Page 88 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  W                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  W
        profile      drylin  W profile guides | Product range                                                                    drylin  W profile guides | Product range                                                         profile
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     High profile rails, round, hard-anodised aluminium                                                          Round double rails, made of stainless steel
                                                                    Order key                                                                                                                Order key

                                                               Type                 Length                                                                                             Type


                                                                 Profile rail  Shaft Ø                                                 Installation size 10-20                                 Shaft Ø   K1                 C3          A3
                WSX-10-40              WSX-16-60                     High profile rail  Rail width [mm]  Rail length [mm]                                                                Profile rail, round  Rail width [mm]  Stainless steel  Precision casting   C1

                                                                                                                                       Housing and shaft support material
                                                                                                                                       AISI 316
                                                                                                                                       Shaft material AISI 316Ti
                               b          A1
                                                                                                                                                                                      da                                                   A2   A
                           da                                                                                                          Installation size 25
                                                                                                                                       Shaft, shaft support
                                                                                                                                       and housing material AISI 316Ti               C6                                C4                 C5
           h2                  X   Y              h                                                                                                                C1
              nh                                                                                                                                                   C3                                                   y
                                                                                                                                             K1                               A3                       B                    x
                                     n                                                                                                                                                                  K2                   z
                               nb                                                                                                                                                                                      !  Coz-
                                                                                                                                   da                                           A2   A
                               a                                                                                                                                                                                 h
                                                                                                                                                                                             K3                                   H
                                                                                                                 L                                                                                                            h2
                                                                                                                                  C6                           C4              C5
                                                                                                  K1                                                    L                                                      a

                                                                                                                                                 B                 x
        Technical data and dimensions [mm]                                                                                       Technical data and dimensions [mm]

                                                                                                                                                               !  Coz-
         Part No.    Weight   H 57)  da    di     L     a     A1    b     h    h2    Øs   K1    C1    C3   G1                    Part No.                Weight    H    57)  da     L       a      b       h       h2      A       A2
                              ±0.25  -0.1        max.          s                                                                         K3               h       ±0.25   H  h9   max.     -0.3
                      [kg/m]                                                                                                                              [kg/m]     h2
         WSX-10-40     1.3     39    10     6   4,000  38.2  16.5   40   26.5  30    60   M6    29    16    30                   WS-10-30-ES       New  a  1.53    24      10     3,000    30      30      5.5     9       47      38
         WSX-10-80     2.0     39    10     6   4,000  72.2  16.5   74   26.5  30    94   M6    29    16    47                   WS-10-40-ES-FG           1.58     18      10     3,000    40      40      5.5     9       73      60
         WSX-16-60     4.2     65    16     6   4,000  62.0  25.0   58   49.0  52   100   M8    36    18    50

         Part No.        nh       n      nb      X       Y         Surface inertia-           Moment of                       C3 Part No.                     C4           C5           C5           C6            C6         K1 for
                                                                      moment                  resistance                      C1                                          min.         max.          min.         max.        screw
                                                                   ly           lz         Wby         Wbz                                                                                                                    DIN 912
                                                                  [mm ]       [mm ] 4      [mm ]       [mm ]                     WS-10-30-ES                 120           30          30.0           30          30.0          M6
         WSX-10-40       15.5    5.2     9.5     23     16.0     97,560      54,910       3,902        3,074                     WS-10-40-ES-FG              120           20          79.5           20          79.5          M6
         WSX-10-80       15.5    5.2     9.5     55     16.0    483,653      83,613       11,515       4,684                     57)  Height dimension minus the bearing clearance tolerance
         WSX-16-60       27.6    10.0   15.4     40     27.0    540,876      773,489      14,618      24,586
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
        57)  Height dimension minus the bearing clearance tolerance

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