Page 508 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  drive technology | Technical data                                                                                drylin  drive technology | Technical data

                                                    Linear module                                                                   Lead screw with plain bearing support     121)        Ball bearing supported lead screws
         Linear module    Shaft Ø      Thread        Pitch      Lead screw      Carriage length       Motor                        Max.    Max. static,  Max. static,   Max.    Max.    Max.    Max. static,  Max. static,   Max.    Max.
                                                                Self-locking                       connection                      stroke    axial load    radial load  speed  feed    stroke    axial load    radial load  speed  feed
                                                                                                     possible                    length 120)  capacity   capacity             rate   length 120)  capacity   capacity             rate
                            [mm]                                                     [mm]                                           [mm]       [N]          [N]      [rpm]   [m/min]   [mm]        [N]         [N]       [rpm]   [m/min]
                                         TR          14x3            +          150 / 200 / 250         +                           750       1,200       4,600       100     0.3      750        700         2,800      500      1.5
                                         TR          14x4            +          150 / 200 / 250         +                           750       1,200       4,600       100     0.4      750        700         2,800      500      2.0
                                         DS          14x4            +          150 / 200 / 250         +                           750       1,200       4,600       100     0.4      750        700         2,800     1,000     4.0
         SLW-16120           16
                                         DS         14x25            –          150 / 200 / 250         +                           750        600        2,400       100     2.5      750        350         1,400     1,000     25.0
                                         DS         14x30            –          150 / 200 / 250         +                           750        600        1,600       100     3.0      750        350         1,400     1,000     30.0
                                         DS         14x40.6          –          150 / 200 / 250         +                           750        250        1,000       100     4.06     750        250         1,400     1,000     40.6
                                         TR          18x4            +        45 / 150 / 200 / 250      +                           900       1,600       6,400       100     0.4      900        1,250       5,000      500      2.0
                                         DS          18x4            +        45 / 100 / 150 / 200      +                           900       1,600       6,400       100     0.4      900        1,000       4,000      500      2.0
                                         TR         18x8P4           +        45 / 150 / 200 / 250      +                           900       1,200       4,800       100     0.8      900        1,200       4,800      500      2.0
         SLW-2080            20          DS         18x24            –        45 / 150 / 200 / 250      +                           900        800        3,200       100     2.4      900        800         3,200     1,000     24.0
                                         DS         18x40            –        45 / 150 / 200 / 250      +                           900        500        2,000       100     4.0      900        500         2,000     1,000     40.0
                                         DS         18x80            –        45 / 150 / 200 / 250      +                           900        250        1,000       100     8.0      900        250         1,000      900      72.0
                                         DS         18x100           –        45 / 150 / 200 / 250      +                           900        200         800        100     10.0     900        200          800       750      75.0
                                         DS          20x5            –          150 / 200 / 250         +                            –          –           –          –       –      1,000       1,500       6,000     1,000     5.0
                                         DS         20x10            –          150 / 200 / 250         +                            –          –           –          –       –      1,000       1,200       4,800     1,000     10.0
                                         DS         20x20            –          150 / 200 / 250         +                            –          –           –          –       –      1,000      1,000        4,000     1,000     20.0
                                         DS         20x50            –          150 / 200 / 250         +                            –          –           –          –       –      1,000       700         2,800     1,000     50.0
         SLW-25120           25
                                         DS         20x60            –          150 / 200 / 250         +                            –          –           –          –       –      1,000       600         2,800     1,000     60.0
                                         DS         20x80            –          150 / 200 / 250         +                            –          –           –          –       –      1,000       400         1,600     1,000     80.0
                                         DS         20x90            –          150 / 200 / 250         +                            –          –           –          –       –      1,000       300         1,200     1,000     90.0
                                         TR          25x4            +          150 / 200 / 250         +                          1,000      2,500       10,000      100     0.5     1,000      1,500        6,000      500      2.5
                                         TR          8x1.5           +           50 / 60 / 100          +                            –          –           –          –       –       300        100          200       500      0.75
         SAW-0630            6           DS          8x10            –           50 / 60 / 100          +                            –          –           –          –       –       300        100          200      1,000     10.0
                                         DS          8x15            –           50 / 60 / 100          +                            –          –           –          –       –       300        100          200      1,000     15.0
                                         TR          10x2            +               100                +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        100          400       500      1.0
                                         DS          10x2            +               100                +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        500         2,000     1,000     2.0
                                         DS          10x3            –               100                +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        500         2,000     1,000     3.0
         SAW-0660            6
                                         DS         10x12            –               100                +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        100          400      1,000     12.0
                                         DS         10x25            –               100                +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        100          400      1,000     25.0
                                         DS         10x50            –               100                +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        100          400      1,000     3.0
                                         TR          10x2            +           69 / 100 / 150         +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        500         2,000      500      1.0
                                         DS          10x2            +           69 / 100 / 150         +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        500         2,000     1,000     2.0
                                         TR          10x3            +           69 / 100 / 150         +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        500         2,000      500      1.5
                                         DS          10x3            –           69 / 100 / 150         +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        500         2,000     1,000     3.0
         SAW-1040           10
                                         TR          10x4            +           69 / 100 / 150         +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        400         1,600      500      2.0
                                         DS         10x12            –           69 / 100 / 150         +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        300         1,200     1,000     12.0
                                         DS         10x25            –           69 / 100 / 150         +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        250         1,000     1,000     25.0
                                         DS         10x50            –           69 / 100 / 150         +                            –          –           –          –       –       500        100          400      1,000     50.0
        120)  When configuring your linear module, we ask that you note the igus  specifications for maximum stroke lengths. The   121)  Linear modules on plain bearings require an aluminium shaft end support when connected to a motor. The technical
        performance and load specifications shown above for all drive units are based exclusively on stroke lengths within the   values in the specifications are maximum values for each criterion, e.g. speed, stroke length etc.; they are not cumulative
        recommended values. Exceeding these can result in undesirable effects to the function such as increased wear and noise.   values. Suitability under consideration of the individual parameters for usage can be checked online at
        Belt or lead screw contact cannot be excluded, and the rated performance and load specifications may not be attainable.  linearmodule-finder.
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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