Page 526 - IGUS Linear
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drylin                                                                                                                                                                                                                    drylin
         SHT         drylin  SHT | Linear modules | Product range                                                                drylin  SHT | Linear modules | Product range                                                      SHT
         linear                                                                                                                                                                                                                   linear
       modules                                                                                                                                                                                                                   modules
                     Self-locking                                                                                                Axial pre-load, radial adjustment
                            ● 	Solid design
                            ● 	Various materials for shaft and      Order key                                                                                                                Order key
                              lead screw
                            ● 	Maintenance-free and optionally    Order example                                                                                                        Order example
                            ● 	Tr6x2, Tr10x2, Tr18x4, Tr24x5
                                                                    d                                              l2
                            ● 	Temperature-resistant up to
                              +60°C                                     T                         E2                    d2  E1
                            ● 	Accessories available                     Installation size  Shaft material                                            Pre-loaded trapezoidal lead                Installation size  Shaft material  Clearance-free,
                                                                                                                                                    screw nut
                              u Page 613                          Standard                                                                                                                Standard                pre-loaded
                            ● 	Lead screw nuts are available
                              separately u Page 470                                  E3                                                                  l+Hub
                            ● 	Available with motor           lt                 l + stroke                   lt                             d    l + stroke                          ● 	Pre-loaded trapezoidal lead screw nuts, pre-load
                                                              tk                  sg                                                     d                                               force: 50N
                                                              ts                                                                                                     T
                                                                     d                                   l2                                                   T                E1  A  ● 	Manually and continuously adjustable radial clearance
                                                         kt                                                                          l2                                E1  A            	Lightweight due to aluminium and polymer
                                                                        T                   E2              d2  E1                                                                    ●
                                                   H                                                                             l2                                                   ● 	Lead screw end unmachined
                                                                          kq                                            ha                  E2   E2       E3               lt
                                                                  tg          s                                                      lt  lt         E3              lt         H      ● 	Temperature-resistant up to +60°C
                                     R                                                                                                                    Al
                                                f                             sk  E3                                                                Al                                ● 	Accessories available u Page 613
                                                                 lt                Al                lt                                                        sk    tg     tg        ● 	Lead screw nuts are available separately u Page 470
                                                                 tk             sg                                                            f          sk
                                                                 ts                                                           ha  ha      f                                           ● 	Available with motor
               Configurable online                           kt                                                                                                        kt      kt
               u               kq                                ha                                          sg   sg  tk  ts     ts               Configurable online
                                                                    tg       s                                                                                          tk
                                             R                                                                                                                                               u
                                                      f                      sk
        Technical data                                                                                                           Technical data
         Part No.            Max.          Aluminium shaft            Steel shaft       Max. static load capacity                Part No.              Max.          Aluminium shaft          Steel shaft       Max. static load capacity
                          stroke length                addit.                  addit.                                                               stroke length               addit.                 addit.
                                          Weight                  Weight                   axial       radial                                                       Weight                 Weight                  axial       radial
                                                     (per 100mm)            (per 100mm)                                                                                      (per 100mm)             (per 100mm)
                             [mm]           [kg]       [kg]        [kg]        [kg]         [N]         [N]                                            [mm]          [kg]       [kg]        [kg]        [kg]        [N]         [N]
         SHT-08-AWM          300           0.24        0.05        0.27        0.1         100          360                      SHT-12-AWM-PL         750           1.1        0.1         1.3         0.2        700         2,800
         SHT-12-AWM          750            1.1        0.1         1.3         0.2         700         2,800                     SHT-20-AWM-PL        1,000          3.2        0.3         3.9         0.6        1,600       6,400
         SHT-20-AWM          1,000          3.2        0.3         3.9         0.6        1,600        6,400                     SHT-30-AWM-PL        1,250          8.6        0.6        10.9         1.4        2,500      10,000
         SHT-30-AWM          1,250          8.6        0.6         10.9        1.4        2,500       10,000

        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Dimensions [mm]

         Part No.             A      AI     H      E1     E2     E3      I     R       f     lt     tk     ts                    Part No.             A      AI     H      E1     E2     E3      I     R       f      lt    tk     ts
                             -0.3   -0.3          ±0.15  ±0.15  ±0.15                                                                                -0.3   -0.3          ±0.15  ±0.15  ±0.15
         SHT-08-AWM          65      65     23     52     55     55     96     32     1.5   15.5    10     5.5                   SHT-12-AWM-PL        85     85     34     70     73     73    145     42      2     30     11     6.6
         SHT-12-AWM          85      85     34     70     73     73    145     42     2      30     11     6.6                   SHT-20-AWM-PL       130    130     48    108    115    115    202     72      2     36     15     9.0
         SHT-20-AWM          130    130     48    108    115    115    202     72     2      36     15     9.0                   SHT-30-AWM-PL       180    180     68    150    158    158    280     96      4     50     20    13.5
         SHT-30-AWM          180    180     68    150    158    158    280     96     4      50     20    13.5
                                                                                                                                 Part No.              tg        kt       sk        sg        d         T       l2       d2        ha
         Part No.             tg     kt     Øs      sk     sg     kq      d       T       l2      d2       ha                                                   ±0.1                                                   Standard
                                     ±0.1                                                       Standard                         SHT-12-AWM-PL       M8x18      6.4       10        M6        12    Tr10x2 157)  17  Tr10x2 92) 157)  18
         SHT-08-AWM         M6x8      7     4.2     8      M5     4.6     8     Tr6x2    17      Tr6x2     13                    SHT-20-AWM-PL       M10x23     8.6       11        M8        20     Tr18x4     26      12h9       23
         SHT-12-AWM         M8x18    6.4    5.3     10     M6     6.0     12   Tr10x2 157)  17  Tr10x2 92) 157)  18              SHT-30-AWM-PL       M16x25     12.6      18       M12        30     Tr24x5     38      14h9       36
         SHT-20-AWM        M10x23    8.6    6.4     11     M8     7.0     20    Tr18x4   26      12h9      23                    92)  Lead screw end unmachined;  157)  Also available with Tr10x3
         SHT-30-AWM        M16x25 12.6      11.0    18    M12     10.6    30    Tr24x5   38      14h9      36

        92)  Lead screw end unmachined;  157)  Also available with Tr10x3                                          ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
        524 Online tools and more information u                                                             3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u               525
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