Page 741 - IGUS Linear
P. 741

 Low Cost   drygear  Apiro  | Robotics kit New  drygear  strain wave gear | Product range New            Low Cost
 Automation                                                                                              Automation
 One robot gear set for eight systems  drygear  strain wave gear output shaft
 Apiro  robot modular gearbox systems now available as a                              ®
 starter kit. Assemble your own robot - includes instructions.  ● 	Lightweight due to igus  high-performance polymers
                                                                 	Extremely compact for integration into robotics
 ● 	Lightweight due to igus  high-performance polymers         ● 	All-round improved performance and running
 ● 	Infinite combination options                                  performance
 ● 	Individual kinematics can be implemented                   ● 	A direct output shaft enables the connection of
 ● 	Easy assembly with the help of instructions                   various couplings such as shaft couplings, elastomer
 ● 	Motor and magnet picker included in delivery, control   Gearbox technology  couplings, metal ball couplings
 system available upon request                                                                    T

                                       L2     T2                        B                         T2
                                                                          G1                         T1

 Part No. RL-A9.0200                                    B1                      B3  B      B1                 D1  D2

                                                 G2                     B2                  G2     G2
          Dimensions [mm]
          Part No.                   B     B1    B2     B3     D1    D2     G1    G2     L1     T     T1    T2
                                                               Ø      Ø
          RL-S-17-28-AA-02 New       42    15     18    31    8 h7  26 h7 M3x4 M4x4      20   38.5    8.6  33.6


 Apiro  room linear robot  Apiro  flat linear robot  Apiro  mini articulated robot
           H  B1

          Part No.                               Design              B    B1    L1     L2     L3     H   Weight

          RL-S-17-28-AA-N11-00 New          With stranded wire      42.0 28.0   47.5  87.4   98.6  30.5    352
          RL-S-17-28-AA-N11-01 New            With connector        42.0   –    67.5  107.4 118.6 41.0     375
          RL-S-17-28-AA-N11-02 New     With stranded wire and encoder 42.0 28.0  57.5  97.4  108.6 30.5    361
 Apiro  pusher  Apiro  2-axis picker  Apiro  3-axis picker  RL-S-17-28-AA-N17-00 New  With stranded wire  42.0  –  49.0  83.4  94.6  46.0  553
          RL-S-17-28-AA-N17-01 New            With connector        42.0 60.0   70.4  104.8 116.0 55.0     602
          RL-S-17-28-AA-N17-02 New     With stranded wire and encoder 42.0 60.0  70.4  104.8 116.0 55.0    629
          RL-S-17-28-AA-N17-03 New With connector, encoder and brake 42.0 60.0 106.4 140.8 152.0 55.0      759

                                                               Optional couplings:
                                                               All drylin  E couplings for Ø8 shaft
                                                               Standard motor option:
                                                               Stepper motor, DC motor, BLDC motor

 Apiro  360° picker  Apiro  SCARA

 ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

 Example image  Delivery time
                2-3 days
 738 Online tools and more information u     3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u  739
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