Page 115 - การส่งเสริมการจ้างงานคนพิการผ่านกลไกการมีส่วนร่วมทางสังคม
P. 115

การสรุปแนวทางการธํารงรักษาหร�อ 112
                                                                                                     บทที่ 7


                          3.2 บทความวิชาการเรื่อง ความทาทายการจางงานคนพิการผานกลไกการมีสวนรวมทางสังคม

                                      อาดัม นีละไพจิตร   จินรัตน เทียมอริยะ  และจริยา วงศสุวัฒน 2
                   The challenging driving of the employment for persons with disabilities through

                                            social participation mechanisms
                                  Adam Neelapaijit , Jinnarat Thiam-Ariya  and Jariya Wongsuwat 2

                วิทยาลัยราชสุดา มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล , มูลนิธินวัตกรรมทางสังคม 2
                Ratchasuda College, Mahidol University , Social Innovation Foundation 2
                * Corresponding author


                               The objective of this academic article is to present the results of field activities in community relating
                to the driving of the employment for persons with disabilities. Those involved parties include organizations

                that develop skills for persons with disabilities, private sectors, government agencies, organizations with
                disabilities network and agencies related to the employment of persons with disabilities. By referring to
                the framework under the Promotion and Development of the Quality of Life of Persons with Disabilities
                Act BE 2550 (2007) on the right to have a career for persons with disabilities through an in-depth interview

                format survey, questionnaires, training, learning games (board game) and providing advice and recommendation
                in Bangkok and surrounding provinces
                       The findings indicated that persons with disabilities who have already gone through training and
                development courses need the opportunities to prove their potential in collaboration with working in the

                organizations. At the same time, they also need support from supporting team when facing with difficulties,
                especially in psychological issues. Organizations that develop skills for persons with disabilities required
                both public and private organizations to open opportunities for persons with disabilities to participate.
                Private sectors and government agencies that participated in this project acquired better understandings

                of persons with disabilities, rights of persons with disabilities, and natural support concept through innovative
                board games created by the project working team. Organizations with disabilities network are ready to cooperate
                by developing their staffs to understand more about disabilities other than those that the agencies have
                expertise in, as well as topics related to the employment policy of persons with disabilities, and acting as

                collaborators to connect the organizations with persons with disabilities

                       Keywords: employment with disabilities, persons with disabilities, occupation, participation

                            ภาพที่ 63 บทความว�ชาการเร�่อง ความทŒาทายการจŒางงานคนพ�การผ‹านกลไกการมีส‹วนร‹วมทางสังคม
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