Page 543 - IGUS Linear
P. 543

drylin                                                                                                    drylin
 SLW   drylin  SLW | Linear modules | Product range New  drylin  SLW | Linear modules | Product range       SLW
 linear                                                                                                    linear
 modules                                                                                                  modules
 With short carriages  Axial pre-load, radial adjustment
 ● 	For small installation spaces  ● 	Radial and axial pre-load
 ● 	Save up to 70%    Order key  ● 	Manual adjustable clearance       Order key
 installation space with a short   ● 	High torsional stability
 linear carriage  Order example  ● 	Fully supported             Order example
 ● 	Ideal for multi-carriage or right/  ● 	Aluminium drylin  W guide rails,
 left opposite drives          hard-anodised
                             ● 	Accessories available
                               u Page 613
                             ● 	Lead screw nuts are available            Adjustable clearance
                               separately u Page 470
 Flexible  Dimension         ● 	Available with motor               Compact      Dimension  Clearance-free,    pre-loaded

 Select versions and accessories online  l2  tk  Select versions and accessories online
 u  s  ts  u
 A  sg
 sk  kq  tg                                                                       l + stroke
 E1  l + stroke
 l + Hub
 d2  A  A
 A  l2  tk
 A  s  d2  E1  A
 A  d  E2  sg                                                       lb                                      lb
 Al  sk  kq  tg  H
 Al  lt
 E1  l + Hub  lt
 d2  ha
 Technical data u Similar to SLW, page 538  l2 Technical data u Similar to SLW, page 538
 Dimensions [mm]  lt  Dimensions [mm]
 Part No.  A  AI  H  E1  lt  E2  l  hw  f  lt  tk  ts  Part No.  A  AI 94)  H  E1  E2  E3  l  hw  f  lt  Ib  tk  ts
 -0.3  -0.3  ±0.15  ±0.15  +0.1  +0.1  -0.3  -0.3  ±0.15  ±0.15  ±0.15
 SLWC-0630  New  54  20  20  40  45  60  18  1.2  20  11  6.2  SLWE-1040-PL   74  69  29  60  60  56  113  24  1.5  22  11  11  6.8
 SLWC-1040  New  74  29  29  60  60 Al  73  24  1.5  22  11  6.8  SLWE-1080-PL   108  100  29  94  94  87  144  24  1.5  22  11  11  6.8
 SLWC-1660  New  104  36  37  84  86  86  35  1.5  25  15  9.0  l + Hub  SLWE-10120-PL New  154  100  29  140  140  87  144  24  1.5  22  11  11  6.8
 SLWC-2080  New  134  45  46  116  E2 116  101  44  1.5  28  15  8.6  SLWE-1660-PL   104  100  37  84  86  82  150  35  1.5  25  12.5  15  9.0
 SLWC-25120 New  200  58  T  60  173  173  128  55  2.5  35  20  13.5  sk  s  SLWE-2080-PL   134  150  46  116  116  132  206  44  1.5  28  14  15  8.6
 d  kq  sg
 Part No.  tg  kt  Øs  sk  sg  kq  d  T  l2  d2  d2  ha  Part No.  tg  kt  Øs  sk  sg  kq  d  T  l2  d2     ha
 ±0.1  lt  Standard  Optional            ±0.1                                                     Standard
 SLWC-0630  New  M8x12  8.0  4.5  7.0  M4  2.0  6  Tr08x1.5 15  Tr08x1.5  –  9.5  SLWE-1040-PL   M8x10  6.4  6.6  9.5  M6  4.4  10  Tr10x2  17  Tr10x2 92)  14.5
 SLWC-1040  New  M8x10  6.4  6.6  9.5  M6  4.4  10  Tr10x2  17  Tr10x2  6 h9  14.5  tg  ts  tk  M8x10  6.4  6.6  9.5  M6  4.4  10  Tr10x2  17  Tr10x2 92)  14.5
 SLWC-1660  New M10x20  8.6  9.0  11.0  M8  5.5  16  Tr14x4  20  Tr14x4  8 h9  18.5  SLWE-10120-PL New  M8x10  M8  6.4  9.5  M6  4.4  10  Tr10x2  17  Tr10x2 92)  14.5
 SLWC-2080  New M10x15  8.6  9.0  14.0  M8  5.5  20  Tr18x4  26  12 h9  –  23.0  SLWE-1660-PL   M10x20  8.6  9.0  11.0  M8  5.5  16  Tr14x4  20  Tr14x4 92)  18.5
 SLWC-25120 New M16x30 12.6  11.0  15.0  M8  5.0  25  Tr24x5  38  12 h9  14 h9  30.0  SLWE-2080-PL   M10x15  8.6  9.0  14.0  M8  5.5  20  Tr18x4  26  12 h9  23.0
 ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023  92)  Lead screw end unmachined;   Carriages also in 100, 150, 200 and 250mm lengths available upon request

 540 Online tools and more information u       3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u  541
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