P. 660
H4.42 E4.1 | Series E4.42·H4.42·R4.42 | Further accessories
Extender crossbar with fixed width
Round extender crossbar combined with openable crossbars or attached
directly on the side link (as viewed from the fi xed end)
Extender crossbars with fi xed width | Safe guiding for large hoses
● Suitable for hoses with a maximum outer diameter of 105mm
● Option extender crossbars with fi xed width to combine with openable crossbars
● Option extender crossbars with fi xed width attached directly on the side link
● Optionally openable along the inner "Z" or the outer radius "E"
● Gliding with crossbars assembled along the outer radius and a special guide trough
Part No. extender crossbar with Hose Extender Fitted Combine with
fi xed width, as individual parts Ø ≤ [mm] crossbar shape to side link openable crossbars
385.15RHD115 105 ¡ round no yes
385.18RD115 105 ¡ round yes no
Order example: combined with openable crossbars
To receive extender crossbar RHD115 pre-fi tted along the outer radius of the e-chain ® , please add index E: E4.42.10/15RHDE115/10.R.0
To receive extender crossbar RHD115 pre-fi tted along the inner radius of the e-chain ® , please add index Z: E4.42.10/15RHDZ115/10.R.0
Order example: fi tted to side link
To receive extender crossbar RD115 pre-fi tted along the outer radius of the e-chain ® , please add index E: E4.42.18RDE115.R.0
To receive extender crossbar RD115 pre-fi tted along the inner radius of the e-chain ® , please add index Z: E4.42.18RDZ115.R.0
05.06.23 18:48
10)-ASEAN-E4-1-2022.indd 658 05.06.23 18:48
10)-ASEAN-E4-1-2022.indd 658