Page 1006 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 1006

[Technical Data]
              Designing of Chain Drive Mechanism 4

            Installation Way     Horizontal Arrangement   Lubrication
           (A) Arrangement of Shafts                     The service life of roller chains depends heavily on
           Horizontal Arrangement                        lubrication. Therefore, correct lubrication is extremely
           Even when the shafts are arranged             important. Today, as chains are increasingly run at higher
           horizontally, the following points should   Driving Side  speeds, they need to be lubricated more effi  ciently.
           be taken into account in terms of the   (1)Good  Benefi ts of Lubrication Oil
           rotary direction of the shafts. In (2) and    Oil applied into the space between pins, bushings and rollers
           (3) shown, elongation of the chain may        forms oil fi lm. Which then helps to reduce wear of parts as well
           prevent the chain links from leaving the   Driving Side  as absorb impact. Oil also cools down heat generated in the
           sprocket teeth smoothly, resulting in   (2)Not Good  chain. Use good quality mineral oil to lubricate roller chains.
           biting. In (3) shown, the load bottom and     Recommended Lubricating Oil
           slack top sides of the chain may come
           into contact with each other; to prevent   Driving Side (3)Not Good  Lubrication Method  ACB  C
           this, use an idler or something equivalent.  (Change the rotating direction or   Temperature (A) 10  0  40  50  10  0  40  50
                                 use  an idler)         Chain No.  0 ։  40 ։  50 ։  60 ։  0 ։  40 ։  50 ։  60 ։
           Vertical Arrangement                          25։50/06B։10B SAE10 SAE20 SAE30 SAE40  SAE10 SAE20 SAE30 SAE40
           In (5) shown, an elongated chain may sag below the bottom sprockets. In this case,   60։80/12B։20B SAE20 SAE30 SAE40 SAE50
           when a small sprocket is arranged below a large sprocket, the elongated chain may
           drop away from the small sprocket. To prevent this, the shafts should be arranged as in   The lubrication methods(mentioned in the power transmission effi  ciency tables are based on the followings.)
           (4) , maintaining the angle at a maximum of 60°. When the mechanism in question or
           the installation space requires a vertical arrangement, place the small sprocket above   Lubrication  Method  Service Interval and Oiling Quantity  Notes
           the large sprocket and use an idler, etc. on the outside or inside as shown in (6) .  Hand Oiling  Apply oil by   While slowly turning
                 Vertical Arrangement                                         hand using a   the chain, apply oil
                                                                                        evenly 3~4 times onto
                                         Driving Side                         hand oiler or a   the entire length of
                                                                              brush, normally
                                                                              at least once   the chain. Be careful
                                                                              everyday.  not to allow hands or
                                                                                        clothing to be caught
                                                                                        between the chain and
                                                                                        the sprocket. When the
                                                                                        mechanism is run for
                                       Idlers                                           the fi rst time after oiling,
                                                          A                             be careful to excess oil
                                                                                        splashing over.
                   (4)Good  (5)Not Good  (6)Good
                                                             Drop Lubrication  Oil the chain   It is
                                                                              in a manner   recommended
           (B) Defl ection                                                     such that   that a simple
                                                                              approximately   casing be
             The defl ection should normally be maintained at                  5~20 drops of   installed over
                                                                                        the chain to
             approximately 4% of the distance between the shafts,             oil are applied   prevent oil from
                                                                              onto the chain
             and approximately 2% in the following instances.                 per minute.  splashing over.
             a. The shafts are arranged almost vertical transmission.
             b. The distance between the shafts is 1 m or more.  Oil Bath Lubrication  Dip the bottom   Use a leak-free
                                                                                        oil container.
                                                                              of the chain
             c. The chain needs to be started and stopped frequently under heavy load.  approximately   Before
             d. The chain needs to be run in the reverse direction.           10 mm below   installing the
                                                                              the oiled   oil container,
                                                                              surface.  wash it
                                L×4%                                                    carefully
                                                                                        to remove
                                                          B                             dust, dirt and
                                                                                        other foreign
                                                             Rotating Plate   The chain is oiled   particles.
                                L                            Lubrication      by a rotating plate.   Maintain the
                                                                              Dip the plate   correct oil level.
                                                                              approximately 20mm   Do not overfi ll
           (C)Load Fluctuation                                                below the oil level.   the container.
                                                                              The wind velocity of
             When the load varies during operation, install an initial        the plate should be
             tension either on the load or loose side of the chain. This      200 m/min or faster.
             can remove vibration and reduce the noise of the chain.          It is necessary   Use a leak-free
                                                             Forced Circulation
                                                             Lubrication by Pump  to adjust the   oil container.
                     Tensioner(Ex.)                                    Oil Pump  oil quantity   Before installing
                                                                                        the oil container,
                                   Tensioner                                  appropriately
                                                          C                   to prevent   wash it carefully
                                                                              overheating.  to remove
                                                                                        dust, dirt and
                                                                                        other foreign
                           Leaf Spring
               Tensioner(Ex. 1)  Tensioner(Ex. 2)
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