Page 1012 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 1012

3.  If the Customer fails to pay the amount for the Products,   quantity of the Products and other factors, the Customer
             shipping cost (if any) and all taxes by the due date, based on   may have to pay a cancellation charge pursuant to the terms
             the Payment Term, regardless of the reason for such delay,   set out in the Catalog or in the Cancellation Policy.
             a default charge may be additionally imposed on the unpaid   3.  The Customer may not cancel its order unless such
             amount at the rate determined by MISUMI separately or if   cancellation is in accordance with the provisions of this
             such rate is higher than the highest rate of interest permitted   Article 16.
             by applicable law, such highest rate.
           4.  If payment by the Customer cannot be confirmed by the
             specified due date based on the Payment Term, please   Article 17  Returning and Replacing
             be aware that MISUMI may carry out predetermined     Products
             procedures, such as suspending the Customer’s order and
             shipment of ordered products, or revoking the Customer’s   1.  The Customer may return or receive replacement of the
             registration.                               Products (“Returns”) after the inspection period specified in
           5.  If the Customer desires to change its payment method,   Article 7, unless any of the following cases apply.
             please contact MISUMI. Please note that longer period may   1)  The Products are not designated as “Stock” in the
             be required for procedures to change the payment method   Catalog.
             depending on the payment method.            2)  The Products that have been opened, unpacked, or used.
                                                         3)  The Special Orders under Article 9 of the Terms and
                                                           Conditions or the Products that are otherwise order-made
            Article 13 Maximum Amount                      for the Customer.
                                                         4)  The Products ordered by MISUMI from a third party at the
           1.  MISUMI will set a maximum amount that the Customer can   Customer’s request.
             owe to MISUMI for the total purchase of the Products at any   5)  The Products that have deteriorated or been damaged
             given time (the “Maximum Amount”).            due to an error in the Customer’s use.
           2.  MISUMI may at its discretion, take any of the following ways   6)  The Products that the Customer wishes to return because
             if the total price for the Products ordered by the Customer   of the Customer’s preferences, such as the Products not
             exceeds the Maximum Amount or if otherwise necessary   suiting the Customer’s tastes (having a different color or
             with respect to the Maximum Amount. In such case, please   appearance from that in the Catalog).
             be aware that it may not be possible to deliver the Products   7)  The Products that have marks or damage attributable to
             by the prescribed delivery date.              the Customer.
             1)  Requesting the Customer pay in advance or pay the   8)  Thirty (30) days have passed since the date of delivery of
               outstanding amount.                         the Products.
             2)  Refusing the order.                     9)  The Customer has placed a large quantity order for the
             3)  Any other method determined by MISUMI.    Products.
           3.  Please contact MISUMI to check the Customer’s Maximum   10)  Dangerous goods.
             Amount.                                     For the Returns, shipping costs shall be borne by the
                                                         Customer. Please be aware that MISUMI may charge a
            Article 14 Refusal to Receive Products       handling or restocking charge for such Returns in addition
                                                         to such shipping cost in accordance with the Cancellation
           If the Customer refuses to receive the Products or the Products   Policy or the Warranty applicable to the Service provided
           cannot otherwise be sent to the Customer’s address for   to the Customer. The Customer shall contact MISUMI to
           reasons attributable to the Customer (such as nobody being   confirm the Return is acceptable and MISUMI will inform
           at the address to receive the Products), MISUMI will consider   the Customer whether the Return is acceptable and how to
           the sales agreement for such Products to be automatically   return the Products. The Customer shall store the returned
           terminated. Please be aware that in this case the Customer   Product in suitable conditions in light of nature of the
           shall pay an amount equivalent to the price of the Products   Products until the Return is completed.
           and any damages incurred by MISUMI, provided, however,   2.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 17.1, if there is any
           that this will not apply if MISUMI believes there are special   Defects in the Products or the wrong Products are delivered
           circumstances in light of the nature, type, or quantity of the   due to the reason attributable to MISUMI, please contact
           Products, the distribution system used, or any other factor.  MISUMI within the period mentioned in the provision of
                                                         Article 17.1(8). By information from the Customer, MISUMI
                                                         will determine whether the damage or wrong delivery is
            Article 15 Force Majeure Disclaimer          attributable to MISUMI and if MISUMI acknowledge thereof,
                                                         MISUMI accepts return of the Products. The postage costs
           If any delivery of Products is delayed or impossible due to   incurred in returning the Products will be borne by MISUMI.
           natural disasters (including, without limitation, earthquakes,   If MISUMI cannot confirm the condition of the Product,
           floods, and fires), amendments to or abolishment of laws or   MISUMI may reject the Return of the Products.
           ordinances, dispositions through exercise of a public authority,
           transportation-related problems, labour disputes, or any other
           circumstances beyond the control of MISUMI, MISUMI will   Article 18 Warranty
           notify the Customer within a reasonable period considering
           such circumstances. Provided, however, that MISUMI shall not   1.  The Warranty Standard, that is the sole warranty made with
           be liable in any way for any damages or expenses incurred by   respect to the Products separately set out in the Catalog (the
           the Customer due to such delay or failure in delivery.  “Warranty”).
                                                         THE MISUMI’S WARRANTY HEREIN IS IN LIEU OF AND
                                                         EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF MISUMI,
            Article 16 Changing or Cancelling Orders     THE MANUFACTURER OF THE PRODUCTS, AND ANY
                                                         OTHER ENTITY INVOLVED IN THE MANUFACTURE,
           1.  The Customer may change the details of or cancel an   SALE, OR SERVICING OF THE PRODUCTS (OR
             order (“Cancellation”) in accordance with the “Cancellation   ANY PORTION THEREOF) AND THEIR RESPECTIVE
             Policy” set out in the website (the “Cancellation Policy”).   SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES AND RELATED COMPANIES
             For Cancellation, please contact MISUMI by telephone on   (HEREINAFTER COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS
             or before the date and time of corresponding set out in the   THE “MANUFACTURING AND SELLING COMPANIES”),
             Catalog. Notwithstanding the foregoing, MISUMI reserves   EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE
             the right not to accept Cancellation because of the nature,   CREATED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, INCLUDING,
             type, quantity, or shipping date of the Products, or the   BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTY OF
             distribution system, or other relevant factors.  MERCHANTABILITY AND ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS
      1009  2.  Depending on the time of requesting Cancellation, type and   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE.
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