Page 1011 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 1011

the Products that are listed in the Catalog, such as the   damage, deformation, defects, or flaws (including if the
             specifications, intended uses, terms of use, instruction   specifications do not meet those listed in the Catalog or,
             and precaution for use, conditions of use, drawings and   in the case of special orders, specified in the Customer’s
             other information of the Products, and any notice or other   drawings) (collectively “Defects”) in the Products. If the
             description in documentation or labels that comes with the   Products fail to meet the specifications or have any Defects,
             Products (or their accessories).            the Customer shall give written notification to MISUMI within
           5.  The Products may not be resold to a third party, incorporated   one (1) week of receipt of the Products, and then send the
             in products offered to general consumers, or used in any   Products failing the inspection and the detail report stating
             other similar manner without the written consent of MISUMI.  the cause and status thereof to the address designated by
                                                        2.  Please note that MISUMI may deem that the Products have
            Article 5  Days to Ship and Title and Risk   been inspected and approved by the Customer if it does not
                     of Loss                             receive notice within one (1) week of receipt of the Products
                                                         by the Customer.
           1.  MISUMI will ship the Products from its warehouse or
             suppliers in accordance based on the required number of
             days to ship of the Products (“Days to Ship”) set out in the   Article 8 Measures for Defective Products
             relevant page of the Catalog. However, depending on the
             type and quantity of the Products ordered (for example, due   If it is discovered through the inspection set out in Article 7
             to customization of Products or the large quantity order) or   that all or part of the Products fail to meet the specifications,
             depending on the time, when the order is placed, MISUMI   MISUMI will check such Products. If it is clear to MISUMI
             may determine alternative shipping dates.  that the defects are attributable to only MISUMI, MISUMI will
           2.  For shipments imported into or exported from Malaysia   promptly deliver a replacement of the Products (or provide the
             which require the Customer to procure freight forwarding   service again in the case of a service) or, if directed by the
             service, shipments will be sent freight and duty collect by a   Customer, refund the amount paid by the Customer for the part
             carrier of the Customer’s choice.          of the Products that is defective.
           3.  Shipments of Products are processed by third party service
             provider. Shipping rates are determined by such service   Article 9 Extra Products
             provider and may be subject to change without prior notice.
           4.  Title and risk of loss pass to the Customer upon tender of   If MISUMI delivers to the Customer a greater quantity of the
             shipment to the carrier. If the Product is damaged in transit,   Products than that which the Customer ordered and such
             the Customer shall file claim with the carrier.  mistake is attributable to MISUMI, the Customer shall contact
           5.  Unless otherwise provided in the Catalog, the Days to Ship   MISUMI and return the extra Products to MISUMI promptly.
             will start on the next business day following the day the   In this case, MISUMI will pay for all shipping costs incurred
             sales agreement is concluded between the Customer and   in returning the extra Products. The Customer is kindly
             MISUMI under Article 3.3, excluding any holiday of MISUMI.   requested to keep the extra Products in its original condition
             If the time the Customer sends an order and the time   and packaging from the time it receives such Products until it
             MISUMI receives such order differs, the Day to Ship will be   returns them to MISUMI.
             calculated from the time MISUMI receives such order.
           6.  The Days to Ship and dates when the Products actually
             delivered to the Customer is different. When ordering the   Article 10 Special Orders
             Products, please see the period required for the delivery by
             area set out in the Catalogs.              If the Customer orders products with specifications set out in
             Please be aware that the Products may not be delivered   drawings provided by the Customer, specifications other than
             within the delivery period set out in the Catalog due to   those prescribed by MISUMI or other special orders not for the
             transportation factors such as weather, traffic jams, or   Products with the specifications listed in the Catalog (“Special
             road construction, the timing of the delivery (such as New   Orders”), ordering procedures and the Service are different
             Year holidays, Christmas holidays, or other holidays), the   from the orders for the standard Products listed in the Catalog.
             inventory status of the Products, or any other reasons, and   Other than the ordering procedure for Special Orders, the
             in this case MISUMI shall not be liable to the Customer in   Terms and Conditions apply to Special Orders to the extent
             any way.                                   that they do not contradict the nature of the Special Orders.

            Article 6 Delivery of the Products           Article 11 Applicable Taxes
           1.  Delivery of the Products is deemed to be completed when   The Customer shall additionally pay an amount equivalent to
             the Products is delivered to the place registered by the   all applicable taxes incurred in using the Service, including VAT
             Customer or designated by the Customer at the order. Upon   and any sales taxes, if any.
             receiving the Products, the Customer is requested to affix its
             seal or representative’s signature to the delivery company’s
             form as proof of receipt.                   Article 12 Payment
           2.  The Products may not be delivered if the Customer’s
             company name, factory name, research institute name,   1.  The Customer shall pay the purchase price for the Products
             nameplate, or other verification of the Customer cannot be   it has purchased, shipping cost (if any) and all taxes
             confirmed.                                  imposed thereon by any of the methods set out in the
           3.  If the Products are delivered to a location other than   Catalog and selected by the Customer at the customer
             that specified by the Customer, the person receiving the   registration; provided, however, that the Customer may
             Products may be required to provide personal identification,   be required to change the payment method upon request
             such as a license or passport. (In this case, details such as   from MISUMI. The payment term (“Payment Term”) shall
             the address, name, and registration number in the license or   be determined at the customer registration. Please be
             passport provided may be copied.)           aware that MISUMI may request advance payment from the
                                                         Customer if it is a new customer, depending on the status of
                                                         a transaction or for other reasons.
            Article 7 Inspections                       2.  The Company will send invoices for the Products shipped
                                                         and the Customer shall make all payment for such invoice
           1.  Within one (1) week of receipt of the Products, the Customer   amount in accordance with the Payment Term. The
             must inspect the Products to confirm the name, part number,   Customer shall be liable for the relevant bank fee of such
             and quantity of the Products and verify, that there is no   payment, if any.
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