Page 620 - IGUS Linear
P. 620

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                     Position indicator - safe reproducibility                                                                   Digital position indicator for even more exact settings
        To keep downtime to a minimum and make adjustments quickly, the indicator is used to create repeatable values. These can                                                             Order key
        be shipped from stock for almost any linear units, in the required counting and viewing direction and in a variety of colours.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Order example
                                                                    Order key

                                                               Order example

        ● 	Plastic analogue indicator for adjustment and direct                                                                                                                           Standard  Installation size  Display orientation  Decimal places  Counting direction  Housing colour  Material
           reading of carriage position                                  Installation size  Display orientation  Decimal places  Counting direction  Housing colour                                            Pitch
        ● 	Counter with 3 (P1), 4 (P3) or 5 (P6) digits (red digit to   Standard                         Material  Material
           indicate tenths)                                                         Pitch                                        The electronic position indicator (battery operated) for   Options:
        ● 	Can be combined with manual clamps and hand wheels                                                                    drylin  linear modules can be programmed by the factory   Display orientation
        ● 	Reduction sleeves included                         Options:                                                           for the individual thread pitch. Ideal for use with dryspin    E02: Standard: Display orientation 0°
        ● 	Suitable adapter plate available u Page 687        Display orientation      Counting direction                        high helix lead screws. LCD display with 5 digits and special   E04: Display orientation rotated by 180°
                                                              A:  Display orientation 0°  DX: clockwise                          characters, long battery life and easy battery change without
        Installation options
                                                              B:  Display orientation    SX: anti-clockwise                      removal of the device.
                                                                 180° (optional)       Housing colour                            ● 	Electronic digital display
                                                              Pitch                    O:  Orange                                ● 	5-digit LCD display
                                                              < 10.00: One decimal     Material                                  ● 	Features such as incremental adjustment, offset and
                                                                 place                 ES:  Hollow stainless steel                 reset, operated via keys on the position indicator
        0 degrees    90 degrees  180 degrees 270 degrees      > 10.00: No decimal place    shaft made from                       ● 	Battery life 8 years
                                                              Decimal places               (optional)                            ● 	Battery change without any tools
        Display orientation
                                                              1:  One decimal place                                              ● 	Increase counting in either direction, clockwise or anti-
                                                                 (red digit)                                                       clockwise
                                                              0:  No decimal place                                               ● 	Display orientation standard or through 180°
                                                                 (red digit)
                                                                                                                                 Note: reduction sleeves included in delivery
                    A                   B (optional)
                 Standard         for vertical fitting position:
                                     display turned 180°
        Technical data [mm]                                                                   66                                 Technical data

         Position    Digits   Decimal  ID hollow Reduction                    46                                                 Part No.                      Rotational speed       Weight          Temperature      Protection class
         indicator             places    shaft   sleeves        33                                                                                                   [rpm]               [g]               [°C]
                                           Ø        Ø                                                                            SHT-P3-E02-2.00-1-DX-O-S             600                60            -10 … +60             IP51
         SHT-P1        3         1         8     6 + 6.35            22             32                48
         SHT-P3        4         1        14    10 + 12.00
         SHT-P6        5         1        20    14 + 16.00
                                                                26            33
        Dimensions [mm]                                                                       50.5

         Position        H            B            T
         SHT-P1         33           22          26.0               P1              P3                 P6
         SHT-P3         46           32          33.0            SLW-0630         all other         SHTC-40
         SHT-P6         66           48          50.5           SHTP-01-06     linear systems       SHTC-50        ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        618 Online tools and more information u                                                   3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u       619
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