Page 241 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  R                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  R
         shaft       drylin  R pillow blocks | Product range                                                                     drylin  R pillow blocks | Product range                                                           shaft
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Open, anodised aluminium housing, long design                                                               Open, anodised aluminium housing, long design
                                                                                                                                 with manual clamp                                       M          KB
                                     W                  S                                                                                                       KL  M        KB         S1
                                     W                  S                                                                                KL                      S1
                                              W                  S                 Order key                                                                            H                       H          Order key
                                    d1                                       Type                Size                                                H1      N2  N1         H1      N2  N1           Type                Size   Version
                                              H  d1                H1  H1                                                                                     ØS2                    ØS2
                                              H   N1  N1  N2  N2            H1
                                  M                    H   N1  S2 N2                                                                                            ØS   W   Ød1            ØS       Ød1
                                            M               S1       S2                                                                                              L
                                                                     S1                                                                      L                                       KL                        M          KB
                                                                                                                                             E2                     E2                                       S1
                                              E2  E2  L  L                                                                                                                                                N2  N1
                                                       E2  L                                  Long design  Inner Ø d1                               E1  A                  E1  A                  H1      ØS2         Long design  Inner Ø d1  Manual clamp
                                     E1                                        Open  iglidur ®  J  Liner  Metric                                                                                       Open  iglidur ®  J  ØS Liner  Metric  Ød1
           0°        90°   180°      A        E1
                                               A                                                                                                                                          L
                                                                    78)  According to igus  testing method u Page 260                                                                     E2  78)  According to igus  testing method u Page 260
                                                                    82)  Design tips u Page 186                                                                                             82)  Design tips u Page 186
                                                                    Please note: Installation instructions u Page 187                                                                       Please note: Installation instructions u Page 187
                                                                                                                                                                                                 E1  A
        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Dimensions [mm]

         d1      H       H1    A    M     E1   E2     S    S1   S2    N1    N2    W     a    L   Part No.                        d1       H      H1   A    M    E1   E2   S    S1   S2   N1   N2   W    L    KL   KB Part No.
             +0.01; -0.014         ±0.02 ±0.15 ±0.15                              -1    [°]                                           +0.01; -0.014       ±0.02 ±0.15 ±0.15                        -1
         12      18      28    43  21.5   32    23   8.0   M5   4.3  16.5   11   10.2  78    39  OJUM-06-12                      12      18      28   43 21.5 32     23   8    M5   4.3 16.5 11 10.2 39      40   33  OJUM-06-12-HK
         16      22      35    53  26.5   40    26  10.0   M6   5.3  21.0   13   11.6  78    43  OJUM-06-16                      16      22      35   53 26.5 40     26   10   M6   5.3  21   13 11.6 43     40   33  OJUM-06-16-HK
         20      25      42    60  30.0   45    32  11.0   M8   6.6  24.0   18   12.0  60    54  OJUM-06-20                      20      25      42   60 30.0 45     32   11   M8   6.6  24   18 12.0 54     40   33  OJUM-06-20-HK
         25      30      51    78  39.0   60    40  15.0 M10    8.4  29.0   22   14.5  60    67  OJUM-06-25                      25      30      51   78 39.0 60     40   15 M10 8.4     29   22 14.5 67     65   46  OJUM-06-25-HK
         30      35      60    87  43.5   68    45  15.0 M10    8.4  34.0   22   16.6  57    79  OJUM-06-30                      30      35      60   87 43.5 68     45   15 M10 8.4     34   22 16.6 79     65   46  OJUM-06-30-HK
         40      45      77   108  54.0   86    58  18.0 M12 10.5 44.0      26   21.0  56    91  OJUM-06-40                      40      45      77  108 54.0 86     58   18 M12 10.5 44      26 21.0 91     65   46  OJUM-06-40-HK
         50      50      88   132  66.0  108    50  20.0 M16 13.5 49.0      34   25.5  54   113  OJUM-06-50                      50      50      88  132 66.0 108    50   20 M16 13.5 49      34 25.5 113    65   46  OJUM-06-50-HK

        Technical data                                                                                                           Technical data
         Part No.          d1 tolerance 78)     Fmax. dynamic 82)            Fmax. static 82)        Weight                      Part No.          d1 tolerance 78)   Fmax. dynamic 82)          Fmax. static 82)   Clamp force Weight
                                                    p = 5MPa                   p = 35MPa                                                                                  p = 5MPa                 p = 35MPa           axial
                                              0º       90º     180º      0º       90º      180º        [g]                                                          0º      90º     180º      0º      90º     180º       [N]       [g]
         OJUM-06-12        +0.030 +0.088     960      635      240      6,720    4,445    1,680        95                        OJUM-06-12-HK     +0.030 +0.088   960      635     240     6720     4445    1680       400      0.098
         OJUM-06-16        +0.030 +0.088     1440     990      396     10,080    6,943    2,772        158                       OJUM-06-16-HK     +0.030 +0.088   1440     990     396     10080    6943    2772       400      0.164
         OJUM-06-20        +0.030 +0.091     2250    1,800     900     15,750   12,600    6,300        266                       OJUM-06-20-HK     +0.030 +0.091   2250    1800     900     15750   12600    6300       400      0.275
         OJUM-06-25        +0.030 +0.091     3625    2.953     1,523   25,375   20,670   10,658       530                        OJUM-06-25-HK     +0.030 +0.091   3625    2953     1523    25375   20670    10658     1,000     0.544
         OJUM-06-30        +0.040 +0.110     5100    4,250     2,278   35,700   29,735   15,946       818                        OJUM-06-30-HK     +0.040 +0.110   5100    4250     2278    35700   29735    15946     1,000     0.832
         OJUM-06-40        +0.040 +0.115     8000    6,810     3,800   56,000   47,660   26,600       1,485                      OJUM-06-40-HK     +0.040 +0.115   8000    6810     3800    56000   47660    26600     1,000     1.513
         OJUM-06-50        +0.050 +0.150    12,500   10,750    6,125   87,500   75,265   42,875       2,750                      OJUM-06-50-HK     +0.050 +0.150  12500    10750    6125    87500   75265    42875     1,000     2.568

        Available with drylin  liners (optional: J200/A180):                                                                     Available with drylin  liners (optional: J200/A180):
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        J           E7         X                                                                                                 J          E7         X

        238 Online tools and more information u                                                                  3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u              239
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