Page 61 - IGUS Bearing
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iglidur  | Technical data
 Resistance to weathering

 Radioactive radiation  Electrical properties  Material  Resistance to weathering  Material  Resistance to weathering
 A comparison of the resistance to radioactive radiation is   In the product range of the maintenance-free, self-lubricating
 shown in table 06. iglidur  X, UW500 and Z are by far the   iglidur  plain bearings, there are both insulating as well as   ®  ®
 most resistant materials.  electrically conductive materials. The electrical properties   iglidur  G  4  iglidur  C500  4
 are given in detail in the individual material descriptions.   iglidur  G1  n.s.  iglidur  H2   5
 Resistance to weathering  Table 07 compares the surface resistance of "conductive"   iglidur  M250  2  iglidur  H3  5
 The UV resistance is an important measure that states   iglidur  plain bearings. The iglidur  plain bearings not   iglidur  P210  5  iglidur  H5  5
 whether a material is affected by UV radiation. The effects   mentioned here are usually electrically insulating. Please   iglidur  P  5  iglidur  A181  4
 can extend from slight changes in colour to brittleness of   observe that for some materials the properties can be   iglidur  K  4  iglidur  A350  5
 the material. A comparison of the materials to each other   changed by the absorption of moisture. In experiments, it   iglidur  GLW  4  iglidur  A500  2
 is shown in table 08. The results show that iglidur  plain   should be tested whether the required properties are also   iglidur  P230  n.s.  iglidur  A180  1
 bearings are suitable for outside use. Only for a few iglidur    stable when the conditions are changing.  iglidur  J  4  iglidur  A200  1
 materials are any changes expected.  iglidur  W300  3            iglidur  A160                  5
            iglidur  J3                    4                      iglidur  UW160                 5
 Material  Surface resistance [Ω]  iglidur  J3B  n.s.             iglidur  T220                  4
 Vacuum  iglidur  X  < 10 3  ®                                          ®
 iglidur  plain bearings can be used in a vacuum to a limited   iglidur  X6  < 10 5  iglidur  J350  5  iglidur  AX500  2
 extent. Only a small amount of outgassing takes place.   iglidur  UW500  < 10 9  iglidur  J260  5  iglidur  Q2  5
 In most iglidur  plain bearings, the outgassing does not   iglidur  H  < 10 2  iglidur  W360  4  iglidur  Q3E  n.s.
 change the material properties. Generally, materials with   iglidur  H370  < 10 5  iglidur  L250  3  iglidur  Q  4
 low moisture absorption are recommended.  iglidur  F  < 10 2  iglidur  L350  n.s.  iglidur  Q290  1
                                                                  iglidur  M210
            iglidur  L500
 iglidur  F2  < 10 9  iglidur  R           4                      iglidur  M260                  5
 iglidur  UW  < 10 5  iglidur  D           5                      iglidur  F                     3
 iglidur  AX500  10  - 10 11  iglidur  J200  4                    iglidur  F2                    4
 Table 07: Electrical properties of conductive iglidur    iglidur  E7  5  iglidur  H4            5
 plain bearings  iglidur  E                4                      iglidur  UW                    3
            iglidur  X                     5                      iglidur  J UV                  5
 Material  Radiation resistance  iglidur  Z  5                    iglidur  N54                   4
 X, Z, UW500, A160  1 · 10  Gy  iglidur  X6  5                    iglidur  G V0                  4
 X6, A500  2 · 10  Gy  iglidur  V400       5                      iglidur  J2                    3
 M250, J3, A200, N54  1 · 10  Gy  iglidur  HSD350  5              iglidur  AB                    3
 L250  3 · 10  Gy  iglidur  UW500          5                      iglidur  RW370                 5
 V400, C  2 · 10  Gy  iglidur  H1          5                      iglidur  B                     3
 P, K  5 · 10  Gy  iglidur  H370           5                      iglidur  C                     3
 G, G1, J, W300, P210, P230, J260, J200, R, D, C500, A180,   iglidur  H  5
 UW160, T220, F, F2, Q, Q2, UW, G V0, J2, B, GLW, L500,   3 · 10  Gy
 Q290, AB, J UV, Q3E, E7, J3B, E, AX500, M210, M260  Table 08: UV resistance of iglidur  plain bearings, 1 low resistance, 5 highest resistance
 J350, H, H1, H370, H2, H4, A181, A350, W360, H3, H5  2 · 10  Gy  Determination of bending specifications according to DIN EN ISO 178 after weathering with double stroke 4 of ASTM G154.
 Table 06: Comparison of the radiation resistance of iglidur  plain bearings  Two alternating statuses (total time: 2,000hrs). Status 1: Irradiation with UVA-340, irradiance 1.55W/m2/nm and 70°C for
          8hrs. Status 2: no irradiation, condensation at 50°C for 4hrs.
 ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
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