Page 93 - IGUS Linear
P. 93

drylin  W                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  W
        profile      drylin  W profile guides | Product range New                                                                drylin  W profile guides | Product range New                                                     profile
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Linear sliding carriage directly replace ball bearing guide                                                 Slim linear carriages
                                                                    Order key                                                                                                                Order key
                                       Dimensions identical to  Type                                                                                                                   Type

                                            recirculating ball guides

                                              A  A2
                                                                  Guide carriage  C2  Rail width [mm]  Installation size  Aluminium                                                        Guide carriage, slim  Rail width [mm]  Aluminium

                           K2                                           Shaft Ø  C                                                                                                                 Shaft Ø    Length

          A  A2                                                                   H
                                                                                                                                                                                 A2  A

                                   C2                                                                                                                       C2
                                    C                                                                                                                       C
        Technical data and dimensions [mm]
         Part No.                  H       A      C      A1     A2     C2      K2      st     H1      Weight                                                  y  x
                          st                                                                                                                         H2   !  Coz-  z
                                             H                                                          [g]
         WW-10-30-T15-AL New       24     47     59      8.5    38      30     M5      6     1.5       87.8                                    WS-...
         WW-10-30-T20-AL New       30     63     79     11.5    53      40     M6     10     1.5       210.0
                                                                                                                                 Technical data and dimensions [mm]
        Linear sliding carriage directly replace ball bearing guide - made of stainless steel                                    Part No.                  A      C    A2    C2   K2    H2    Weight          Static load capacity

                                                                                                                                                          Width  Length                 ±0.25          Coy    Coz    Mox    Moy   Moz
                                                                    Order key                                                                                                                   [kg]    [N]    [N]    [N]   [N]    [N]
                                                                                                                                 WWS-10-30-10-AL New       47    100   10    87   M6    24     0.15    2,400 1,200    36    85     85
                                                               Type                                                              WWS-16-60-15-AL New       84    150   27   132   M8    35     0.45    4,200 2,100   120    240    240

                                                                  Guide carriage  Shaft Ø  Rail width [mm]  Installation size  Stainless steel  iglidur ®  material  A160:  ®

                                                                                                    iglidur  A160

        Technical data and dimensions [mm]                                                            iglidur  E7

         Part No.                      H      A      C     A1     A2     C2     K2     st    H1       Weight
         WW-10-30-T15-ES2-     New     24     47     59    8.5    38     30     M5     6     1.5       0.25
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
         WW-10-40-T20-ES2-     New     30     63     79    11.5   53     40     M6     10    1.5       0.60

        90     Online tools and more information u                                                              3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u                91
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