Page 632 - IGUS Linear
P. 632

drylin  | Motors | Product explanation                                                                                   drylin  | Motors | Product explanation
        Various NEMA stepper motor options                                                                                       NEMA dimensions

                                                                                                                                 NEMA stands for "National Electrical Manufacturers   DC spur gear
                                                                                                                                 Association", an American standardisation organisation   DC motors have the drive shaft below the centre of the motor
                                                                                                                                 comparable to the German DIN  Institute or the ISO   because of the spur gear. The motors can be operated with
                                                                                                                                 (International Standard Organization).               batteries and the direction of rotation changed by simply
                                                                                                                                 Since NEMA is an American association, its dimensions   reversing polarity.
        Motor with stranded wire                              Motor with connector
        Motors with stranded wires are the least expensive and   The connector interface provides a high IP65 protection         are imperial. The motors are divided into different sizes
        the most common stepper motors. The connecting wires   level (IP: International Protection). The higher the IP rating,   according to their edge dimensions (flange dimensions).   DC planetary gearbox
        (length 30cm) for this type exit from the housing and will be   the better the motor is protected from the ingress of dirt   Rounding errors occur during conversion from inches to   DC motors have the drive shaft in the centre of the motor
        configured with a JST connector. They are usually installed   and water.                                                 millimetres.                                         because of the planetary gearbox. The motors can be
        in machines and equipment that have an additional housing                                                                                                                     operated with batteries and the direction of rotation changed
        or are used in clean environments.                                                                                       Shaft stepper motors                                 by simply reversing polarity.
                                                                                                                                 Shaft stepper motors from igus  are maintenance-free
                                                                                                                                 and durable. They are available in various sizes and   DC protect
                                                                                                                                 extendable with two connectors, brakes and encoders.   DC protect motors can have spur gears or planetary
                                                                                                                                 The shaft stepper motors are available in installation sizes:   gearboxes as desired. The motors can be operated with
                                                                                                                                 NEMA11, 17, 23, 23, 24 and 34 - with flange dimensions   batteries and the direction of rotation changed by simply
                                                                                                                                 28mm, 42mm, 56mm, 60mm and 86mm. The motors          reversing polarity. The protective housing achieves an IP41
                                                                                                                                 work at temperatures between -10 and +50°C. Thanks to   protection class.
                                                                                                                                 a standardised electrical connection, shaft stepper motors
        Motor with connector and encoder                      Motor with connector, encoder and brake                                                        ®
        The encoder (for increased machine reliability) sends signals   The brake can hold the payload in position when the motor   are not only compatible with igus  motor control systems,   DC motors with spline
        from the motor to the motor control. The encoder verifies   is not under power. This is used as a safety feature during   but also to most commonly available control systems of   DC motors with spline are driven after the worm gear with
        that the required linear motion has occurred precisely as   power failures - recommended for vertically mounted          other manufacturers.                                 two different plug-in shafts. The motors can be operated
        required.                                             systems.                                                                                                                with batteries and the direction of rotation changed by
                                                                                                                                 Lead screw stepper motors                            simply reversing polarity. The protective housing achieves
                                                                                                                                 Lead screw stepper motors from igus  are maintenance-  an IP41 protection class. The motors also have a Hall
               All motors are delivered with a machined
               flat motor shaft (D-cut) for increased torque                                                                     free and durable. They are available in various sizes and   sensor that ensures greater machine reliability.
               resistance.                                                                                                       extendable with encoders. The lead screw stepper motors
                                                                                                                                 are available in installation sizes: NEMA11, 17 and 23 - with   Linear actuator
                                                                                                                                 flange dimensions 28mm, 42mm and 56mm. The motors    Linear actuators are an interaction of lead screw stepper
                                                                                                                                 work at temperatures between -10 and +50°C. Thanks to   motor with lead screws and motors. In the igus  product
        Installation sizes of NEMA stepper motors                                                                                a standardised electrical connection, lead screw stepper   range, they are available in installation sizes: NEMA11,
                                                                                                                                 motors are not only compatible with igus  motor control   17 and 23 - with flange dimensions 28mm, 42mm and
        NEMA11: tiny but with plenty of power                 NEMA24: power motor in medium installation size                    systems, but also to most commonly available control   56mm. Thanks to a standardised electrical connection,
        This motor has very compact dimensions. Even so, heavy   A development extension of the typical NEMA23 with nearly       systems of other manufacturers.                      shaft stepper motors are not only compatible with igus
        loads can be moved with a suitable lead screw pitch. This   twice the torque. The assembly dimensions are identical to                                                        motor control systems, but also to most commonly available
        motor is typically used on small test and analysis equipment   the NEMA23, allowing many applications.                   EC/BLDC motors                                       control systems of other manufacturers.
        and miniature adjustments.                                                                                               igus  brushless DC motors are always delivered with three
                                                              NEMA34: the power pack in large installation size                  Hall sensors. Encoder and brake are also configured.
        NEMA17: small, but lots of power                      Applications with higher loads are implemented using the           Carbon brushes are eliminated, allowing up to 30,000
        This little motor has impressive torque and high RPMs.   largest installation size. Heavy-duty format adjustments or     operating hours despite speeds of up to 3,000rpm.
        Reliable operation at fast travel with low loads.     parallel dual axis setups are among its primary duties.

        NEMA23: the best known stepper motor size
        Versatile choice due to the high torque and rotational speed.
        This motor is the best choice for most applications with
        medium loads.
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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