Page 854 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 854

SERIES                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SERIES
        HSK-M-                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HSK-M-
         EMV         HUMMEL | Cable glands HSK-M-EMV                                                                             HUMMEL | HSK-EMV Industry standard                                                               EMV-D

                     Material                          Brass, nickel-plated
                     Clamping insert                   PA
                     Moulded seal                      NBR                                                                       HSK-M-EMV
                     O ring                            NBR
                     Protection class                  IP 68 – 10 bar / IP 69K
                                                       within the specified clamping range only                                                        Flexible overlapping clamping
                     Continuous operating temperature  -40°C – 100°C                                                                                   splines prevent the form seal from
                                                                                                                                                       being pulled out of the fitting

                                                                                                                                                       The internal sealing edge results
                                                                                                                                                       in a superior seal between the
                                                                                                                                                       splined Nylon clamping insert and
                                                                                                                                                       the nickel-plated brass body

       AG                             GL        H                 Pack          Part No.          igus  Part No.
                            mm       mm        mm        mm       size           grey
       M12 x 1.5           3 - 6.5    6.5       19       14        5          1.691.1200.50        MAT0179508
       M12 x 1.5            2 - 5     6.5       19       14        5          1.691.1200.51        MAT01712336                                         Patented 360° grounding. The
       M16 x 1.5           5 - 10     6         22       20        5          1.691.1600.50        MAT0179509                                          internal O-Ring, which results
       M16 x 1.5            3 - 7     6         22       20        5          1.691.1600.51        MAT01712337                                         in a perfect contact between
       M20 x 1.5           10 - 14    6         23       24        5          1.691.2000.50        MAT0179510                                          braided shield of cable and fitting.
       M20 x 1.5           7 - 12     6         23       24        5          1.691.2000.51        MAT01712338
       M25 x 1.5           13 - 18    7         24       30        5          1.691.2500.50        MAT0179511
       M25 x 1.5           9 - 16     7         24       30        5          1.691.2500.51        MAT01712339
       M32 x 1.5           18 - 25    8         31       40        5          1.691.3200.50        MAT0179512                    HSK-M-EMV-D
       M32 x 1.5           13 - 20    8         31       40        5          1.691.3200.51        MAT01712340
       M40 x 1.5           22 - 32    8         37       50        5          1.691.4000.50        MAT0179513
       M40 x 1.5           20 - 26    8         37       50        5          1.691.4000.51        MAT01712341                                         Flexible overlapping clamping
       M50 x 1.5           32 - 38    9         37       57        5          1.691.5000.50        MAT0179514                                          splines prevent the form seal from
       M50 x 1.5           25 - 31    9         37       57        5          1.691.5000.51        MAT01712342                                         being pulled out of the fitting
       M63 x 1.5           37 - 44    10        38      64 / 68    5          1.691.6300.50        MAT0179515
       M63 x 1.5           29 - 35    10        38      64 / 68    5          1.691.6300.51        MAT01712343

                                                                                                                                                       Metallised spline insert provides
                                                                                                                                                       electrical conductivity.
                      Cable diameter in mm
                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

                                             M25                                                                                                       Flexible contact points
                                                          M32                                                                                          allow contact with variable
                                                                         M40                                                                           braid diameters.

                                                                                                                    ASEAN2023  ASEAN2023

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