Page 528 - IGUS Linear
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drylin                                                                                                                                                                                                                    drylin
         SHT         drylin  SHT | Linear modules | Product range                                                                drylin  SHT | Linear modules | Product range                                                      SHT
         linear                                                                                                                                                                                                                   linear
       modules                                                                                                                                                                                                                   modules
                     Compact design                                                                                              The fast one with dryspin  high helix thread
                            ● 	Design flexibility                                                                                                   ● 	Pitch Ds10x12, Ds10x50,
                            ● 	Ideal for 2 carriages                Order key                                                                         Ds18x100                               Order key
                            ● 	Adjustable bearing clearance                                                                                         ● 	High-speed solution
                            ● 	Accessories available           Order example                                                                        ● 	Accessories available           Order example
                              u Page 613                                                                                                              u Page 613
                            ● 	Lead screw nuts are available                                                                                        ● 	Lead screw nuts are available
                              separately u Page 470                                                                                                   separately u Page 470
                            ● 	Available with motor                                                                                                 ● 	Available with motor                    High helix thread

                                                                   Flexible  Installation size  Shaft material                                                                            Standard  Dimension  Shaft material  Pitch

                                                                                      l + stroke
                                                                                                                                                                                                           l + stroke

                                                                                                                                                                                                d                                l2
                                                                                                                                                                                                d                                 l2
                                                                                                                                       Configurable online                                        T
                                                                                                                                                                                                  T                  E2 E2           d2 d2  E1 E1
               Configurable online
               u                                                                            The complete overview of the available lead                          E3
                                                                                                                                       screw sizes can be found on u Page 510              lt            sg  Al               lt
        Technical data and dimensions [mm]                                                                                                                                                  tk ts lt tk   sg  Al              lt
         Part No.             Max.          Aluminium shaft           Steel shaft       Max. static load capacity                                                                       kt  ts
                                                                                                                                                                                   H    kt
                           stroke length               addit.                  addit.                                                                                               H                                                ha ha
                                           Weight                  Weight                  axial       radial                                                            R                    tg    kq kq  s
                                                     (per 100mm)             (per 100mm)                                                                                          f            tg      s sk
                                                                                                                                                                         R A      f                    sk
                               [mm]          [kg]       [kg]        [kg]       [kg]         [N]         [N]                                                              A
         SHTC-08-AWM           300           0.2        0.05       0.23        0.1         100          360                      Technical data and dimensions [mm]
         SHTC-12-AWM           750           0.7        0.1         0.8        0.2         700         2,800                     Part No.                         Max.               Aluminium shaft           Max. static load capacity
         SHTC-20-AWM          1,000          1.9        0.3         2.3        0.6        1,600        6,400                                                   stroke length
         SHTC-30-AWM          1,250          4.6        0.6         5.8        1.4        2,500       10,000                                                                     Weight     additional (per 100mm)  axial      radial
                                                                                                                                                                  [mm]            [kg]             [kg]           [N]           [N]
         SHTC-40-SWMH         1,500         11.0        0.9        16.0        2.4        4,000       16,000                     SHTS-12-AWM-10x12                 750            1.1              0.1            100          400
         SHTC-50-SWMH         1,500         17.0        1.2        26.3        3.5        6,250       25,000
                                                                                                                                 SHTS-12-AWM-10x50                 750            1.1              0.1            100          400
         Part No.             A     AI     H      E1     E2     I      R      f     lt     tk     ts      tg                     SHTS-20-AWM-18x100               1,000           3.2              0.3            400         1,600
                             -0.3   -0.3         ±0.15  ±0.15                                                                    SHTS-30-AWM-20x5      New        1,000           8.6              0.6           1,000        4,000
         SHTC-08-AWM         65     38     23     55     55    69     32     1.5   15.5    10    5.5    M6x8
         SHTC-12-AWM         85     30     34     70     73    90     42      2     30     11    6.6    M8x18                    Dimensions [mm]
         SHTC-20-AWM         130    36     48    108    115    108    72      2     36     15    9.0   M10x23                    Part No.                      A    AI    H    E1    E2   E3     l    R     f     lt   tk    ts    tg
         SHTC-30-AWM         180    50     68    150    158    150    96      4     50     20    13.5  M16x25                                                                 ±0.15 ±0.15 ±0.15
         SHTC-40-SWMH        230    70     84    202    202    210    122     4     70     20    13.5  M16x40                    SHTS-12-AWM-10x12            85    85   34    70    73   73    145   42    2    30    11   6.6   M6x8
         SHTC-50-SWMH        280    80    100    250    250    240    152     4     80     20    13.5  M16x35                    SHTS-12-AWM-10x50            85    85   34    70    73   73    145   42    2    30    11   6.6   M6x8
                                                                                                                                 SHTS-20-AWM-18x100           130  130   48    108  115   115   202   72    2    36    15   9.0 M10x23
         Part No.              kt       sk       sg       kq       d         T        l2        d2        ha
                                                                                                                                 SHTS-30-AWM-20x5      New    180  180   68    150  158   158   280   96    4    50    20   13.5 M16x25
                              ±0.1                                                           Standard
         SHTC-08-AWM           7        8       M5       4.6       8       Tr6x2      17      Tr6x2       13                     Part No.                       kt     Øs     sk      sg     kq      d      T      l2       d2      ha
         SHTC-12-AWM          6.4       10      M6       6.0       12    Tr10x2 157)  17    Tr10x2 92) 157)  18                                                ±0.1                                                       Standard
         SHTC-20-AWM          8.6       11      M8       7.0       20     Tr18x4      26       12h9       23                     SHTS-12-AWM-10x12             6.4     6.3    10     M6      6.0    12    10x12    17   Ds10x12 92)  18
         SHTC-30-AWM          12.6      18      M12      10.6      30     Tr24x5      38       14h9       36                     SHTS-12-AWM-10x50             6.4     6.3    10     M6      6.0    12    10x50    17   Ds10x50 92)  18
         SHTC-40-SWMH         12.6      20      M16       39       40     Tr26x5      45       16h9       44                     SHTS-20-AWM-18x100            8.6     6.4    11     M8      7.0    20    18x100   26      12h9     23
         SHTC-50-SWMH         12.6      20      M16       49       50     Tr30x6      50       20h9       52                     SHTS-30-AWM-20x5      New     12.6    11     18     M12    10.6    30    Ds20x5   38      14h9     36

        92)  Lead screw end unmachined;  157)  Also available with Tr10x3                                          ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023  92)  Lead screw end unmachined
        526 Online tools and more information u                                                             3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u               527
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