Page 123 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  W                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  W
      hybrid roller   drylin  W hybrid roller bearings | Product range                                                           drylin  W hybrid roller bearings | Product range                                               hybrid roller
       bearings                                                                                                                                                                                                                  bearings
                     Hybrid carriages with four double roller bearings                                                           Hybrid carriages with four single roller bearings for horizontal installation
                                                                    Order key                                                                                                                Order key

                                                               Type           Dimensions                                                                                               Type      Dimensions

                                                                drylin ®  W  Hybrid carriage  Double roller bearing  Installation size  Carriage length [mm]                             drylin ®  W  Hybrid carriage  Installation size  Carriage length [mm]

                                                                    Optional with manual clamp,
                                                                    suffix "-HKA"                                                                                     K2

                                                                                                                                                                                           A2  A                     C  C2

                                                                                                                                                                C2                                        H2                               K2
        Technical data and dimensions [mm]
         Part No.                  Weight    A       C      A2     C2     K2      Kt     H2   Stat. load capacity
                                           Width Length                                              Coy
                                     [kg]                                                             [N]                        Technical data and dimensions [mm]
         WWH-21-10-40-10            0.59     73     100     60     87     M6      21     34         1,400                        Part No.                 Weight   A    A2    C    C2    K2    H2           Static load capacity  A2
         WWH-21-10-40-15            0.64     73     150     60     137    M6      21     34         1,400                                                                                            Coy     Coz    Mox    Moy    A Moz
         WWH-21-10-40-20            0.70     73     200     60     187    M6      21     34         1,400                                                   [kg]                              ±0.17   [N]    [N]    [Nm]   [Nm]   [Nm]
         WWH-21-10-80-10            0.64    107     100     94     87     M6      21     34         1,400                        WWH-10-40-10              0.35    58   40   100    80   M5    34   1,000  1,000    20      16     32
         WWH-21-10-80-15            0.72    107     150     94     137    M6      21     34         1,400                        WWH-16-60-15              0.96    84   60   150   120   M6    46   1,600  1,600    45      38     77
         WWH-21-10-80-20            0.80    107     200     94     187    M6      21     34         1,400                        WWH-20-80-25              1.78   114   90   250   220   M6    55   2,200  2,200    90     435    435
         WWH-21-10-120-10           0.71    153     100    140     87     M6      21     34         1,400
         WWH-21-10-120-15           0.84    153     150    140     137    M6      21     34         1,400
         WWH-21-10-120-20           0.96    153     200    140     187    M6      21     34         1,400
         WWH-21-16-60-10            1.31    104     100     86     82     M8      29     49         2,400
         WWH-21-16-60-15            1.44    104     150     86     132    M8      29     49         2,400
         WWH-21-16-60-20            1.57    104     200     86     182    M8      29     49         2,400
         WWH-21-16-120-15 New       1.58    166     150    148     132    M8      29     49         2,400
         WWH-21-16-120-20 New       1.76    166     200    148     182    M8      29     49         2,400
         WWH-21-16-120-25 New       1.93    166     250    148     232    M8      29     49         2,400
         WWH-21-20-80-15            1.72    134     150    116     132    M8      24     57         3,360
         WWH-21-20-80-20            1.82    134     200    116     182    M8      24     57         3,360
         WWH-21-20-80-25            2.02    134     250    116     232    M8      24     57         3,360

        Can be combined with:                                                                                                    Can be combined with:
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        WS-20-80 WS-...-ES-FG  WSX-...                                                                                           WS-...  WS-...-ES-FG  WSX-...
        120 Online tools and more information u                                                        3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u          121
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