Page 538 - IGUS Linear
P. 538

drylin  SLW | Linear modules | Advantages                                                                                drylin  SLW | Linear modules | Product overview
        Modular design                                                                                                           Flat and torsion-resistant

                                                              Lubrication-free linear
                                      Shaft end supports are
                                        made from anodised                                        ®
                                      aluminium or from zinc    modules - drylin  SLW
                                                              Torsion-resistant aluminium double shaft rails with
                                   Lead screw mounted with    many carriage versions characterise the drylin  W                  SLW linear module - compact                          SLWE-PL linear module, pre-load
                                        plain or ball bearings  product range, and form a well rounded modular                    	High torsional stability, fully supported            	Lubrication-free and precise
                                                              kit for the drylin  SLW linear modules. The modules                ●                                                    ●
                                                  drylin  W    are low profile, as well as robust. The drylin  SLW               ● 	Cost-effective                                    ● 	Pre-loaded trapezoidal lead screw nut
                                                                                                                                                                                         (pre-load force: 50N)
                                                                                                                                  	 Shaft end supports made from zinc, anodised
                                         linear guide system  linear modules are ideal for manual adjustments,                   ●  aluminium or plastic (depending on installation size)  	Manually adjustable radial clearance, reduction of the
                                                              but can also be fitted with a motor to make an                                                                          ●
                                                                                                                                                                                         axial clearance
                                Lubrication and maintenance-  electrical linear actuator.                                        u Page 538                                           u Page 541
                                  free drylin  lead screw nuts  ● 	Variable carriage widths and lengths
                                                              ● 	 Flat drylin  guide rails or
                                      Mounting plates made      high profile
                                    from anodised aluminium   ● 	 Corrosion-resistant option made of stainless
                                                                steel available

                                    Fully configured carriages    Typical application areas
                                 with four drylin  W individual    ● 	Format and lane adjustments
                                       bearing housings with   ● 	Packaging technology                                           SLWE-BB linear module, ball bearing                  SLWS linear module with dryspin  
                                  lubrication-free drylin  liners  ● 	Height adjustments                                         ● 	Efficient and dynamic                             high helix technology
                                                              ● 	3D printer                                                      ● 	Quiet, reduced clearance                          ● 	Fast positioning
                                        Lead screw material:   ● 	Camera adjustment                                              ● 	Up to 1,500rpm (depending on length and load)     ● 	High-helix lead screw drives
                                       steel or stainless steel                                                                  u Page 543                                           ● 	Up to 100mm stroke per rotation
                                                                                                                                                                                      u Page 544
                                                                    Available in 3-8 days
                                          Drive: Self-locking       Detailed information about delivery time online.
                                        trapezoidal thread or
                                  fast adjust high helix thread     Price breaks online
                                                                    No minimum order value. No minimum order quantity
                                     For manual adjustments,
                                   large range of accessories       Carriage lengths: 60-250mm
                                       available u Page 613         Carriage widths: 54-195mm
                                                                    Stroke lengths: up to 1,250mm

                                          Configurable with         Product finder
                                                motor as a          u
                                            ready-to-install                                                                     SLW-ES linear module - stainless steel               Linear module special designs
                                                linear drive                                                                     version                                              ● 	 SLW with protect mechanism for applications
                                                                                                                                 ● 	With corrosion-resistant steel components            with high levels of dirt
                                                                                                                                 ● 	 Choice of bearing material: iglidur  J (standard),    ● 	High flexibility through SLWT with double lead screw
                                                                                                                                   iglidur  A180 (FDA-compliant), iglidur  X          ● 	XY table solutions
                                                                                                                                   (high temperature up to +150°C)                    u Page 551
                                                                                                                                 ● 	For environments involving contact with water and
                                                                                                                                 u Page 548
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        536 Online tools and more information u                                                            3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u                537
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