Page 118 - IGUS Linear
P. 118

drylin  W                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  W
      hybrid roller   drylin  W hybrid roller bearings | Product range New                                                       drylin  W hybrid roller bearings | Product range New                                           hybrid roller
       bearings                                                                                                                                                                                                                  bearings
                     Hybrid roller bearings with two rollers                                                                     Tandem roller bearings with ball bearings
                                                                    Order key                                                                                                                Order key

                                                               Type             Size   Material                                                                                        Type             Size          Material

                                                                                             Material                                                                                                                      Material
                                                                                             AL: Aluminium                                                                                                                 AL: Aluminium

                                                                   Hybrid roller    bearings  With double roller  Size 10  Aluminium                                                       Hybrid roller    bearings  With double roller  Size 10  Roller with ball bearing  Aluminium

                            C1                                                                                                                      C1
                                                                   T                 H2                                                                                                    T                  H2
                                                                       S                                                                                                                       S
                                                         A3                                                                                                                      A3
                                                               K3  K2                                                                                                                  K3  K2
                                                                          B                                                                                                                       B
                                                         G1                                Q2                                                                                    G1                                Q2

                                                                                     Q1                                                                                                                      Q1
                                                                     H                                                                                                                       H
                                                                 Einbaulage 01    Einbaulage 02                                                                                          Einbaulage 01     Einbaulage 02
                                                              Installation      Installation                                                                                          Installation      Installation
                                                              position 01       position 02                                                                                           position 01       position 02

        Technical data and dimensions [mm]                                                                                       Technical data and dimensions [mm]

         Part No.                 Stat. load          Dyn. load capacity Cy+            F · v        Weight                      Part No.                    Stat. load         Dyn. load capacity Cy+             F · v      Weight
                                  capacity         at total running distance [km]                                                                            capacity        at total running distance [km]
                                     Co            10          100          200         max.                                                                    Co           10          100          200          max.
                                     [N]           [N]         [N]          [N]        [N · m/s]        [g]                                                     [N]          [N]          [N]          [N]       [N · m/s]      [g]
         WJRM-51-10-AL New           500          500          180         100           50            70                        WJRM-51-10-BB-AL New          500          500          180          100          50           70
         WJRM-51-16-AL New           800          800          280         140           80            123                       WJRM-51-16-BB-AL New          800          800          280          140          80           123
         WJRM-51-20-AL New          1,100         1,100        400         200           80            215                       WJRM-51-20-BB-AL New          1,100       1,100         400          200          80           215

         Part No.               Coefficient  A3   B    C1    G1    S     H    H2    T    K2    K3    Q1    Q2                    Part No.                  Coefficient  A3   B    C1   G1     S    H    H2    T    K2    K3   Q1    Q2
                               of friction in                                                                                                              of friction in
                                z-direction                                                                                                                y-direction
                                    [µ]                                                   Ø     Ø                                                              [µ]                                                  Ø    Ø
         WJRM-51-10-AL New        < 0.10    8.5  29.8  70   30.1   1    20.5 19.0   4.3  5.2   10   28.5  22.1                   WJRM-51-10-BB-AL New        < 0.03    8.5  29.8  70   30.1   1   20.5 19.0  4.3   5.2   10   28.5 22.1
         WJRM-51-16-AL New        < 0.10    9.5  39.5  85   37.5   1    27.5 25.0   7.0  6.2   12   31.5  32.5                   WJRM-51-16-BB-AL New        < 0.03    9.5  39.5  85   37.5   1   27.5 25.0  7.0   6.2   12   31.5 32.5
         WJRM-51-20-AL New        < 0.10   11.0 48.5   100  42.0   1    36.0 34.5 14.0   8.2   17   37.0  41.0                   WJRM-51-20-BB-AL New        < 0.03   11.0 48.5 100 42.0      1   36.0 34.5 14.0   8.2   17   37.0 41.0

                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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