Page 62 - IGUS Bearing
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iglidur  | Technical data                                                                                                iglidur  | Technical data
        Assembly instructions                                                                                                    Tolerances and measurement system

        iglidur  plain bearings are press-fit bearings. The inner                                                                The installation dimensions and tolerances of the iglidur
        diameter adjusts only after press-fit in the proper housing                                                              plain bearings are a function of the material and wall
        hole with a recommended (H7) tolerance. The press-fit                                                                    thicknesses. For each material, the moisture absorption and
        excess dimension can be up to 2% of the inner diameter.                                                                  the thermal expansion are imperative. Plain bearings with
        This ensures the secure press-fitting of the bearing. Axial or                                                           low moisture absorption can be designed with a minimal
        radial movement in the housing are also prevented this way.                                                              amount of bearing clearance. For wall thickness, the rule is:
        The hole in the housing should be made with the                                                                          the thicker the bearings are, the larger the tolerances must
        recommended  tolerance  (H7)  for  all  bearings  and  be                                                                be. Thus, different tolerance classes exist for iglidur  plain
        smooth, flat and chamfered. The bearing should be press-                                                                 bearings. Within these tolerances, iglidur  plain bearings
        fitted using a flat press. The use of centring or calibrating                                                            can operate in the permissible temperature range and in
        pins can cause damage to the bearings and bring a greater                                                                humidity conditions up to 70% according to the installation
        amount of clearance.                                                                                                     recommendations. Should higher air moisture levels be
                                                                                                                                 present, or the bearing is used under water, we provide
        Adhesion                                                                                                                 advice with regard to applications, in order to help you use
        It is not usually necessary to use an adhesive to fit the   Picture 12: The bearing should be press-fitted using         your bearings correctly.                             Picture 13: measurement of the inner diameter of a
        bearing. If a bearing is likely to lose its firm fit on account   a flat press                                                                                                press-fit plain bearing
        of high temperatures, a more temperature-resistant plain                                                                 Testing methods
        bearing should be used. If, however, there are plans to                                                                  iglidur  plain bearings are press-fit bearings for housings
        secure the bearings with adhesive, it will be necessary                                                                  with a H7 standard hole. This press-fitting of the bearing
        to perform suitable tests in each case. It is not possible                                                               fixes the bearing in the housing, and the inner diameter of                      1
        to simply transfer the successful results seen in other                                                                  the plain bearing is also formed upon press-fit.
        applications.                                                                                                            The bearing size test is performed when the bearing is
                                                                                                                                 installed in a hole with the minimum specified dimension;                        2
                                                                                                                                 both using a dial gauge and a plug gauge:
        Machining                                                                                                                ●  The "Go-Side" of the plug gauge, pressed into the
        iglidur   plain  bearings  are  delivered  ready-to-fit.  The                                                              hole, must pass easily through the bearing
        extensive product line makes it possible to use a standard                                                               ●  With the 3 point probe, the inner diameter of the
        dimension in most cases. If for some reason, a subsequent                                                                  bearing must lie within the prescribed tolerance on the                        3
        machining of the plain bearing is necessary, the adjacent                                                                  measurement plane (diagram 20)
        table shows the machining standard values. The subsequent
        machining of the sliding surfaces is to be avoided if possible.                                                          Troubleshooting                                                              Ø
        Higher wear rate is most often the result.                                                                               In spite of careful manufacturing and assembly of the   Diagram 20: Positions of the measurement lines
        An exception is iglidur   M250 which is suitable for                                                                     bearings,  differences  and  questions  regarding  the
        subsequent machining. In other iglidur  plain bearings,                                                                  recommended installation heights and tolerances can
        disadvantages of a sliding surface machining can be                                                                      result. For this reason, we have compiled a list of the most
        counteracted by lubrication during installation.                                                                         frequent reasons for differences. In many cases, with this
                                                                                                                                 troubleshooter, the reasons for the differences can be found
         Process                                      Turning               Drilling              Milling                        ●  The hole is not chamfered correctly, so the bearing
         Tool material                              Stainless steel      Stainless steel       Stainless steel                     material is removed upon press-fitting
         Feed [mm]                                    0.1…0.5              0.1…0.5               up to 0.5                       ●  A centring pin was used which expanded the inside
         Clearance angle                               5…15                 10…12                   3                              diameter of the bearing during press-fit
         Rake angle                                    0…10                  3…5                                                 ●  The hole does not meet the recommended housing                20–30°
         Cutting speed [m/min]                       200…500               50…100               up to 1,000                        hole specifications (usually H7)
        Table 09: Guidelines for machining                                                                                       ●  The housing is made out of a soft material that was
                                                                                                                                   expanded by the bearing installation
                                                                                                                                 ●  The shaft is not within recommended tolerances    Diagram 21: Press-fit of the bearing (section view)
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023  measuring lines
                                                                                                                                    The measuring doesn't take place within the

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