Page 558 - IGUS Linear
P. 558

        drylin       drylin  SAW | Linear modules | Product range                                                                drylin  SAW | Linear modules | Product range                                                     drylin
         SAW                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SAW
                     Robust design                                                                                               Reduced clearance with pretension in lead screw support and lead
                                                                                                                                 screw nut
                         ● 	Trapezoidal or high helix threads
                         ● 	Ball bearing supported lead screw                                                                                         ● 	Lubrication and maintenance-free
                         ● 	Rail profile in high design, extremely                                                                                    ● 	Quiet, reduced backlash
                            torsion-resistant                                                                                                         ● 	Trapezoidal or high helix threads
                         ● 	Aluminium drylin  W guide rails,                                                                                          ● 	3 carriage lengths (100/150/200mm)
                            hard-anodised  E6                tk  ts            A-A ( 1 : 1.5 )              l2                                          with spring-loaded second lead   tk  ts        A-A ( 1 : 1.5 )              l2
                         ● 	High strength               kt                                                                                              screw nut                kt
                         ● 	Cost-effective and 100% lubrication-           kq                                                                         ● 	Liners made from wear-resistant           kq
                            free   ha                                                                                                                   high-performance polymers
                         ● 	Accessories available u Page 613  tg           f    sg sk     hw                                                          ● 	For manual and electric adjustment  tg     f   sg sk      hw
                         ● 	Lead screw nuts are available                                                                                               even in multi-axis linear robots
                            separately u Page 470                                 Al                                                                                                                      Al
                                                            lt                                          lt                                                                           lt                                          lt
                                                           lb                     E3                     lb                                                                         lb                    E3                     lb
                                                                            E2                                                                                                                      E2
                                                                      d                                                                                                                       d
                                                                    T                                                                                                                       T
                                                                                                               d2                                                                                                                      d2
                                                        E1                                                                                                                      E1

                                                                                 l + stroke                                                                                                              l + stroke
                                                             tk                                                                                                                      tk
                                                                                                                                                                                                        A-A (1 : 1.5)
                                                                                A-A (1 : 1.5)
                                          E6                    ts             A-A ( 1 : 1.5 )              l2                                                    E6                    ts             A-A ( 1 : 1.5 )              l2
                                  A                                                                                                                       A
                                                         kt                                                                                                                      kt
                                                  E5                                                                                                                      E5
                                 H                                         kq                                                                            H                                         kq
                                   ha                                                                                                                      ha
                                  A                           tg            f   sg                                                                        A                            tg           f   sg
                                          A                                     sk         hw                                                                     A                                     sk         hw
        Technical data                                                                                                           Technical data
         Part No.    Max. stroke length  Weight    Additional lt  Max. rotational speed  Max. static load capacity               Part No.      Max.  stroke length  Weight   Additional  Max. rotational speed  Max. static load capacity
                                                           lb                     E3                     lb                                                                         lb                    E3                     lb
                            [mm]           [kg]    (per 100mm)      T  d  [rpm] E2       axial [N]    radial [N]                                      [mm]           [kg]    (per 100mm)    T  d  [rpm]           axial [N]   radial [N]
         SAW-0630           300            0.5         0.1             1,000              100          400     d2                SAW-1080-PL          750            1.9        0.2              1,500             750         2,000   d2
         SAW-0660           500            0.9         0.1             1,000              100          400                                                                      E1
         SAW-1040           500            1.0         0.1             1,500              500         2,000
         SAW-1080           750            1.9         0.2             1,500              750         2,000

         SAW-1660           750            2.8         0.5             1,500     l + stroke  750      3,000                                                                                              l + stroke
        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Dimensions [mm]
         Part No.     A        AI      H    E1   E2      E3      E5   E6        l       lc  hw    f    lt   Ib                   Part No.          A     AI    H     E1    E2     E3    E5    E6     l     lc    hw     f     lt    Ib
                      -0.3    -0.3         +0.15 +0.15  +0.15                                                                                     -0.3  -0.3        +0.15  +0.15  +0.15
         SAW-0630     54     60/100    32   40   45     51/91    11   23    112/152    92    30  13.5  26   10                   SAW-1080-PL      108   100    58    94    94     87    –      –    163  131.5   49   22.5  31.5 15.75
         SAW-0660     85      100      38   71   76      91       –    –      156       –    34  13.7  28   –
         SAW-1040     74  69/100/150 50     60   60   56/87/137  20   40 129/160/210 91      45  22.5  30   19
         SAW-1080    108      100      58   94   94      87       –    –      163     131.5 49   22.5 31.5 15.75
         SAW-1660    104      150      77   84   86      132     20   40      220      175   72  38.5  35  22.5

         Part No.     tk    ts     tg     kt    sk    sg    kq     d        T        l2         d2         ha                    Part No.          tk    ts    tg    kt    sk     sg    kq     d      T      l2         d2         ha
                                         ±0.1                               Ø                                                                                        ±0.1                             Ø
         SAW-0630     11    6.6    –      20    –     M4    10      5    Tr8x1.5    15        Tr8x1.5     21.5                   SAW-1080-PL      11    6.8 M8x20    18    9.5   M6     3.5   10   Tr12x3   17    Tr12x3 Ø8 h9 113)  37.5
         SAW-0660      –     –   M8x12    20    7     M4     2      6     Tr10x2    15        Tr10x2      23.0                   113)  Lead screw end unmachined, also available with machined end
         SAW-1040     11    6.8  M8x20   6.4    9.5   M6    3.5    10     Tr10x2    17    Tr10x2 Ø6 h9 113)  35.5
         SAW-1080     11    6.8  M8x20    18    9.5   M6    3.5    10     Tr12x3    17    Tr12x3 Ø8 h9 113)  37.5
         SAW-1660     15    9.0 M10x29 8.6      11    M8    5.5    16     Tr14x4    20    Tr14x4 Ø8 h9 113)  59.0

        113)  Lead screw end unmachined, also available with machined end                                          ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
        556 Online tools and more information u                                                            3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u                557
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