Page 1010 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 1010

3.  The Service is provided within the distribution area of
           Terms and Conditions of Sale                  MISUMI, except areas where deliveries cannot be made.
                                                         Please contact MISUMI for any queries on the distribution
           All purchases of products (the “Products”) from catalogs issued   are and the service areas.
           by MISUMI MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. (“MISUMI”) or available   4.  If the Customer desires to request MISUMI a large quantity
           on the MISUMI’s website (collectively the “Catalog”) will be   order of the Products which is required separate quantity
           governed by these Terms and Conditions of Sale (the “Terms   for volume discount rate under the Catalog, the price and
           and Conditions”).                             shipment date of the Products will be determined by the
           All purchasers who utilize the Catalog and web order service   quantity issued by MISUMI.
           (the “Service”) must strictly adhere to these Terms and
           Conditions, unless otherwise set forth in a signed statement by
           an authorized representative of MISUMI.       Article 3 Ordering the Products

                                                        1.  The Customer may apply to purchase the Products using
            Article 1 Registration                       the following methods. Provided, however, that MISUMI may
                                                         restrict the ordering method depending on Special Orders
           1.  To use the Service, the applicant (you) shall complete
             the customer registration procedures of MISUMI. After   (as defined in Article 10 below) or the type or quantity of the
                                                         Products ordered. The date and time MISUMI may receive
             the applicant has completed the customer registration
             application procedures in a manner specified by MISUMI   an order are set out in the Catalog and MISUMI’s website.
             and has been approved as a customer meeting the   1)  Internet orders: fill in the required fields in the web site
             standards prescribed by MISUMI, MISUMI will issue a   of MISUMI. Please visit MISUMI’s website or consult
             Customer Number and the applicant will become a customer   MISUMI for details on how to use the web site.
             (the “Customer”).                           2)  Facsimile orders: fill in the required fields on the order
             Before the Customer orders the Product via Internet website   sheet specified by MISUMI and send the order sheet to
             of MISUMI, named Web Ordering System (“WOS”), the   the fax number specified by MISUMI.
             Customer is required to apply for WOS registration as well   2.  Orders made by the Customer shall become effective upon
             as the customer registration. Please visit our WOS website   receipt of the order by MISUMI under Article 3.1. If MISUMI
             to understand the WOS registration process.  is unable to receive the order due to a problem with any
           2.  MISUMI may deny approval of an application to register as a   telecommunication service or any of the details required
             customer of MISUMI for any of the following reasons:  for the order are missing, the order shall not be deemed
             1)  the applicant is not registered as a corporation;  effective. In this case, MISUMI shall not be liable in any way
                                                         for the Customer not being able to purchase the Product or
             2)  the applicant has already registered;
             3)  the applicant’s principal place of business or postal   any damages arising in connection therewith.
               address as of the time of the customer registration   3.  Orders made by the Customer will constitute a sales
               procedures is outside Malaysia;           agreement upon receipt of the order by MISUMI under
             4)  it becomes evident that the applicant has had its customer   Article 3.1. Provided, however, that this will not apply if
               registration revoked in the past;         MISUMI notifies the Customer that it declines the order
             5)  any of the details in the customer registration application   immediately after receiving the order. In this case, MISUMI
               are untrue;                               shall not be liable in any way for the Customer believing
             6)  it is evident that the applicant is a distributor, or intends   that the order constitutes a sales agreement or any
               to resell;                                damages arising in connection therewith. If MISUMI deems
             7)  the applicant attempts to transfer or sell the customer   it particularly necessary, it will additionally execute a written
               registration number or user ID; or        sales agreement with the Customer and change the terms
             8)  any other matter that MISUMI deems to be inappropriate   of sale.
               for approval of customer registration.   4.  Please be aware that MISUMI may claim from the Customer
           3.  When ordering the Products, the Customer shall provide the   any expenses MISUMI incurs in connection with requests
             Customer Number issued to it at the time of registration as a   from the Customer.
             customer under this Article 1.
             Please note that the Customer Number is different from the   Article 4 Indemnifi cation
             User ID issued after WOS website registration.
           4.  Any and all purchase orders made by any User ID under the   The Customer may order the Products with the following
             Customer Code issued for the Customer shall be deemed as   conditions with respect to the use of the Products. The
             orders of the Customer.                    Customer will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless MISUMI
           5.  MISUMI will notify the Customer by facsimile or by email   and its affiliates, its parent company, and their respective
             of sales campaigns and other matters when sending the   officers, employees, and agents, from and against any liability,
             Catalog or other materials. MISUMI will not send such   damage, claim, or any litigation cost or expense (including
             information to the Customer if the Customer so requests.  but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees) from third party
                                                        claims arising out of or relating to the violation of any of the
                                                        following conditions:
            Article 2 Details of the Service            1.  The products are to be used as a component of general
                                                         production equipment or for commercial use or industrial
           1.  The Customer may purchase the Products listed in the
             Catalog using the Service subject to the provisions of the   application (“General Industrial Use”). Please note that
             Terms and Conditions and any terms set out in the Catalog   General Industrial Use does not include any use in
             (including, without limitation, specifications, price, Days to   transportation devices with the purpose of transporting
             Ship (as defined in Article 5), and instruction and precaution   humans such as automobiles, vehicles, or ships, medical
             for use). Please be aware, however, that because of the   equipment with the purpose of curing and diagnosing
             nature of the Products, the Customer’s business or other   humans, or consumer goods that are used in general
             standards prescribed by MISUMI, or at the discretion of the   households such as electronic and electric equipment.
             original manufacturer or MISUMI, some of the Products may   2.  The Products may not be used in aerospace equipment,
             be removed from the Service without prior notice or warning.  nuclear energy equipment, or military related products, such
                                                         as weapons or arms.
           2.  The Customer may use the Service provided by MISUMI’s   3.  The Products or any equipment for General Industrial Use
             website in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and
             other terms and conditions for use of our website. MISUMI   (or parts thereof) will not be used in, exported to, or sold to
             may suspend or discontinue all or part of such Service for   any country outside Malaysia.
             maintenance of machinery or equipment and other reasons,   4.  MISUMI provides the Service on the condition that
             without prior notice or warning to the Customer.  the Customer orders and uses the Products at its sole
                                                         responsibility and in compliance with matters relating to
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