Page 1014 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 1014

5.  MISUMI shall not be liable in any way for any damages
            Article 24  Approval to Amend the Terms      that the Customer incurs as a result of using the Internet
                      and Conditions                     Services in a way other than the ordinary way of using it.

           MISUMI may revise, modify, or amend the Terms and
           Conditions (“Amendments”) at any time, without prior notice,   Article 28  Temporary and Permanent
           and will set forth such Amendments on MISUMI’s Internet   Discontinuation of the Services
           website (pages for products catalog and the Terms and
           Conditions). If the Customer orders the Products after such   In the event that any of the following occur, MISUMI reserves
           Amendments, the Customer will be deemed to have approved   the right to suspend or discontinue, part of, or all aspects of the
           such Amendments.                             Service, without prior notice to the Customer.
                                                        1.  If an ordering system or equipment is damaged or rendered
                                                         unusable due to natural disaster (including, without
            Article 25 Eff ective Term of Catalog         limitation, earthquakes, floods and fires), a power failure or
                                                         similar event, or damage to the lines of a telecommunication
           1.  The Catalog (except for the web-catalogs available on the
             MISUMI’s website, which does not have effective term) is   carrier or internet provider or other infrastructure.
             effective only until the following event is occurred unless   2.  If delivery of the Products is impossible due to a natural
             otherwise specified by MISUMI (the “Catalog Effective   disaster (including, without limitation, earthquakes, floods,
             Term”). Please be aware that, unless MISUMI indicates   and fires), the enactment or abolishment of a law or
             otherwise, the Customer will not be able to make any orders   ordinance, a labour dispute, or any other unavoidable
             from the Catalog after expiration of the Catalog Effective   situation.
             Term.                                      3.  If an ordering system or equipment requires repair or
             1)  When the Company publishes a latest version of the   4.  If MISUMI otherwise believes the suspension or
               Catalog or other alternative catalog.
             2)  When the Company notifies the Customer that the   discontinuation of the Service is necessary in relation to the
               Catalog cannot be used or is invalid.     operation of the Service.
             In the event that any of the above-mentioned event occurs,
             MISUMI will place a notice on the Internet website of   Article 29 Prohibited Acts
             MISUMI (product catalog pages). Please kindly check the
             Internet website of MISUMI periodically.   The Customer may not carry out any of the following acts while
           2.  The expiration of the Catalog Effective Term shall not limit   using the Service:
             in any way the effect of this provision. MISUMI shall not   1.  Register false details in its customer registration.
             be liable in any way to the Customer for any expenses or   2.  Carry out an act that would or might interfere with the
             damages incurred by the Customer as a result of making an   operation of the Service.
             order from a Catalog whose effective term has expired.  3.  Make an order under another name or a false Customer
                                                         Number or User ID.
                                                        4.  Act in a way that would or might be detrimental to another
            Article 26  Priority of the Terms and        Customer, a third party, or MISUMI or cause another
                      Conditions                         Customer, a third party, or MISUMI trouble or to incur
           The Terms and Conditions apply equally to all Customers   5.  Carry out any act that would or might infringe any copyright
           who use the Service. The Customer shall fully understand the   or other intellectual property right or any right to privacy or
           Terms and Conditions and the contents of the Catalog before   other right of another Customer, a third party, or MISUMI.
           using the Service. If there is any contradiction between the   6.  Illegally access to the Service via Internet and falsify
           Terms and Conditions and any agreement or other contract   information.
           separately entered into between the Customer and MISUMI   7.  Use the Service via Internet to send or post harmful
           (including any agreement terms on order forms used by the   computer viruses or programs or inappropriate content.
           Customer), the Terms and Conditions shall take priority.  8.  Carry out any act that would or might contravene public
                                                         policy or any law or ordinance.
            Article 27  Disclaimer Concerning Internet   9.  Assign or transfer any of the Customer’s right and
                                                         obligations which may arise in connection with the Service.
                      Services                          10.  Carry out any act that MISUMI otherwise deems
           1.  When the Customer views information or receives the
             Services or the like by using the website of MISUMI (the
             “Internet Service”), the Customer does so at its own risk and   Article 30 Intellectual Property Right
             shall do so in accordance with the Terms and Conditions
             as well as in accordance with the individual Terms and   1.  Without the approval of the copyright holder, the Customer
             Conditions and regulations pertaining to individual services   shall not use any of the information provided through the
             and with laws and ordinances.               Service beyond the scope of applicable Copyright law.
           2.  MISUMI is working to improve the quality of the information   2.  MISUMI assumes no liability whatsoever if any infringement
             and services it provides through the Internet Service, but   claim arises out of compliance with the Customer’s design or
             does not warrant the safety, reliability, usability, fitness   specifications or out of any addition to or modification of the
             for a particular purpose, newness, legality, ethicality, or   Products, or any combination thereof with other products by
             imperviousness to computer viruses of, for example, the   or under the instruction of the Customer without MISUMI’s
             Products, information, and services provided through   express authorization thereof, or from use of the Products in
             the Internet Service, unless caused by MISUMI’s willful   the practice of process or system specified by the Customer.
             misconduct or gross negligence.            3.  The Customer shall indemnify and hold harmless MISUMI
           3.  MISUMI addresses security matters, such as preventing   from and against any claims or damages in connection with
             information divulgence, but asks the Customer to be aware   problems arising through the Customer’s breach of this
             that there is a risk that information might be divulged and   Article 30.
             that absolute security thereof cannot be completely assured.
           4.  MISUMI shall not be liable in any way for any damages the
             Customer incurs in relation to using the Internet Service
             (including damages caused by undelivered orders made
             through the website), unless such damages are caused by
             MISUMI’s willful misconduct or gross negligence.
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