Page 238 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  R                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  R
         shaft       drylin  R pillow blocks | Product range                                                                     drylin  R pillow blocks | Product range                                                           shaft
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Closed, anodised aluminium, floating pillow blocks                                                          Open, anodised aluminium, floating pillow blocks
                                          A1                                       Order key                                                                         W   d1                                Order key
                                                                             Type                Size   Version                                                                1                     Type                Size   Version
                                                     1                                                                                                                      H  H
                                                     H                                                                                                        3
                                                   H                                                                                                          H
                                           A                                                                                                                        E1
                                          E1                                                                                                                 S1                      ±3.0mm
                                                  2  L                                                                                                                      2  E  L
                                                  E                                           Long design  Floating bearing                                                                                           Long design  Floating bearing
                                                                               Closed  iglidur ®  J  Liner  Metric  Inner Ø d1      0°        90°   180°                                               Open  iglidur ®  J  Liner  Metric  Inner Ø d1

        ● 	Compensation of parallelism errors up to 6mm             78)  According to igus  testing method u Page 260                                                                       78)  According to igus  testing method u Page 260
        ● 	Quick assembly even on raw profiles                      82)  Design tips u Page 186                                                                                             82)  Design tips u Page 186
                                                                    Please note: Installation instructions u Page 187                                                                       Please note: Installation instructions u Page 187
                                                                                                                                 ● 	Compensation of parallelism errors up to 6mm
                                                                    Floating bearing u Page 186                                                                                             Floating bearing u Page 186
        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Dimensions [mm]

         d1        H       H1       A       E1       E2      S1       L       A1       H3    Part No.                            d1        H     H1     A      E1    E2     S1      L     A1    H3      W      a   Part No.
                  ±0.01                    ±0.15    ±0.15                                                                                ±0.01                ±0.15  ±0.15                              -1     [°]
         12        18      28       43      32       23      M5       32      20       11    RJUM-06-12-LL                       12       18    24.5    43     32    23     M5     32     20     11    10.2   90   OJUM-06-12-LL
         16        22      35       53      40       26      M6       36      26       11    RJUM-06-16-LL                       16       22    30.5    53     40    26     M6     36     26     11    11.6   90   OJUM-06-16-LL
         20        25      41       60      45       32      M8       45      32      12.5   RJUM-06-20-LL                       20       25    37.0    60     45    32     M8     45     32    12.5   12.0   60   OJUM-06-20-LL
         25        30      50       78      60       40      M10      58      40       15    RJUM-06-25-LL                       25       30    44.0    78     60    40    M10     58     40     15    14.5   60   OJUM-06-25-LL
         30        35      59       87      68       45      M10      68      48       15    RJUM-06-30-LL                       30       35    52.5    87     68    45    M10     68     48     15    16.8   60   OJUM-06-30-LL
         40        45      76      108      86       58      M12      80      62       20    RJUM-06-40-LL                       40       45    69.0   108     86    58    M12     80     62     20    21.0   60   OJUM-06-40-LL
         50        50      89      132      108      50      M16     100      78       24    RJUM-06-50-LL                       50       50    80.0   132    108    50    M16     100    78     24    25.5   60   OJUM-06-50-LL

        Technical data                                                                                                           Technical data
         Part No.                       d1 tolerance 78)           Fmax. static                Weight                            Part No.                  d1 tolerance 78)     Fmax. static     Fmax. static  with       Weight
                                                                   or dynamic 82)                                                                                              or dynamic 82)       load at 180°
                                             [mm]                       [N]                       [g]                                                          [mm]                 [N]                  [N]                 [g]
         RJUM-06-12-LL                  +0.030 +0.088                  560                       50                              OJUM-06-12-LL             +0.030 +0.088            560                 240                  40
         RJUM-06-16-LL                  +0.030 +0.088                  920                       80                              OJUM-06-16-LL             +0.030 +0.088            920                 400                  70
         RJUM-06-20-LL                  +0.030 +0.091                 2,100                      130                             OJUM-06-20-LL             +0.030 +0.091           2,100                900                 115
         RJUM-06-25-LL                  +0.030 +0.091                 3,550                      280                             OJUM-06-25-LL             +0.030 +0.091           3,550               1,520                240
         RJUM-06-30-LL                  +0.040 +0.110                 5,300                      430                             OJUM-06-30-LL             +0.040 +0.110           5,100               2,280                370
         RJUM-06-40-LL                  +0.040 +0.115                 8,000                      850                             OJUM-06-40-LL             +0.040 +0.115           8,000               3,800                750
         RJUM-06-50-LL                  +0.050 +0.150                 12,500                    1,550                            OJUM-06-50-LL             +0.050 +0.150          12,500               6,100               1,400

        Available with drylin  liners (optional: J200/A180):                                                                     Available with drylin  liners (optional: J200/A180):
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        J           E7         X                                                                                                 J          E7         X

        236 Online tools and more information u                                                                  3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u              237
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