Page 18 - Bosch Controls and Connectivity
P. 18

18 | Controls and connectivity                                                                                                                                                                              Controls and connectivity | 19

          CHP control units: ideal complements                                                                                   Premium buffer storage control

          The CHP module control can be supplemented with different components and options, tailored to your                     Buffer cylinders increase CHP module operating time:   As with the multi-module control, all maintenance
          specific needs. One control unit can be used for multiple Bosch CHP modules and can be monitored                       when heat is not being transferred, the CHP units heat   work can be undertaken at the same time – meaning

          using remote access. At the same time, the modules offer great flexibility when connecting to different                the storage cylinders in order to guarantee conti nuous   shorter downtimes. Particularly high on-site power
                                                                                                                                 operation. The premium buffer storage control allows
                                                                                                                                                                                       generation is made possible by combining the buffer
          grid operators.                                                                                                        for regulation of up to two CHP modules based on      cylinders with a power-controlled operation of the CHP
                                                                                                                                 buffer cylinder temperatures. Operating hours are     modules, supported by the mains draw control, for
          Multi-module control (MMS)                                                                                             compared to ensure an even load across the CHP        example.
                                                                                                                                 units. The display visualises the CHP module and
                                                                                                                                 buffer storage system for easy handling and parameter
          Using the higher-level multi-module (MMS) control for   The multi-module control has a wide range of on-site
          up to six CHP modules can avoid the need for an       interfaces, such as digital inputs for releasing the CHP
          on-site higher-level automation system. Operational   modules, external emergency stop and potential-free                                                                    At a glance
          status, confi guration and a system overview are shown   contacts for warning/fault feedback signals or starting              CHP                    Storage                 ▶  Control up to two CHP units without using the
          and controlled separately for each CHP unit. An oper-  a peak-load boiler. Modifications can be made depend-                                                                   on-site building management system
          ating parameter comparison is undertaken for all of   ing on the application required, thanks to the reserve                                                     Supply      ▶  Optimised heat supply in combination with buffer
          the connected CHP modules, through which the con-     contacts in a separate multi-module control cabinet                                            ON                        cylinders
          trol strategy ensures even loading to achieve maximum   that can be freely configured.                                                                                       ▶  System visualisation included
          service life. Start and stop points are pre-configured at                                                                    47 kW                   OFF                     ▶  Start/stop/performance control can be configured
          the factory but can also be set individually.         At a glance                                                            Output                              Return        freely
                                                                ▶  Stand-alone control of multiple CHP units via a                                                         flow        ▶   Even load distribution reduce overall maintenance
          Configuration of the specific operating modes allows    central, separate control cabinet saves on building                                                                    costs for the CHP module cascade
          for great flexibility:                                  management system (data points)                                                                                      ▶  Easily combined with power-controlled operation
          ▶  Heat-controlled, based on the supply flow          ▶  An integrated display allows for both a system over-
            temperature                                           view and configuration using just one control device
          ▶  Heat-controlled, based on the buffer storage       ▶  Greater flexibility through configuring the control
            temperatures                                          logic
          ▶  Power-controlled, based on the power drawn from    ▶  A range of external interfaces, meaning further heat
            the mains                                             sources, can be added to the control                           Control unit for power supply companies (EVU)
          ▶  Power-controlled, island mode                      ▶   Avoid downtime through automatic request and
                                                                  release of CHP units as well as optimal maintenance
                                                                  planning                                                       Ensuring maximum power grid stability through pro-   Request signals from power supply companies are, for
                                                                                                                                 viding access for the power supply companies to the   example, unrestricted performance reduction, active
                                                                                                                                 CHP control unit is regulated by law. This leads to   power specification or disconnection from the mains.
                                                                                                                                 significant extra work for the operators when setting   At the same time, feedback signals are sent regarding
                                                                                                                                 up the connection conditions. Especially challeng ing   different operating parameters, e.g. operating mode,
                                                                                                                                 are the different requirements with complex control   active power notification or power/voltage notification.
                                                                                     Multi-module control as                     algorithms, or regional grid operators reading out
                                                                                     a higher-level automa-                      certain measurement variables from generating units.
                                                                                     tion system for up to six                   Almost all power supply company requirements can be   At a glance
                                                                                                                                                                                      ▶   High level of flexibility through the comprehensively
                                                                                     CHP modules                                 displayed using Bosch's power supply company control    configurable control parameters
                                                                                                                                 unit. The separate switch box is supplied with a num-  ▶   Modification of CHP unit parameters through an
                                                                                                                                 ber of input/output contacts to enable flexible configu-  external input signal from the grid operator/power
                                                                                                                                 ration. Intervention from the grid operator is visualised   supply company
                                                                                                                                 on the CHP control display and shows the reason for   ▶   Expansion of infeed management and fulfillment of
                                                                                                                                 the current CHP unit operation, allowing the oper ator   grid operator specifications as a contribution to
                                                                                                                                 to see instantly why a CHP module is operating at a     power network stability
                                                                                                                                 reduced output, for example.                         ▶   Visualisation of power supply company specifications
                                                                                                                                                                                         for greater operating mode transparency for the
                                                                                                                                                                                         CHP module operator
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