Page 1013 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 1013

2.  In case that no warranty is applied to the defect of the   obligations owed by the Customer through use of the
             Products under the Warranty, repair or replacement of the   Service will become immediately due and payable, and the
             Products will be charged and the Customer is required to   Customer shall promptly pay all such obligations. Further,
             pay the repair or replacement fee separately designated by   the Customer shall indemnify MISUMI for any damages
             MISUMI, provided, however, that the defect of the Products   incurred by MISUMI due to the Customer’s breach of any
             may not be repaired or replaced because of the nature,   provisions of the Terms and Conditions.
             manufacturing date, or specifications of the Products in
                                                         Article 20  Notifi cation of and Changes to
                                                                  Registered Information
            Article 19  Revocation of Registration and
                      Termination of Sales Agreements   1.  If there are any changes to the company name, address,
                                                         representative, telephone number, fax number, contact
           1.  If any of the following cases apply to the Customer, MISUMI   person, e-mail address, or other information registered
             may revoke the Customer’s registration, suspend, or   by the Customer at the time of applying for customer
             discontinue a part or all of the Services without prior notice,   registration or user registration of WOS, the Customer shall
             and immediately terminate any sales agreements it has   immediately notify MISUMI of such change in writing or
             entered into with the Customer without further notice:  through WOS website and follow the prescribed procedures.
             1)  If it becomes evident that any of the cases set out in   2.  In addition to Article 20.1, if (i) the Customer transfers
               Article 1.2 apply to the Customer.        its business to a third party, receive an assignment of a
             2)  If the Products are used for the purpose other than   business from a third party, or undergo a merger; or (ii)
               General Industrial Use.                   any of the circumstances set out in Article 19.1 occurs, the
             3)  If the Products are used in aerospace equipment, nuclear   Customer shall immediately notify MISUMI. In this case,
               energy equipment, or military related products, such as   MISUMI may, if it deems it is necessary, request consultation
               weapons or arms.                          with the Customer about whether to continue transactions
             4)  If the Products are resold to a third party, incorporated   and the Customer’s registration.
               in products offered to general consumers, or used in   3.  If the Customer fails to notify or delays in giving the notice
               any other similar manner without the written consent of   provided in Article 20.1 or 20.2, and the Products and the
               MISUMI.                                   Catalog and any administrative communications are not
             5)  If the Customer delays in or fails to perform its obligations   delivered to the Customer or such delivery is delayed,
               arising through use of the Service and fails to remedy this   MISUMI will deem such items to have arrived or been
               within seven (7) days, regardless of MISUMI’s notification   received by the Customer at the time they would normally
               to the Customer demanding remedy thereof.  reach the Customer. Further, the Customer shall pay for all
             6)  In addition to Article 19.1(5), if the Customer breaches   shipping costs in sending such items to its new address,
               any of the Terms and Conditions and fails to remedy this   costs incurred in replacing the Products, and any additional
               within fourteen (14) days, in despite of MISUMI’s gives   fees incurred by MISUMI.
               notification to the Customer demanding remedy thereof.
             7)  If the Customer sustains a disposition from the relevant
               supervisory agency, such as a cancellation or suspension   Article 21  Cancellation of Registration by
               of its business operations.                        the Customer
             8)  If the Customer is subject to a suspension of payments or
               becomes insolvent, or a check issued by the Customer is   The Customer may cancel its registration by notifying MISUMI
               subject to dishonor.                     in a manner prescribed by MISUMI. Upon receipt of such
             9)  If the Customer’s credibility substantially deteriorates or   notification, MISUMI will revoke the registration of such
               there is a material change to its business that will affect   Customer, and the Customer will lose its status as a customer
               its credibility.                         at the time such revocation is registered.
             10)  If the Customer is subject to a petition for attachment,
               provisional attachment, provisional disposition or any
               other compulsory execution or auction filed by a third   Article 22 Governing Law: Jurisdiction
               party, or is subject to a disposition to collect tax or other
               public charges delinquencies.            1.  The Terms and Conditions and any sale or purchase of
             11)  If a petition for bankruptcy, reorganization, or other   the Products, and/or the relationship of the Customer and
               insolvency proceeding is filed against or by the   MISUMI shall be exclusively governed by and construed in
               Customer.                                 accordance with the laws of Malaysia without regard to its
             12)  If the Customer passes a resolution to dissolve or   conflicts of law principles.
               merges with another company.             2.  Any claim or dispute arising out of or related to the Terms
             13)  If it becomes difficult for the Customer to perform its   and Conditions, the sale or purchase of the Products, or
               obligations under the Terms and Conditions or any sales   the relationship of the Customer and MISUMI shall be
               agreements due to a natural disaster, labour dispute, or   brought exclusive in the competent courts in Kuala Lumpur,
               other reasons.                            Malaysia, and the Customer and MISUMI hereby submit to
             14)  If the Customer defrauds MISUMI or commits any other   and waive any objections to the exclusive jurisdiction hereof.
               acts in bad faith that makes it difficult to continue the
               Customer’s membership.                    Article 23  Revisions to Price and
             15)  If the Customer’s financial condition deteriorates or there
               are grounds to objectively believe this may occur.  Specifi cations
             16)  If MISUMI cannot contact the Customer using
               reasonable methods of communication.     MISUMI may, at its discretion and with or without notification,
             17)  If the Customer cancels its registration at its own   suspend sales of the Products and/or revise the Product
               discretion under Article 21.             information published in the Catalog (“Revisions”), including,
             18)  If the Customer has not placed an order for one (1) year   but not limited to, pricing, the Days to Ship, delivery period,
               or more.                                 and/or design specifications of the Products. Should
                                                        MISUMI decide to make notification to the Customer of such
             19)  If the Customer carries out any of the prohibited acts   Revisions, it may choose the timing, media, and other methods
               under Article 29.                        concerning notification at its discretion. Should the Customer
             20)  If there are grounds that otherwise make MISUMI   order the Products after such Revisions, the Customer will be
               believe the Customer is inappropriate as a customer for   deemed to have approved such Revisions.
               the Service.
           2.  If any of the above cases apply to the Customer, all
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