Page 126 - IGUS Bearing
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iglidur  P210                                                                                                                                                                                                            iglidur  P210
         +100°C                                                                                                                                                                                                                   +100°C
          50MPa                                                                                                                                                                                                                   50MPa
                      Bearing technology | Plain bearings | iglidur  P210                                                           Technical data
          Permissible surface speeds                         Installation tolerances                                                  100.0                                               0.30
          Plain bearings made from iglidur  P210 are maintenance-   iglidur  P210 plain bearings are standard bearings for             10.0                                               0.25
          free, they are developed for low to medium surface   shafts with h tolerance (recommended minimum h9). The                                                                      0.20
          speeds. The maximum values given in table 03 can only   bearings are designed for press-fit into a housing machined           1.0                                               0.15
          be achieved at a very low surface pressure. The maximum   to a H7 tolerance. After being assembled into a nominal                                                               0.10
          speed given is the speed at which an increase up to the   size housing, the inner diameter automatically adjusts to        Surface pressure [MPa]  0.1                        Coefficient of friction [µ]  0.05
          continuous use temperature occurs due to friction.  the E10 tolerances. For particular dimensions the tolerance
          Surface speed, page 48                             differs depending on the wall thickness (please see product               0.01  0.001   0.01     0.1      1.0      10.0      0.00
                                                             range table).                                                                                                                     0      10     20      30     40     50
          Temperature                                        Testing methods, page 61                                                 Surface speed [m/s]                                Load [MPa]
          Also thanks to its maximum long-term application                                                                          Diagram 01: Permissible pv values for iglidur  P210 with a   Diagram 05: Coefficient of friction as a function of the
          temperature of +100°C, iglidur  P210 is suitable for a                                                                    wall thickness of 1mm dry operation against a steel shaft at   pressure, v = 0.01m/s
          wide range of applications. If even higher temperatures are   Chemicals              Resistance                           +20°C, mounted in a steel housing
          required, iglidur  G is also available with a max. long-term   Alcohols                  +
          application temperature of +130°C. The temperatures   Diluted acids                      0                                    60                                                  5
          prevailing in the bearing system also have an influence on   Diluted alkalines            –                                   50
          the wear. The wear rises with increasing temperatures.   Fuels                           +                                                                                        4
          For temperatures over +50°C an additional securing is   Greases, oils without additives  +                                    40                                                  3
          required.                                           Hydrocarbons                          –                                   30                                                  2          Free cutting steel   Cf53, hard chromed  304 stainless steel
          Application temperatures, page 53                   Strong acids                          –                                   20                                                        H.a. aluminium       HR carbon steel  High grade steel
          Additional securing, page 53                        Strong alkalines                      –                                   10                                              Wear [µm/km]  1     Cf53 steel
                                                             All data given at room temperature [+20°C]                              Load [MPa]  0                                          0
          Friction and wear                                  Table 02: Chemical resistance                                                 20   30   40  50   60  70   80   90  100
          Similar to wear resistance, the coefficient of friction µ also   Chemical table, page 1170                                  Temperature [°C]
          changes with the surface speed and load (diagrams 04                                                                      Diagram 02: Maximum recommended surface pressure as a   Diagram 06: Wear, rotating with different shaft materials,
          and 05).                                                             Rotating Oscillating   linear                        function of temperature (50MPa at +20°C)           pressure, p = 1MPa, v = 0.3m/s
          Coefficient of friction and surfaces, page 51       Long-term  m/s      1.0       0.7        3.0
          Wear resistance, page 54                            Short-term  m/s     2.0       1.4        4.0                              10                                                 120
                                                             Table 03: Maximum surface speeds                                                                                              100        rotating
          Shaft materials                                                                                                                8       +23°C                                     80         oscillating
          Diagram 06 shows results of testing different shaft                      Dry    Greases Oil  Water                             6       +60°C
          materials with plain bearings made from iglidur  P210.   Coefficient of friction μ 0.07-0.19  0.09  0.04  0.04                 4                                                 60
          For rotational movements at radial loads below 1MPa,   Table 04: Coefficient of friction against steel (Ra = 1μm,                                                                40
          iglidur  P210 has generally very low wear. Wear is only   50HRC)                                                           Deformation [%]  2                                 Wear [µm/km]  20
          significantly higher in combination with HR carbon steel                                                                       0                                                  0
          shafts. Generally, rotational wear will be higher than for a      Housing  Plain bearings  Shaft                                 0            25          50          75             0   5   10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45
          pivoting application of equal load. This is only reversed at   Ø d1 [mm]  H7 [mm]  E10 [mm]  h9 [mm]                        Load [MPa]                                         Load [MPa]
          loads above 25MPa (diagram 07).                     0-3       +0.000 +0.010 +0.014 +0.054 -0.025 +0.000                   Diagram 03: Deformation under pressure and temperature  Diagram 07: Wear for oscillating and rotating applications
          Shaft materials, page 56                            > 3-6     +0.000 +0.012 +0.020 +0.068 -0.030 +0.000                                                                      with shaft material Cf53 hardened and ground steel, as a
                                                              > 6-10    +0.000 +0.015 +0.025 +0.083 -0.036 +0.000                                                                      function of the load
                                                              > 10-18   +0.000 +0.018 +0.032 +0.102 -0.043 +0.000                      0.40
                                                              > 18-30   +0.000 +0.021 +0.040 +0.124 -0.052 +0.000                      0.30
                                                              > 30-50   +0.000 +0.025 +0.050 +0.150 -0.062 +0.000                      0.25
                                                              > 50-80   +0.000 +0.030 +0.060 +0.180 -0.074 +0.000                      0.20
                                                              > 80-120  +0.000 +0.035 +0.072 +0.212 -0.087 +0.000                    Coefficient of friction [µ]  0.15
                                                              > 120-180  +0.000 +0.040 +0.085 +0.245 -0.100 +0.000                     0.10
                                                             Table 05: Important tolerances for plain bearings according               0.05
                                                             to ISO 3547-1 after press-fit                                                 0.10  0.15   0.20  0.25  0.30  0.35  0.40
                                                                                                                                      Surface speed [m/s]
                                                                                                                 ASEAN 09/2023   ASEAN 09/2023  surface speed, p = 1MPa
                                                                                                                                    Diagram 04: Coefficient of friction as a function of the

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